Big Lake Lions Club
Our Motto"WE SERVE"
Ongoing Club Projects
- Jan Gun Raffle
- Feb/March Fish Fry
- March/Apr Pancake Breakfast
- May Scholarships
- June Spud Fest
We continue to collect eye glasses and hearing aids. You can find drop-off boxes at Big Lake Coborn's and Hometown Eye Care in Big Lake.
Community Contributions....Scouts, Scholarships, Senior Citizens, Eyeglasses/Hearing Aids for Underprivileged, Aid for Citizens with Special Needs, Aid for Special School Programs, Community Service, Food Shelf, ISD 727, Lions Park, Spud Fest, Ambassador Program and much more!
State & National Contributions....Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation, MD5M Hearing Foundation, Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation, Can Do Canines, Leader Dog, Lions Clubs International Foundation LCIF, Project New Hope (Returning Veterans Program), American Diabetes Assoc (Camp Needlepoint), Friendship Ventures and many more.