Batticaloa Lady's Lions Club - Sri Lanka
Installation of New Key Club Officers (July 2018)
The 6th Ceremonial installation ceremony of the new key club officers for the Lionistic year 2018/2019 was held on 07th July 2018 at Lions Center, Batticaloa. The new club officers were insatalled by Lion Ranjan (Deputy Cabinet Treasurer - Eastern 2018/19 ) who functioned as the installation officer.
Installation officer hands over the gavel to the newly installed President Lady Lion Dr. Roshini Murugupillai
Installation chairperson Lady Lion Dilany garland the president's medal to the new President Lady Lion Dr Roshini
Installation of New Key Club Officers (August 2017)
Immediate past president Lady Lion Bharathy Kennedy congratulates the incoming president Lady Lion Dr. Roshini Murugupillai
The installation ceremony of the new key club officers for the Lionistic year 2017/2018 was held on 12th August 2018 at Lions Center, Batticaloa. Region chairman Lion PDA Jeyakumar was the chief guest and zone chairman Lion NM Farooz MJF was the guest of honor. The new club officers were insatalled by Lion Selventhiran (Region 10 advisor) who functioned as the installation officer.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.