
South Jefferson Lions Club Committees 2009-2010

1st Vice President-PDG Marlin Nohle:

PROJECTS/Fundraising    E. Dutton, R. Brown, PDG M. Nohle, PDG R. Walker, PDG M. Smith, L. Jantzi
Public Relations/Awards  M. Slade, J. Hafner, E. Dutton, B. Moore
Budget                                  PDG. M. Smith, K. Hutnik, PDG M. Nohle
Membership/Attendance  R.Brown, L.Walker, S.Sayyeau
Adopt a Platoon                  L. Walker
Christmas Project             K. Hutnik, M. Nohle, J. Hafner, N. Brown
Picnic                                    M. Nohle(choose own committee)

2nd Vice-President-Jane Hafner

Lions Information            R. Walker, M.Smith, M. Nohle, B.Leroy
Sight and Hearing           C. Worden, E. Dutton, B. Moore, N. Pullus, 
Greeters                            M. Smith, R. Walker, P. Worden
Convention                        M. Smith, M. Nohle
Community Events          E. Dutton, L. Jantzi, R. Brown, B. Moore, J. Hafner
Youth Band                        L. Walker, S. Sayyeau, M. Smith, B. Leroy

3rd Vice-President-Liz Walker

Bulletin                              S. Sayyeau, B. Leroy
Outside Activities           R. Trowbridge, R. Brown, M. Demianenko, G. Fink
Programs                         L. Walker, B. Moore, N. Brown
Bicycle Safety                 G. Fink, J. Greene, L. Jantzi, E. Dutton, R.Walker, P. Worden, R. Trowbridge
Environmental/Adopt a Highway    L. Jantzi, R. Overton, b. Moore, r. Brown, R. Walker, K. Wilks
Nominations                    M. Smith, R. Trowbridge

* Red lettering indicates committee chair

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