Lions Club Banga Mehak organize Seminar on LIONS QUEST at Govt. Middle School Vill.Bhaura on 13-8-14 under the project chairmanship of Lion Jatinder Mohan, Lion Baldev Nayyar &Lion Baldev Nayyar gave detailed information on LIONS QUEST and the purpose of seminar. Lion Rajesh Kumar address the gathering near about 80.The presentation was encouraging that the students were mobilezed and gave answering to queries to put them.They were so hilarious that they enjoyed the seminar. They were also given effects of Drugs being spoiling the youngsters society along with benefits of moral values were given them.Lion Mohinder Pal ( President ) Lion Ashok Kumar Sharma ( Secretary ), Lion Rajesh Kumar ( Treasurer ) Lion Baldev Nayyar ( PRO ), Lion Dr. R.D.Punn, Lion Gian Chand, Lion Balbir Singh , Lion Balihar Kumar are present.