Club Projects
Antigonish Lions Club is involved in a number of projects and activities serving our local community and beyond. Below are some of our current projects and/or activities:-
1. St. James United Luncheon
2. St, Marthas Foundation Help Day
To get more information and to find out how you may participate in each of the activities contact the Committee Chairperson.
Committee and Activity Chairperson Phone Number
Below Lion Jean Cameron Presents a donation to Betty Webber and some of the rest of the volunteers at the United Church Hot Meal this December.
Below Lion Charlie and Lion Winston take some cake to those in attendance.
St. Martha's Foundation Help Day Paul Tomlik 863-1715
Below Lion Sandy MacLellan, Lion Paul Tomlik and King Lion Donald MacLellan work at the XFM Hospital Help Day in support of the St. Martha's Regional Hospital Foundation, October 2011
Adopt a Highway Lion Tim Hinds
The Cadets team up with Antigonish Lions Club on the Adopt a Highway Project. Thanks to the Cadets for their great work. Thanks guys.
For general information on this project:
Town Councillor Jack MacPherson presents Antigonish Lion of the Year, Harland MacLeod with a Cheque. Also in the photo are Lion (President 2011 - 12) Donald MacLellan,(far right) Councillors Diane Roberts and Liz Chisholm. Also Lions Paul Tomlik and Vic MacLellan. Thanks to the Town of Antigonish for their partnership on this project. Thanks Guys!
Air Cadets Hope Bryden 783-2796
Blood Services Elaine MacKay 863-4889
For the past 20 or so years, the Antigonish Lions have been a sponsor of the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinics in our Town. In later years, the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinics came to be known as Canadian Blood ( Donor ) Services, and they operate their Clinics 5 or 6 times a year.
Below is a Blood Doner Clinic. Many people participate to help out.
The Clinics bring their own Mobile Serices by coming to our town approximately once in 60 days to collect donated blood from the donors. Summer time, there is increased demand for blood trans-fusion to save lives.
The Antigonish Lions have provided volunteers who welcome and organize the donors and give them all the help they need to make the whole blood donating experience a pleasure. The Lions also manage the refresment table for the benefit of the donos who get snacks and coffee, tea or fruit juice etc., The Lions provide any pertinent information to the donors with brochures from CBS.
The Lions also help to publicize the event by putting up notices in town, and provide the information in the local media.
Clinics are usually held for days with two sessions on both days. Approximately 200 - 250+ donations are made in the two day. period.
Services and any one looking for more information on Blood Donor Services can contact the Antigonish Lions Club/members.
Hospital Visiting/Fruit Baskets Claire Brunelle 863-3529
Phone Lists Sandy MacLellan 863-0537
Antigonish Lions Club Speak-Out Claire Burnelle 863-3529
This public speaking contest is for students in grades 9-12. Clubs conduct a contest in their areas with the winning participant going to the zone speak-out. Each of the 12 zones can send their winner to the district speak-out held at the Nova Scotia convention. The district winner then competes at the multiple district level at the multiple district convention. There are cash prizes, trophies or plaques and certificates of appreciation at each of the levels. (From Nova Scotia Lions Website March 2011)

( For those organizaing the speakout the 'Speaker Resume' and Purpose and Format of the Speakout rules can be found at the Nova Scotia Lions Website at (just click): . On that page click the Milford distric lions club line and it will bring up the POlicy Manual of the Nova Scotia Lions Club and go to page 33 to 39 and you will find the informaition on Speak-out. )
Child I.D. Program George Murphy 863- 6617
Below is a report by Lion Wayne Austin on the start of this progam to help further protect children. Here is his explanation of the beginings of this program.
