The club sponsors many activities and programs such as Easter Egg Hunt, Poster Contest at Parkview school, Eye Glass Exams, the high school version of Lions called the Leo Club at Gateway High School, Sports Teams and more. For additional info contact your local member or call 856-742-1132
We also support Ronald McDonald House, Abilities Solutions, Shadow Equestrian, Camp Cranium and many other organizations.
Do you have an extra 2 to 4 hours a month? If so, we need you...Become a member while having fun, food and fellowship with other members and help us serve the community of Westville. Join us as a guest at a business meeting and see for yourself what the Westville Lions Club is all about. No obligation at all...YOU be the judge!!
Food Bank Replenishment: This is a year-long project by members to help keep the Westville Food Bank stocked for the benefit of Westville residents in need. We welcome donations. Interested donors please contact your local club member to arrange for pick-up or delivery or call 856-742-1132.
Upcoming Fundraiser Projects:
Bowling Fund Raiser. Thank you all for making this event a success in February 2024. We sold out thanks to the support of the community. All bowlers had a good time, plenty of pizza & soda, etc. See you all again in March 1st, 2025. Special thanks to all the lane sponsors and those who donated prizes for the Basket Auction. We thank you ALL!!
Chicken BBQ:
Next Chicken BBQ September 22nd, 2024. Purchase tickets for ONLY $15.00. Purchase your tickets before they are sold out. Reserve your tickets by calling us at 856-848-0522. This is take-out only and pickup times are from 12:00 to 5:00 or until sold out.
Yard Sale:
The spring yard sale is on! Come on out Saturday June 8th, 2024 to Thomas West Park on Delsea Drive. We'll have approximately 150 vendors and as always, the club with be grillin' and chillin' for all your food and beverage needs. Interested in becoming a vendor for $20? Contact Mike at 215-939-2014.