
Photo Gallery

Gopa Ashtami

Provided food and material to the girls during Navratri.

Meritorious students were recognised in the school by receiving mementos during the distribution of notebooks to girl students at Government Secondary School for Girls.

Prize distribution in fancy dress competition in Navratri.

Plantation of trees in Agricultural Produce Market premises under environmental awareness

Nutritious diet porridge and apple were distributed to pregnant women in government hospital.

Organization of camp for cancer awareness, people take the form of cancer due to excessive consumption of tobacco and cigarette bidi. was respected.

Under Divyang Sahayata, gifted a fan to the Divyang School and distribution of drawing, copy pen and fruits to the children on behalf of Zone Chairperson Sheetal Desrala.

Water Cooler installation At Narayan School

Honoured the sweepers of all the wards with shawl, quince and garland.

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