
The Atlanta Hope Lions Club is fortunate to have a dedicated and passionate leadership team committed to guiding the club toward its mission of service and community engagement. Meet the individuals who lead by example and inspire others to make a difference:

Bineesh Edathra Raghavan - Club Charter President: As the founding president of Atlanta Hope Lions Club, Bineesh Raghavan brings vision, determination, and a deep sense of commitment to the club. Under his leadership, the club has flourished and made a significant impact on the community.

Biju M Koshy - Club First Vice President: Biju Koshy's leadership and strategic vision have been instrumental in driving the club's initiatives forward. With a focus on innovation and collaboration, he plays a key role in shaping the club's future direction.

Mr. Robin Thomas - Club Secretary: Robin Thomas serves as the club secretary, ensuring smooth communication and coordination within the club. His organizational skills and attention to detail contribute to the efficient functioning of the club's operations.

Babu Cherian - Club Treasurer: Babu Cherian manages the club's finances with integrity and transparency, ensuring that resources are allocated responsibly to support the club's programs and initiatives.

Ajitha Pillai - Club Membership Chairperson: Ajitha Pillai oversees membership development and engagement, welcoming new members and fostering a sense of belonging within the club. Her dedication to building a strong and vibrant club community is evident in her work.

Tomy Kurian - Club Director: Tomy Kurian brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role as club director, providing guidance and support to the leadership team. His strategic insights and commitment to service contribute to the club's success.

Together, this dynamic leadership team embodies the spirit of Lions Club International and leads by example, inspiring others to serve with compassion, integrity, and a shared commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

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