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Bargara Lions Club Brochure
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Bargara Lions Club - 23054
PO Box 8002 Bargara Qld 4670
Pres: Des Gellert
Sec: Trish Williamson
Mtgs: week 1, Wed ( = first Wednesday of the month.)
Other nearby Lions Clubs
BUNDABERG Lions Club - 23068
PO Box 138 Bundaberg Central Qld 4670
Pres: Wayne Vanderwolf
Sec: Alan Williams 0429 348 189
Mtgs: week 1 & 3, Wed (= 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month)
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bundaberglionsclub
Webpage https://bundaberglions.com
Try our backup webpage - https://e-clubhouse.org/sites/bundaberg
Bundaberg Hinkler Lions Club - 23069
PO Box 112 Bundaberg Qld 4670
Pres: Warren McLucus
Sec: Coral Sweeney
Mtgs: week 3,Tue (=3rd Wednesday of the month)
Bundaberg North Lions Club - 29659
PO Box 1293 Bundaberg Qld 4670
Pres: Michael Brown (Lynne)
Mtgs: week 2,4, Wed (= 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month)
MOORE PARK - 34048
Moore Park Lions Club
PO Box 792 Bundaberg Qld 4670
Sec: Joan Walker
Mtgs: week 1, Tues ( = first Tuesday of the month.)