
Eye Screeings, including KidSight, Collect used eyeglasses, Candy Days, Christmas Baskets for a few needy families in the Shively area, Pancake Breakfasts, Breakfast with Santa.

LIONS CAMP CRESCENDO    Each Summer, there are three camps held for children.

The camps are held at Lions Camp Crescendo, in the Lebanon Junction area.

Kentucky Lions Youth Camp is for sight or hearing impaired children, ages 6-16.                                                                                                                        Camp Heart to Heart is for children ages 5-12 who are living in the shadow HIV / AIDS .                                                                                                   Camp Freedom is the third, for children ages 6-11 with mild to moderate behavioral, emotional and physical needs who are in Foster Care or who are in the custody of their grandparents.

These are the camps are staffed by volunteers, mostly Lions, adults & teens at least 16 yrs. old, and the camps are FREE to those children that attend. We volunteer to pick the children up and take them home if they need that assistance. The camp has dorms for the children, and all of their meals are provided. The Lions of KY pick up the tab.

We would like to get the word out about these totally free camps, and if you would additional information, please to go to our Camp website,                          it is




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