
Sioux Falls Downtown Lions Club

2012-2013 Committees

1. Social Activities  (meets 1st Tuesday of each month) Coordinate and promote all special social events of the club.  These include, but are not limited to:

  • Once/Month  Happy Hour - Members & Prospects
  • July                 McCrossan's Picnic
  • August           Pheasants Baseball Game
  • September    Apple Orchard
  • September    McCrossan's Canoe Outing
  • December     Christmas Program
  • December     Salvation Army Bell Ringing
  • February        Bring your Valentine to Club
  • March             St. Patrick's Day Parade

2.  Ambassadors & Inter-Club Visitations - Participate in joint community activities with the members of other Sioux Falls area Lions Clubs and try to visit all nearby clubs just prior to Pancake Days.

3.  Awards - Educate club members on Lions awards programs and honor recipients during business portion of weekly meetings.

4.  Campus Clubs - Serve as a host club supporting student leaders; connect students with Lions International.

5.  Compliance - Serve as an advisory committee to the Board of Directors on all matters concerning compliance with the Constitution and Bylaws of this club and Lions International.

6.  Conventions - Regularly announce upcoming conventions, district, state, multi-district and international conventions to ensure that our club is represented at same.

7.  Drawings - Chairperson recruits one committee member to sit at the Welcome Table at each weekly meeting for one month to sell ice cream drawing tickets. (Twelve members needed July - June)

8.  Finance - Prepare and recommend to the Board of Directors the annual budget based upon plans and projects of club committees. Review, analyze and make recommendations on funding proposed projects. Prepare quarterly budgets vs. actual financial reports for the Board of Directors. Prepare and submit all reports required by the Internal Revenue Service.

9.  Greeters - Greet all guests at weekly club meetings and special events.

10. Hearing - Work with the SD Lions Foundation and other area organizations throughout the year to identify those in need of hearing aids and assist in the delivery of those services to the disadvantaged.

11. Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) - Develop and conduct a program to educate club members quarterly on the Lions Clubs International Foundation.

12. Lion Tamer - The Lions tamer shall have charge of and be responsible for the flags, banners, gong and gavel.

13. McCrossan Leo Club - Coordinate and participate in Downtown Lions sponsored programs at the McCrossan Boys Ranch.

14. Membership (meets 1st Tuesday of each month) - Process new members, attend and participate in membership orientation, encourage new members to become involved in appropriate committee(s).

15. Music - Provide musical support at all club meetings and events.

16. Newsletter - Collect information from the weekly meeting and publish it via email in a weekly newsletter.

17. Programs (meets 1st Tuesday of each month) - Chairperson will recruit monthly program chairs who will secure speakers for each club meeting during their month.   Ideally, topics will coordinate with monthly Special Service Projects. 

18. Publicity & Social Media  (meets 1st Tuesday of each month) - Prepare monthly releases to the South Dakota Lions newspaper and local media about special club events & projects; publish the club brochure: coordinate the club’s participation in the annual MD-5 publicity competition and manage the Club’s social media.

19. SALSA Leo Club - Work closely with the local Serve and Learn Student Association (SALSA) promoting volunteerism and community involvement.  

20. Scrapbook & Historian - Photographically document the activities of the club and coordinate the club’s participation in the annual MD-5 scrapbook competition.

21. Service Projects - Coordinate monthly service projects that are compatible with the Lions Club objectives and actively recruit Lions to participate.  Honor one Lion volunteer each month during club meetings.

22. Spirit Wear - Provide club members with the regular opportunity to purchase club caps, vest, and pins and other Lions International catalog items.

23. Tail Twisters - Promote harmony, good fellowship, life and enthusiasm in the meetings.

24. Vision Clinic - Chairperson recruits one committee member to manage greet people in the lobby of the Falls Community Health Center – Vision Clinic on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from pm to pm.  (Twelve member volunteers needed July - June). 

25. Youth Exchange - Recruit local youth(s) to participate in international youth exchange opportunities that are partially sponsored by SFDT Lions Club.  Enlist host families for LCIF international youth exchange students visiting Sioux Falls.

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