
Camarillo Amber's Light Lions

Officers and Board, 2024-2025

President - Lion Tana Johnson

1st Vice President - Lion Tim Downey

2nd Vice President - Lion Richard Precop 

Immediate Past President - Lion Dale White

Secretary - Past President Ellen Jochums

Treasurer -  Past President Julianne Mann

Membership Chair - Lion Mary Jo Cervantes

Tail Twister - Lion Bobbie Mansfield

Lion Tamer - Lion Mickey Wilk

Global Service Chair - Past President Judy Gray

LCIF Coordinator- Past President Rietje Holland

Board Members: Gail Blankenship, Sheryl Downey, 

Sarah Adams, Brenda Brand, Vickie Egeler 

LEO Advisor - Kim Dallape


Chartered - 19 February, 2011


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