
A Message from the Bangor Lions Club President

"Because it's the Right Thing to Do"

In 2015, I was installed as President of the Bangor Lions Club for the first time.  While looking forward to the next year I asked myself why I had joined the Lions Club and why I had volunteered in one way or another for most of my adult life.  Life was hectic, work was crazy, I was dealing with family and health issues.  I was tired and frustrated alot of the time, and I just asked myself, is it worth it.  It was at the point, that I remembered a conversation with my father as a young boy of about 8 years old.

My father was a truck driver and would make multiple runs to the refineries in New Jersey and back hauling fuel oil making about $10 a trip.  On Saturdays he would go to work to do maintenance on the trucks and trailers to make some extra money.  There were weeks when money was tight, but my brothers and I naver wanted for anything.  On this one Saturday, I tagged along to work with my dad, looking to spend some time with him and "help him".  I am quite sure looking back, that I hindered him more than I helped him.

On the way home that day, my dad decided to stop at this little mom and pop restaraunt for lunch.  He ordered a couple of burgers for us, a coffee for him and a soda for me.  After we ate, we left and noticed a man outside who was definately down on his luck.  My father without a word being spoken, reached into his pocket and handed the man two bucks.  Now you may not think two bucks is alot, but back then, that would have easily paid for our lunch two times over.  Burgers in the early 70's were about a quarter and a soda was  about 10 cents, and I am pretty sure dad's coffee was free.

I watched my dad as he gave the man the money, the man smile and thanked him, he wished my dad and I a good day and with that, we left.  I asked my dad why he helped this man that he didn’t even know, my dad smiled and simply said “Because it’s the right thing to do.”  Just seven words, but they were seven very profound words.

The Bangor Lions Club has been in existence since 1955 and its members have proudly served our community because it’s the right thing to do and we want to continue to do the right thing for our community, but we need your help.  The Bangor Lions are asking you, the members of our community for your help.  We need your help to shine as an example of what can be done when a group of people work together to accomplish a common goal and by our example foster the desire in others to do the same.  We need your help to grow and strengthen our membership in order to continue our service to our community for years to come.

If you can share a few hours of your time each month and would like to join with us in doing the right thing and join an organization that works together for the betterment of our community, then please contact us.

You can contact us here on Facebook or you can email us at and we will send you an application.  And as always, our motto is "We Serve". 

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