
Our Club has completed 49 glorious years, having been started in the year 1974. The sponsoring Clubs were Lions Club of Chembur and Lions Club of Kalina through Lion Dr. D. B. Joshi and Lion Sohanlal Pandit. The date of inception of the Club was 9lh June 1974 and the date of commencement was 14th September 1974. Charter was presented to our Club by late Governor Lion Asnani.

For the last 49 years, our Club has been doing charitable and philanthropic projects in all the spheres and has given benefit to a large Section of society. All the Past Presidents were dedicated, devoted and sincere, and kept up the tradition of our Club of inviting famous and important dignitaries for speeches and arranged for interesting meetings.

During the last few years, some members have resigned due to ill health and some have expired. Many new members have joined our Club and the present strength of the Club is more than 55 members.

Today our Club has achieved an outstanding position in District 3231 A1, and all the members pledge to work hard to keep the flag of our Club flying high.

In the year 2006-2007 our Club jointly with Lions Club of Bombay Sion has sponsored two new Clubs 'Lions Club of Golden Star' ad 'Lions Club of Seva Yatri' extended by Lion Ashok Mehta, Past International President jointly with our member Lion Parimal Shah.

In the year 2010-2011 our Club sponsored "LIONS CLUB OF ARAWALI" which was installed on 11th July 2010 at Hotel Greens.

Our member PMJF Lion Pravin K. Shah was elected as District Governor for the year 1998-1999.

Our member PMJF Lion Parimal Shah was elected as District Governor for the year 2009- 2010.

Our member MJF Lion Ravindra B. Kadel was elected as District Governor for the year 2015-2016

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