Chartered 30 June, 1975
Welcome to Amherstview Lions
'We Serve'
It Truly IS Our Motto!
The Amherstview Lions have 4 initiatives that are near and dear to their hearts. The members have planned a Santa Claus Parade and are keen to provide over 150 residents with a few presents under the tree and a good Christmas meal. In addition, they volunteer at Bingo in Kingston and have maintained a very successful Amherstview Lions Food Bank. As our Club members get ready to support Community Events and hold events, they invite Community Minded residents to consider giving back to our Community.
Help Us Help Others!
For more information on Lions involvement in our community
contact our Membership Chair:
Lion Mike Kubisheski 613-453-6167
Club Contact details:
Amherstview Lions Club: 613-634-0854
Mailing address: 177 Upper Park Road,
Amherstview, ON K7N 1T2
Amherstview Lions Celebrate
49 years of Community Service
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.