Our Activities for the Year 2014
Number of Lions: 221 |
Number of Lion Hours: 416 |
Number of People Served: 4142 |
Total Participants: 0 |
Number of Trees Planted: 40 |
Number of Hearing Aids Collected: 0 |
Number of Eyeglasses Collected: 0 |
Twinning Relationships: 0 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Items Donated: 0 |
Funds Donated: 52300 |
Total Activities: 19 |
Computer Awareness in his Compitative Life (Aug 2014)
This was a programme organised for the youth to make him aware about computer opportunities which will be very useful in his future carrier. This was organised by Aashirwad Computers with Lions Club Aurangabad Cidco and Active Computers in Jalgaon District Dharagaon.
The members involved are Ln. Manish Mahajan, Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Mandar Date
Engaging our Youth campaign

Number of Lions: 18 |
Number of Lion Hours: 36 |
Number of People Served: 70 |
Funds Donated: 0 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
The Road of Success (Aug 2014)
To encourage the Youth Students and their parents for the future planning, Advise and Secret of Success by GMT Ln. Sandeep Malu through Power Point Presentation following with a Good Speech at Gajanan Mandir Bhavan, Garkheda Aurangabad.
Guest of Honour - RC Ln. Ravindra Khinvasara, RC Ln. Bhavesh Patel, ZC Ln. Manish Mahajan, ZC Ln. Shantilal Chhaparwal, Ln. Madanbhai Jalnawala, Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Mandar Date, Ln. Preetkaur Chhabda, Ln. Varsha Ausekar, Ln. Jayashree Ausekar, Ln. Rajindersingh Chhabda, Ln. N. G. Karkhane, Ln. Naeem Sayed, Ln. Shivaji Zirpe, Ln. Ramesh Rajole
Engaging our Youth campaign
Number of Lions: 7 |
Number of Lion Hours: 7 |
Number of People Served: 75 |
Funds Donated: 0 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Independance Day Celebration (Aug 2014)
Independance Day Celebration Activity was held at Active Computers on 14 August 2014
Activity Chairperson - Ln. Manish Mahajan.
75-80 Youth participated in this activity. From morning started decoration by our Nations Tricolour Flags, Colours, Batches. Making all the decoration of Flower and Rangoli in all the halls. A complete environment changed into Tri Colours and Pride for the Nations.
All the Youth and Staff of the Institute in White Top Dress code.
Ln. Manish Mahajan, Ln. Ramnarayan Mantri, Ln. Shivaji Zirape and PST of Club.
Engaging our Youth campaign

Number of Lions: 15 |
Number of Lion Hours: 15 |
Number of People Served: 60 |
Funds Donated: 0 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Compitative Exam for Youth with MKCL and GMTA (Aug 2014)
As per the present compitative Exam compitation was taken with 100 quationaries and 350 students at GMT Aurangabad. Student have to face compitation exam with knowledge. This exam for 8th std. to 10th std. students. Most of all school students have participated in this test exam.
Project Chairperson Ln. Manish Mahajan.
On the occasion of Gajanan Maharaj Punyatithi the Award Distribution was held at GMTA Bhavan Aurangabad.
In Presence of Hon. Guests RC Ln. Ravindra Khinvasara, RC Ln. Bhavesh Patel, ZC Ln. Manish Mahajan, ZC Ln. Shantilal Chhaparwal, GMT Ln. Sandeep Malu.
In Presence of Ln. R. Chhabda, Ln. Mandar Date, Ln. Naeem Shaikh, Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Varsha Ausekar, Ln. Jayashree Ausekar, Ln. Preetkaur Chhabda, Ln. Madanbhai Jalnawala, Ln. Shivaji Zirpe, Ln. Ramesh Rajane.
Engaging our Youth campaign

Number of Lions: 12 |
Number of Lion Hours: 30 |
Funds Donated: 0 |
Number of Trees Planted: 40 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Tree Plantation at New High School Dhamangaon (Aug 2014)
Activity Chairperson - Ln. Dr. Naeem Syed
This activity was taken at New High School Dhamangaon with the 12 Members of our Club on Independance day.
We have 00 Tree Plantation with covering sefety jali to the plants at site.
In Presense of 100 Villiage farmers and club members served.
Followed by Lunch at site.
Ln. Suhas Kulkarni, Ln. N. G. Karkhane, Ln. Subhash Atri, Ln. Ramnarayan Mantri, Ln. Shivaji Zirape, Ln. Ramesh Rajole, Ln. Aashish Pal, Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Naeem Syed, Ln. Sow. Varsha Ausekar, Ln. Sow. Jayashree Ausekar and Lion families participated in tree plantation activity. followed by lunch.
Protecting our Environment campaign

