Bartlesville Lions Club meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month. We gather at 6:15 PM for refreshments and fellowship, then call the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Our usual format is to conduct a business meeting on the 2nd Thursday, and host a guest speaker on the 4th Thursday.
Guest Speakers for 2025:
January: Erin and Cliff Taylor, Boutique Marketplace
Guest Speakers for 2024:
January - Karen Lowe, Young Scholars Program.
February - Bob Pennick and Bobby Robinson, City of Bartlesville Parks Department
March - Batallion Chief Ed Brown, Bartlesville Fire Department
April - Don Wolf, Sutton Avian Research Center
May - Todd Landers and Darla Otto, Wesleyan Christian School
June - New Club Officer Installation & Picnic
July - Karen Wood, Washington County Drug Court Program
August - Bryan Larrison, Lions Meadow of Hope Program
September - Connie Lavoie, League of Women's Voters
October - Debbie Halpin, Hopestone Clinic
November - Thanksgiving (No Speaker)
December - Christmas (No Speaker)