Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about using the e-Clubhouse to create a club website.
How can I create a website for my club?
You must first complete an application to gain access to the e-Clubhouse.
My application has been approved, how do I begin?
The e-Clubhouse User Guide provides step by step instructions for designing your website.
How can I add a photo to my website?
You can add pictures to your web pages in the Photo Gallery or any page that uses the picture tool. The images you upload should be smaller than 1Mb, no larger than 240 pixels wide, and MUST be in RGB mode (CMYK photos will not display). Refer to the e-Clubhouse User Guide for detailed instructions.
Can my club use the e-Clubhouse to meet online?
The e-Clubhouse does not currently have online meeting capabilities; however, we plan to add social networking tools.
I forgot my username or password. How do I retrieve this info?
Use the Forgot My Information page to retrieve your login information.
Our e-Clubhouse was being updated by a former member. How do I find out the login information?
Contact us to have your login information reset.
How can I get my e-Clubhouse listed in the Lions Clubs International Club Locator?
Your club secretary can add your e-Clubhouse URL in MyLCI.
Can I use content from the LCI website on my e-Clubhouse website?
No; however, you are welcome to link to any content on the LCI website from your e-Clubhouse LCI website.
For More Information
Contact us if you have a question about the e-Clubhouse, or how to use it to create a LCI website for your club.