Number of Lions: 12 |
Number of Lion Hours: 12 |
Number of People Served: 22 |
Funds Donated: 0 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Friendship Day Fellowship Celebration (Aug 2014)
Friendship Day Celebrated with Club Members and their family fellowship.
Celebration with discussions.
Ln. NG Karkhane, Ln. Subhash Atri, Ln. Ramnarayan Mantri, Ln. Ramesh Rajole, Ln. Sow. Varsha Ausekar, Ln. Shivaji Zirape, Ln. Aashish Pal, Ln. Sow. Jayashree Ausekar, Ln. Subhash Chandane, Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Naeem Syed, Ln. Dr. Sushma Shinde and families.
Activity Chairperson - Ln. Ramnarayan Mantri.
Engaging our Youth campaign

Number of Lions: 12 |
Number of Lion Hours: 12 |
Number of People Served: 300 |
Funds Donated: 0 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Flag Hosting on Independance Day (Aug 2014)
Flag Hosting activity with Udhavrao Patil High School Hudco Aurangabad at 7.30 am.
12 members of Club, All Staff of School and Students. National Anthem, National Songs cultural activity, felicitation of Res. Staff of school, Scholer students of School.
Celebrated 68th Independance Day Celebration with address by President Ln. Rahul Ausekar.
Members Present Ln. Suhas Kulkarni, Ln. N. G. Karkhane, Ln. N. R. Mantri, Ln. Darade, Ln. Shivaji Zirape, Ln. Ramesh Rajole, Ln. Subhash Chandane, Ln. Subhash Atri, Ln. Yashwant Gargate, Ln. Sow. Varsha Ausekar, Ln. Sow. Jayashree Ausekar, Ln. Naeem Syed

Number of Lions: 8 |
Number of Lion Hours: 24 |
Number of People Served: 0 |
Funds Donated: 2800 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Kargil Yuddhachya Shorya Katha (Aug 2014)
This activity was taken on 9.8.2014 at Aarya Chanakya Vidyadham, Jatwada
Chief Guest : Shri. Jaswant Singh Rajput and His Son and Daughter
Ln. Vishal Ladniya Dist GLT Co-ordinator
Club Members : Ln. Rajindersingh Chhabda, Ln. Subhas Atri, Ln. Shivaji Zirape, Ln. Ramesh Rajole, Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Dr. Naeem Syeed, Ln. Sow. Varsha Ausekar
This was a great programme for Youth and given detailed information about the Great Service to our Nation. War Details demonstrated through Projector, Movie and other Aids.
All the Staff Members have enjoyed a Joint Programme of Lions Club Aurangabad Cidco with Aarya Chanakya Vidyadham Jatwada.
All the Youth, Students and Staff have distributed Banana's.
Vote of thanks by Secretary Ln. Dr. Naeem Syed
Engaging our Youth campaign

Number of Lions: 15 |
Number of Lion Hours: 30 |
General Body Meeting (Aug 2014)
Monthly General Body Meeting was held at Hotel Aurangabad Gymkhana Club.
e-Notice of GB Meeting and Agenda of the Meeting was mailed to all the Club Members.
All the 15 Families of Members have attended this meeting and meeting started with Flag Salutation then felicitated past PST and described vision of Activities for the 2014-15 to all the members by President, Visionary speech by Secretary, Distributed Club Bulletin and Club Directory to all the Members. Discussed and informed the International Presidents theme programme for 2014-15 and District Programme. District Installation information given to Members. Our Club Logo and Pin distributed by President to all the present members. Report submitted by Treasurer Ln. Sow. Varsha Ausekar and Budget for the year 2014-15 sanctioned by all the members. Suggestions given by Members regarding the Activities and Picnic of Our Club and in the Minutes noted by club Secretary Ln. Dr. Naeem Syeed. The Meeting was followed by Dinner.

Number of Lions: 7 |
Number of Lion Hours: 14 |
Number of People Served: 30 |
Funds Donated: 0 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Raksha Bandhan Programme for Social Awareness (Aug 2014)
A Programme was organised in Active Computers in between the students of the institute for the social awareness and to maintain good relationship with each other. This will help for the student to learn Art of living in their daily life.
The members involved in this programme are Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Manish Mahajan, Ln. Mandar Date, Ln. RN Mantri, Ln. Jayashree Ausekar, Ln. Varsha Ausekar, Ln. Naeem Syed.
Engaging our Youth campaign

