Club Projects
Beaverton Lions Club Supports
▪Adopt-a-Family Christmas Project
▪Beaverton Activity Center
▪Vision and Eyeglass Assistance
▪Local Scholarships
▪Adopt-a-Family Christmas Project
▪Project Kidsight
▪Leader Dog for the Blind
▪Michigan Eye Bank
▪Seebeck Family Fund
▪Lions Club International
▪Beaverton Park Pavilions
▪Council on Aging Senior Meals
▪American Cancer Society
▪Beaverton Library
▪Humanitarian/Community Donations
▪Lions All-State Band
▪Miss Beaverton
▪Lions of Michigan Foundation
▪Gladwin Little League
▪Hearing Aids
▪Midwest Eye Bank
▪Bear Lake Camp
▪Beaverton Summer Recreation
▪Beaverton Youth Football
▪Beaverton High Leo Club
▪BABA Rock the Park