By adopting the GovernmentModelHigherPrimary School, Geddalahalli, Sanjaynagar, where about 500 students from economically weaker section study upto Std 7, we have a permanenet project and an opportunity to help the school since 1992. We started by providing tables and chairs for the teachers and followed up by providing benches and desks for different classes, electrical connection, servicing bore well, giving scientific equipments, band set, cupboards etc. We observe Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanathi and Republic Day at the school with the Club President unfurling the National Flag and addressing the students. Prizes for various competitions, note books, answer sheets for examinations are sponsored by us on a regular basis. We also joined others to supplement Government grants for construction of new class rooms. We have spent approximately Rs 10.5 lakhs towards the school from the time we have started our association with them.
Our Club is in the forefront in co-ordinating and conducting voluntary blood donation camps through Bangalore Sanjaynagar Lions Charitable Trust. These camps are held by us at different colleges, apartments, residential areas, places of worship, Corporates, etc This regular activity has enabled us build a good network for annual camps benefiting beisides Lions Blood Bank other Blood Banks of Victoria Hospital, Nimhans, Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Manipal Hospital, Narayana Hrudalaya, Kidwat and KC General Hospital as we have been making use all of them. Detais of camps held by us from July 2009 is given below:
July 2007- June 2008
42 Camps held where 2804 units of blood collected
July 2008 –June 2009
60 Camps held where 4016 units of blood collected
July 2009 – June 2010
64 Camps held where 3450 units of blood collected
July 2010 - June 2011
67 Camps held where 4137 units of blood collected
July 2011 - 16th Nov 2011(4 1/2 months)
40 Camps where 2192 units of blood collected
The Club through its Trust brings out a directory of voluntary blood donors. The first edition of the Directory of Voluntary Blood Donors was released in 1996. A website www.LionsBloodLine.Com was launched along with the fourth edition on 18-07-1999 which enables easy access through internet and allows people to enroll online as voluntary blood donors as also search for blood donors of the required blood group in Bangalore as also few other metros where we have a very small database. The Eighth edition of the directory of voluntary blood donors was released on 19-06-2011. Copies are to be printed. This website is regularly updated with the latest blood donor status. This database has helped many a needy patient in locating blood donors of their group thus helping in saving lives. The media has also covered this activity.
Under Campaign Sight First Programme, we conduct free Eye Camp for Cataract Surgery in rural areas and bring the selected patients to designated Eye Hospitals in Bangalore where the surgery/IOL implantation is done the next day and these patients are discharged dropped back on the third day. This is a TOTALLY FREE for the patients identified at the camp.
At times at such camps, we find children with vision problem and some such cases are also helped by liasioning with Specialty Eye Clinics and have them treated surgically. This is a matter of great satisfaction to us. The latest one was on 23rd Sep 2011 where a 18 month old baby boy Veerabhadra from Bybhenahalli, Kortegere Tq, Tumkur Dt had fully matured cataract which is rare. This child was surgically treated at Vittala Intl Eye Hospital and so the baby can now see.
The Club has also registered a Trust on 8th Oct 1996 by name "Bangalore Sanjaynagar Lions Charitable Trust". Subsequently the Trust has been allotted a BDA site in Sanjaynagar where a Lions Bhavan has also been inaugurated in July 2008 which provides a venue for holding medical / eye / blood donation Camps, etc. The Trust has also done service activities for about Rs 8 lakhs.
The Trust is regularly bringing out a directory of voluntary blood donors with the first edition released in 1996 and the data is on our website www.LionsBloodLine.com which was launched along with the fourth edition on 18-07-1999 This website is regularly updated with the latest blood donor status.
Donations to the Trust for the various service activities it undertakes with Lions Club of Bangalore Sanjaynagar/others are eligible for income tax exemption under 80 G of the Incme Tax Act upto March 2010.
* Note books worth Rs 10,000/- arranged for students Ashraya, Ganesha Block, off Dinnur Main Road, RT Nagar, Bangalore for their students use in the next academic session of 2009-10.
* Orthopaedic equipments worth Rs 8,000/- provided to 2 sisters below 10 years needed for their rehabilitation. These 2 sisters with no shelter have been provided accommodation at Humanitarian Hands home at Bannerghatta Road which networking was done by our prospective member Sri Mansoor.
* Support for cochlear implants.
Based on a press coverage of a 4 year old girl Hima who was born deaf to deaf parents and who could overcome the same if she underwent a cochlear implant which procedure was to cost approx Rs 6 lakhs, after a house visit and talk with the treating ENT Dr, an effort was made to collect funds for the cute little girl. Well wishers of ours responded to the call made by us and we were able to have an amount of Rs laks collected for the child who successfully underwent the procedure and is now on the way to recovery undergoing spec therapy which is to be there for about 2 years.
Master Sachin another 4 year old boy whose father is a mason also contacted us after coming to know of the help we did for Hima as Sachin also had to undergo cochlear implant. Our efforts yielded a collection of Rs lakhs which was handed over and Sachin has also undergone the implant and is now on speech therapy which still needs more funding.
* An economically weak but bright student Sri Deepak Shetty who passed Pre University Exam in Apr 2009 and passed CET Exam with rank in Medical and rank for Engineering was unable to have the CET Fee of Rs 18090 for getting a seat in merit quota. With collections made from public, we were able to raise the amount of Rs. 18090 and bankers cheque issued to the boy. On the basis of this payment, based on his merit, he has got admission at RNS Institute of Thechnology for BE Computer Science and has started attending classes. He has applied for SBM Bank Loan/scholarships available for his further needs. The boy is doing well in his studies now as the marks of the first internals reveals.
*There was one more boy Prashanth, son of a widow who is a tailor who was helped with admission fee for joining for Pre-University at College. The donations were collected from public who based on the request made responded and we have been able to help the boy join college. His thanks letter reproduced below speaks for itself.
* On the occasion of World Lions Service Day, we have on 11th Oct 2009 sponsored 2 litres of milk to be provided on a daily basis for 6 months to the inmates of RakumSchool for the Blind, Jakkur. It is hoped that we would be able to continue this to benefit the health of growing kids there.
* The recent floods in North Karnataka has brought in lots of misery to people there. On the call of our District Governor, Lion Saroja Naidu of our Club has spontaneously donated Rs 50,000/- for the flood victims during early Oct 2009.
* Deepavali Gifts to childrens homes. A few service minded persons have donated varying amounts for bringing in Deepavali cheer to children in few small time childrens homes run by NGOs. We procured Deepavali crackers and gifted the same to the following childrens homes in Bangalore:
1. Mathru Educational Trust for the Blind, Yelahanaka
2. RakumSchool for the Blind, Jakkur
3. Smt Lakshmama Memorial Orphanage. Sahakaranagar
4. Ashraya off Dinnur Main Road, RT Nagar
5. Shalom Grace Children’s Home,off Hennur Road
6. Mathikere
7. Gopal Educational & Society Charitable Trust, Hesserghatta Road
8. Sneha Sadan, off Bannerghatta Road
9. Hoskote
The cheer and smile seen on the faces of the little ones when we handed over these crackers was a very satisfying feeling for us. A few Lions were present at Shallom to help the tiny tots light up sparklers and flower pots, a picture of which is attached.