"As for our fingerprinting project, let me give you some of the history behind this project. Back in 1997-1998, I had spoken with a representative with the Victims of Violence Canadian Centre for Missing Children, Ottawa, Ontario regarding their national campaign on child safety. Part of their campaign involves working with local elementary schools in promoting their Child ID program. This program is dedicated to child safety and involves fingerprinting elementary school-aged children. After receiving their literature, I met with the Community Liaison Officer with the local RCMP detachment to get their feedback on this program. It was their feeling that such a program could certainly prove beneficial for any families of missing children and that having a child fingerprinted and having a record (ID kit) of that would certainly make it easier in the search for a missing child. They were prepared to work with us in the implementation of such a program locally. As a result, I met with the Principal and Vice-Principal, MacPherson Elementary to discuss the issue of child safety and the implementation of a Child ID program in the local school, especially with the Primary classes. They were aware of this program and agreed to bring this request to the next meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association. The request was approved and thus began the Child ID Program in the local elementary school, fingerprinting all Primary students. With the closure of MacPherson Elementary and the subsequent opening of the Antigonish Education Centre, this program has continued to this present day in the Antigonish area. Since the inception of this program, our Club’s Child ID program fingerprints, on average, one hundred (100) students each year in cooperation with the local RCMP officers. Each student receives a personalized Child ID kit, which is paid for by the Lions Club at a cost of $2.00/kit. These kits are produced and distributed by the Victims of Violence Canadian Centre for Missing Children. There is and has always being the issue of confidentiality when it comes to school-related activities." Lion Wayne Austin
Bursary Jim MacDonald 863-4378
The Lions' Ted Greene Memorial Bursary is awarded each year to a graduating student from Dr. John Hugh Gillis Regional School, Antigonish, who has achieved a good academic standing (at least a 70% average), who has been actively involved in community volunteer experiences during the past three (3) years and who plans on enrolling in a post-secondary education or training program at a University, Community College or other accredited institution. This year's bursary was for $500 .
This year's award recipient is Mary Weir. Mary's community volunteer experiences included:
St. Martha's Regional Hospital's May Fest Volunteer.
Mother's Day Brunch and Ceildh Volunteer.
Canvasser, Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Canvasser, Canadian Cancer Society.
Canvasser, Canadian Arthritis Society.
Special Olympics Volunteer.
Cancer Relay for Life Volunteer.
Antigonish Minor Soccer Coach.
Lector, St. Andrew's Parish.
Youth Formation Class Teacher- St. Andrew's Parish religion classes.
Antigonish Manor Seniors' Bingo Volunteer.
TD Canada Trust Beach Clean-up Volunteer.
Mary has been accepted to the Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition Program, St. F. X. University starting in September, 2011. Congratulations Mary from the Antigonish Lions Club.
King Lion Donald MacLellan, Bursary winner Mary Weir and Bursary Chairman Lion Wayne Austin August 2011
Citrus Fruits (fund raising) Vic Belliveau 863-2955
Lions Den Committee Paul Tomlik 863-1715
Donald MacLellan 863-4610
Den Rentals Chalmers MacLeod 863-1144
Drug Awareness Poster Contest Betty Rose Landry 863-4816
This district project is open to students at three different levels at the school level (Primary; 1-3 and 4-6. Clubs conduct a contest in schools in their area and submit one grade 4-6 winning poster for judging at the Nova Scotia Convention. There are cash prizes at each level in the club contest. In the district contest there are cash prizes for the participant and school, as well as a plaque and certificate for the first three place posters.
(From Lions Nova Scotia Website March 2011)
Below Lion Charlie and Lion Winston judging Drug Awareness Posters done by Grade Five Students april 2012
Hillcrest Home Bingo Charlie and Carol Cirtwill 863-1954
Below Lions George Murphy, Bill Teasdale, Vic MacLellan, Jean Cameron, Santa Clause, Paul Tomlik, Winston Lordly and Marie, a staff member, enjoy a moment at a Christmas Party the Lions puts on for all the residents of Highland Crest Home.
