Welcome to the website of the "Golden Pelican" Lions Club in St.Petersburg, Russia, District 123
Lions Club "Golden Pelican" was founded in January 1997 by participants of the Charitable Movement "Golden Pelican" which had been working actively in St.Petersburg since 1993 due to the great help and work of its former president Alexander Sylko
We currently have 13 members of a wide range of professions and trades, ages ranging from 36 to 70 years.
The running costs of "Golden Pelican" Lions Club, like those of all other Lions Clubs, are met by subscriptions paid by the members, so all monies raised from the public are used for charitable purposes.
We serve our local community in various ways with various projects, including youth creative projects, providing outings, holidays and help in education for the handicapped and deprived children.
Club Meetings
We meet at 19.00 pm on the fourth Thursday of each month at "Paratov" restaurant (St.Petersburg, Pushkinskaya Str.9
If you would like to attend one of our meetings please contact us.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.