Photo collage from this year's ATV Fundraiser and Poker Run. This year's event was an unqualified success! Folks -- young and old -- came from all over the province to participate! Thank you to everyone who came out, to our sponsors, to Brian Simon singing Johnny Cash, to Jeff McGirr for your article in and to volunteers especially the Lion Master Chefs who roasted that incredibly delicious side of beef for that incredibly delicious dinner. Congratulations to all prize winners. Funds raised at this big event put the Club at its goal to help get thermal imaging equipment (hot spot detectors) for the Township Fire Hall.
Thank You Again Everyone for Your Support!
The Hall was packed....Everyone came out in the most amazing costumes, which really set the mood for a world-class Medieval Night again this year. The Club raised over $700 in donations collected throughout the evening. ALL proceeds raised go towards the purchase of the "hotspot" detector the Club is saving for, to donate to the Township Fire Department. A tough goal to reach because this equipment is expensive, but it saves lives and is well worth the over 800 hours of volunteerism that went into this year's production. Outgoing Lion President Gary thanked Guests for making Medieval Night such a big success throughout the years and he spoke about how humbled he was by the generous support of the community. He introduced, to a rousing round of applause, a new event planned for the Fall -- Octoberfest. Stay tuned..........
On February 14, 2015, the Bonfield and District Lions Club hosted its Annual Ice-Fishing Derby on Lake Nosbonsing. Besides being a big fundraiser for us, it also gets the community together on the Family Day Long Weekend.
Thanks to Lion Stan "the Man" for organizing another successful event again this year. That was amazing. It was pretty cold out there, for sure.
Thanks to all who came out to participate. Thanks to those who donated prizes and thanks to the Lions who prepared and served Chili, Hot Dogs and Coffee in the Big Top Tent. Not to leave anyone out, of course, thanks to those Lions who stopped by to brave the cold at weigh in!
Congratulations to all winners!!!!
On January 11, 2015, the Bonfield and District Lions Club hosted a Community Service Breakfast. The Club's breakfast formed part of the global effort during the Lions Worldwide Week of Service to celebrate of the anniversary of the birthday of the founder of Lions International, Melvin Jones.
It was a snowy morning but turnout was steady from the time the doors opened at 8 am. In total about 50 people stopped by for pancakes and eggs, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Thanks for coming out to help us mark this occasion!!!
Breakfast with Santa - 2014
Thank you for Your Donations, Pledges and Support!
$33,000 was raised this year!
The 2014 Lions CTV Children's Christmas Telethon was held Saturday, December 6, at the Cannadore College TV Studio in North Bay. This marks the 68th year for the Telethon in the region. Funds raised go to make sure Christmas reaches every child.
The Telethon is a widely recognized and welcome tradition in the Nipissing District. It is a collaboration of CTV with area Lions clubs, countless students and volunteers, all working tirelessly together. Local talent is featured and viewers tuning in to donate are entertained by some remarkable acts.
The Bonfield and District Lions always step up for the Telethon. This year, Lion Jeff Campsall co-chaired, Lion Carol Verge was Telethon Secretary and Lion Rhonda Carr served as Treasurer. Marlene Campsall, Lion Jeff's wife, coordinated entertainment for the 9-hour event.
Above photo, Bonfield and District Lions working at the Telethon.
The Bonfield and District Lions Club rents tents. Call or email us for details.