2010 - 2011
President: Dave Fleming
Secretary: Kier Dirlam
Please send all club correspondence to the Secretary: 92 Center Street, Angelica, NY 14709 or:
Email: dirlam87@hotmail.com
Treasurer: Betty Guinnip
Membership Chairman: Tom Green
Journey for Sight Chair: Ron Abraham
Thanksgiving Baskets Chair: Tom Green
Sr. Citizens Dinner Chair: Cari Zobrist
Diabetes Screening Chair: Betty Guinnip
Music in the Park Co-Chairs: Dave Fleming & Kier Dirlam
200 Club Chairs: Kier Dirlam
Turkey Raffle Chair: Dana Guinnip
B&B Raffle Program Co-Chairs: Ken Geist & Tom Green
Refreshments & Gifts Coordinator: Paul & Robin Robbins
PR Coordinator: Robin Robbins
Dinner and Program Coordinator: Tom Green