

Greetings Fellow Lions, Leos, CUBS and Friends:

March sure went out with a bang. Hopefully April brings us much better weather.

 This month our schedule will become a lot busier than the last couple of months. We are going to be working on Town Wide Garage maps, vendors, silent auction/cash and carry, and cook trailer clean out and proper set up. We will also be working on getting Cars & Coffee flyers out for our upcoming events starting in June. And then before you know it Christmas Trees and Wreaths will be delivered.

 We have discussed doing a Lasagna Fundraiser at some point this year. We are working on getting a venue set up so that we can move forward with the fundraiser. If this fundraiser is a success, I would like to work on possibly adding another one at a different time of year and/or make it a yearly fundraiser.

 This month we must send next Lion’s year officers to Lions International; if you are interested and willing to step into an officer position that would be greatly appreciated. There is training for each position so if you have never been an officer we will help with that.

Also, just a reminder that we need suggestions for the following awards: Melvin Jones Fellowship, Knight of the Blind, Lion of the Year, and RJU. We need to get these ordered as soon as possible so that we have them for our June 12th Award and Spouse Night.

 Lion Verna has sent out an email with Lion’s Camp Badger’s wish list. Please look over that list and anything that you may be able to donate let Lion Verna and/or myself know and we can arrange to grab those items and bring them with us for our Camp Badger work weekend in May.

Lion’s Courtney and Sigrid will be setting up a meeting/class to go over proper food handling etiquette. We really need to make sure that we are following all New York State Department of Health Regulations. Once that meeting/class is scheduled Lion Verna and/or myself will share it with the club.

 Thank you for all that you do, our club would not be as successful as it is if it wasn’t for all of our members.

King Lion Andrea Penamora            Town of Greenfield Lions Club                     518-528-7776




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