The Aiken Mid-Day LIons Club's Annual Wine Tasting & Silent Auction affords our Club the opportunity to award scholarships to Aiken area students. We seek students who are often overlooked due to vision or hearing impairments or other disabilities.
Since the inception of the Aiken Mid-Day Lions Club Scholarship Fund in 2009, more than $66,500 in scholarships have been awarded.
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2020 Aiken Mid-Day Lions Club Scholarship Winners
Olivia Burley Ashley Aaron
University of South Carolina-Aiken University of South Carolina
Clifton Joshua Bush Caleb Smith
Aiken Technial College Clemson University
South Carolina School for the Deaf & Blind
In 1925 Helen Keller challenged the Lions to be “Knights of the Blind”. Since then the Lions have assisted many individuals to receive glasses, hearing aids and needed surgeries. In recent years, the Aiken Mid-Day Lions Club has also developed a partnership with the South Carolina School for the Deaf & Blind located in Spartanburg, SC. The Aiken Mid-Day Lions, along with other SC Lions, funded the creation of a new playground for the school as a Centennial Project.