Number of Lions: 17 |
Number of Lion Hours: 34 |
Number of People Served: 320 |
Funds Donated: 9000 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Musical Programme for Ladies and Senior Citizens through Bhajan and Bhakti Sangeet. (Aug 2014)
A programme was organised for the refreshment specially for ladies and senior citizens from their daily routine life. This programme was organised at Ganesh
Mandal Pandal with a Club Family Members.
Engaging our Youth campaign
Number of Lions: 10 |
Number of Lions: 10 |
Number of People Served: 215 |
Number of People Served: 215 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Food Distribution to Needy Balikashram Childrens (Aug 2014)
We have organised a food distribution programme at Bhagwanbaba (Anath) Balikashram at Renuka Nagar, Near Chate School, Beed Bypass, Aurangabad for the 200 childrens and their staff with full Meals of Dinner with sweet.
The programme was followed by Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Jayashree Ausekar, Ln. Dr. Sushma Shinde, Ln. Varsha Ausekar, Ln. Shivaji Zirape, Ln. Ramesh Rajole, Ln. Subhash Chandane, Ln. Ramnarayan Mantri, Ln. Suhas Kulkarni, Ln. N. G. Karkhane.
Relieving the Hunger campaign
Number of Lions: 20 |
Number of Lion Hours: 80 |
Number of People Served: 2700 |
Number of People Served: 2700 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Food Distribution of Lunch to 2700 Peoples as a Bhandara (Aug 2014)
On the Occasion of Ganesh Poojan at Service Industrial Ganesh Mandal we have organised jointly a Bhandara for around 3000 peoples. We have served 2700 peoples Delicious Lunch with Dal Bati, Sweet Bundi, Rice, Raita and Curry. Many Lions of our Club has been involved with their families. Relieving the Hunger campaign
Number of Lions: 11 |
Number of Lions: 11 |
Number of People Served: 20 |
Funds Donated: 0 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Club Members Picnic and Study Tour (Aug 2014)
At Mountains of Sarola Ranges Picnic
Project Chairperson - Ln. Suhas Kulkarni
Water storage at Mountains the study and Importance of Tree at Hills discribed by Ln. Suhas Kulkarni.
Ln. Subhash Atri, Ln. NG Karkhane, Ln. NR Mantri, Ln. Aashish Pal, Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Naeem Syeed, Ln. Ramesh Rajole, Ln. Shivaji Zirape, Ln. Sow. Jayashree Ausekar, Ln. Sow. Varsha Ausekar and Members families.
Importance of Nature Balance studied, discussed by all the members.
Protecting our Environment campaign
Number of Lions: 12 |
Number of Lion Hours: 12 |
Number of People Served: 200 |
Funds Donated: 0 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Independance Day Celebration (Aug 2014)
Flag Hosting at Aurangabad Public School with national Anthem.
12 Members of our Club and Staff of School and Students and Handicaped Students.
National Songs, Cultural Activity has been taken at the School.
Address by Club Presidents to Students and get ready for Green House School Programme for this school by our club.
Speeches by students, Geet, National Songs by the students.
Engaging our Youth campaign
Number of Lions: 11 |
Number of Lion Hours: 11 |
Number of People Served: 9 |
Funds Donated: 4500 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Donation of Dress Distribution to Handicapped Youth (Aug 2014)
This is a donation given to the youth who are not able to speak or hear us. The needy uniforms is distributed to youths by Lions Club of Aurangabad Cidco at Aurangabad Public School.
In presence of Ln. Suhas Kulkarni, Ln. N.G. Karkhane, Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Yashwant Gargate, Ln. Jayashree Ausekar, Ln. Varsha Ausekar, Ln. Shivaji Zirape, Ln. Ramesh Rajole, Ln. Ramnarayan Mantri, Ln. Subhash Atri, Ln. Subhash Chandane.
Sharing the Vision campaign
Number of Lions: 12 |
Number of Lion Hours: 12 |
Number of People Served: 6 |
Funds Donated: 2000 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
Distributed School Dress to Poor Family Students at Udhavrao Patil High School at Hudco Aurangabad.
Activity Chairperson - Ln. N. G. Karkhane
On Independance Day activity taken.
Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Naeem Syed, Ln. NR Mantri, Ln. Subhash Chandane, Ln. Yashwant Gargate, Ln. Sow. Jayashree Ausekar, Ln. Sow. Varsha Ausekar, Ln. Darade Sir, Ln. Subhash Atri, Ln. Shivaji Zirape, Ln. Suhas Kulkarni
Engaging our Youth campaign

School Uniform to Handicaped Students (Aug 2014)
School Uniform to Handicaped Students distributed.
Activity Chairperson - Ln. Shivaji Zirape
On Independance Day celebration after flag hosting programme this activity was taken at Aurangabad Public School at Hudco Aurangabad.
Ln. Suhas Kulkarni, Ln. Subhash Atri, Ln. N. R. Mantri, Ln. N. G. Karkhane, Ln. Sow Varsha Ausekar, Ln. Sow. Jayashree Ausekr, Ln. Subhash Chandane, Ln. Ramesh Rajole, Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Dr. Naeem Syed
Number of Lions: 12 |
Number of Lion Hours: 12 |
Number of People Served: 8 |
Funds Donated: 2000 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
School Uniform to School Students affected by Poor Conditions (Aug 2014)
Club have distributed 55 selected students of New High School Dhamangaon Students their families affected by the monsoon rains.
Ln. Dr. Naeem Syed, Ln. Rahul Ausekar, Ln. Dr. Sushma Shinde, Ln. Shivaji Zirape, Ln. Subhash chandane, Ln. Sow. Jayshree Ausekar, Ln. Sow. Varsha Ausekar.
Activity Chairperson - Ln. Dr. Naeem Syed.
Engaging our Youth campaign

Distribution of School Dress
Number of Lions: 7 |
Number of Lion Hours: 14 |
Number of People Served: 55 |
Funds Donated: 12000 |
Funds Raised: 0 |
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