Membership (To Join) Robert Landry 863-4816
(See the page on the left BECOMING AN ANTIGONISH LION )
Pancake Breakfast Robert Russell 863-5263(Last Sunday of the Month at the Lions Den end of Highland Drive)
Lion Betty Rose, Lion Bill and Lion Frank helping at Pancake Breakfast in January 2011
Peace Poster Contest Betty Rose Landry 863-4816
(Information about the contest Refer to Appendix “C” of the District N2 Policy Manual. Jut click below. . On that page click the Milford distric lions club line and it will bring up the POlicy Manual of the Nova Scotia Lions Club and go to page 42 and you will find the informaition there. )
RK MacDonald Guest Home Bingo Paul Tomlik 863-1715
Eye Glasses - Hearing Aids Tim Hinds 232-3473
We collect eyeglasses and hearing aids which go to people who needs them. To view an article go the Lions Magazne and click Pass Issues and then click the 'September 2010 magazine' with the little boy with glasses on it. "USED EYEGLASSES
Lions Clubs in N2 collect used eyeglasses and take them to a cabinet meeting or convention. The N 2 Sight Conservation chairman sorts the glasses, packages them and sends then to the Lions Eyeglass Recycling program in Calgary. Day and Ross Transport deliver them to Calgary at no cost. Once in Calgary, the eyeglasses are cleaned in a solution, graded and packed by prescription and then taken to developing countries by medical missions where they are distributed to needy persons by Lions and eye care workers. You can go to the The Canadian Lions Eyeglasses Recycling Center website.
Lions Clubs in N 2 collect used hearing aids and take them to a cabinet meeting or convention. The N 2 Hearing and Speech chairman delivers them to DalhousieUniversityMedicalSchool where they are refurbished and distributed to needy people who need hearing aids but can’t afford them."
( Nova Scotia Lions District Feb 2011 N.S Lions Club Website)
Walk-For-Dog Guides Earl Einarson 863-1969
Stamps Collection Dave Stroud 863-6038
Club 400 (fundraising) Danny Landry 863-6711
Below Lion Winston and Lion Sandy MacLellan selling Tickets and Xmas Cakes, fudge and plum budding for The Christmas Cake Committee with Lion Frank Cormier.
Christmas Cake Commiteee Dave Stroud 863-6038
fudge and Dark and Light Xmas Cakes.
Below Lion Jean and Lion Wayne are working on selling these delicous Xmas foods.
Tractor Draw (fund raising) Danny Landry 386-2429
The 2011 edition of the John Deere riding mower was won by Mr. Joe MacKinnon.(far right). With him are (from Left to right) King Lion Charlie Cirtwill, Lion Carol, Lion Roger and Lion Jean. Contratulations Joe, enjoy your new tractor.
In 2012 Charlie (with Bill) is leading the charge in selling tickets again.
Here he is selling tickets to someone at Superstore:
Public Relations Dennis Teitzsche 1-902-387-2007
Below Brian Lazzuri, Managing Editor of The Casket, gives a talk at an October 2011 Antigonish Lions Club meeting.
If the King Lion, member of the executive, Director or Commitee Chairman would like to present a story to the PR chair please submit the proposed story at least two weeks before you expect the story to appear in the media.
Diabetes Awareness Charlie Citwill 863-1954
(See Webpage upper left for more Information)
(See Also the DIABETES AWARENESS page on the upper part of the website. Just click it and you can bring up that article.)
Lion Roger was congratuated on Diabetes Awareness by MLA Maurice Smith 2010
Youth Basket Ball Wayne Austin 863-3023
“K.L. Donald MacLellan, President, Antigonish Lions Club recently presented a cheque for $600.00 to Chuck Scott, Antigonish Minor Basketball Association to help with some of the operating costs of the Mini Boys and Bantam Boys Rep. Teams for this season”.
Mayfest Paul Tomlik 863-1715
Visitiations Jean Cameron 863- 1366
Webpages Administrator Dennis Peitzsche 735-2251
Welfare Vic MacLellan 863-0537
and Chalmers MacLeod 863-1144
Road Toll (fund raising)
Constitution and ByLaws Earl Einarson 863-1969
Higland Games Parade John Livingstn 968-0224
Selling Poppies with the Antigonish Branch
of the Legion Wayne Austin 863-3023
Below Lion Sandy MacLellan works with Vetern Reg Uloth of the Royal Canadian Legion selling poppies November 2011
We participated in the Knighrts of Columbus' MENS RESPECT FOR WOMEN MARCH. That's King Lion Donald holding the banner on the right.