Bond Head Lions’ Hosted Elvis in Concert .jpg)
They were dancing in the aisles at the old Bond Head Community Hall on June 9 - as the Bond Head Lions hosted a night with Elvis
Elvis Priestly (Dorian Baxter, a.k.a The Rockin’ Reverend) took centre stage, backed up by the Van Rosi Band, which added some Buddy Holly– style rock’ n roll.
There were several draws, including a door prize of a beautiful sapphire pendant set in yellow gold and diamonds, donated by Peter Dykie-Bradford Jewellery & Gems, and won by Mary Court. Mary Neabel won the “Sweet Essentials” package donated by Exhale Spa & Salon.
The event was a fundraiser for the lions and their community projects– and the Clubs thanks everyone who assisted, donated ,sponsored or simply came out to have fun. - Bradford Times