
ARTICLE VIII:  Board of Directors

Secion A.  The members of the Board of Directors shall be the President, Immediate Past President, the Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Lion Tamer, Tail Twister, four (4) elected Directors, up to three (3) Directors appointed by the President At Large, the Membership Chairperson , and any Past District Governor, District Governor, Vice District Governor, or Past District 4-C2 Lioness District President that are now members of the Santa Rosa Host Lions Club

ARTICLE VII:  Officers

Section A.  The officers of this club shall be a President, Immediate Past President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Lion Tamer, Tail Twister, Membership Chairperson and all Directors

ARTICLE XXII:  Amendments

Section A.  All proposed amendments to these B-Laws shall be referred to the B-Laws Committee and be reported back to the Board of Directors by such committee.  The Board of DIrectors must approve of any proposed amendments by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the members thereof present in person before bringing said amendments to a vote of the members of the club.

Section B.  Upon satisfaction of the requirements of Section A aabove, a proposed amendment may be approved at any regular meeting of the club by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members thereof present in person.

Section C. No amendment of these B-Laws shall be put to vote by the club unless prior written notice therof shall have been mailed or delivered personally to each member of this club at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting at which said vote is to be taken.

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