Contact us!
Email us at
Write us at Boise Host Lions Club, P.O. Box 2284, Boise, Idaho 83701
Come to our club meetings over lunch, the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at Boise Plaza, 1111 W. Jefferson Street, downtown Boise (12th and Bannock). We are usually meeting on the 1st floor, west side of the building in the 1 West AV conference room (but check with us, as we sometimes use a different conference room on the 1st floor). The Boise Plaza building has a cafeteria run by Sodexo on the 4th floor (west side) that is open to the public. So bring your own sack lunch, or come over early to grab lunch in the cafeteria. Please notify Lion Secretary Randy through our club email above to gain access into the meeting.