

Winning Display: Greensboro Central Carolina Fair 

Pleasant Garden Lions Club of 31D won a first place blue ribbon in the Greensboro Central Carolina Fair Sept. 15-23 with their educational booth exhibit depicting Camp Dogwood.  The booth was judged mainly on educational value and practical value with emphasis on creative displays for public interest.  Lion Shirley Chafee designed the display with Lions Mary Lockhart and Bob Chafee aiding in the craft work.  Other members of the Club helped to install the exhibit for the 10-day fair duration attended by thousands.

Camp Dogwood’s entrance and lake were the central focus of the exhibit with toy figurines demonstrating campers boating, picnicking, hiking, and dancing, etc. A Braille teen magazine - Seventeen - from the camp was on display, and Camp brochures were available as handouts.






A new and improved digital LION Magazine with videos and bonus stories is now online. The July/Aug. digital edition of the LION includes a video profiling new International President Wayne A. Madden of Indiana and a video on his theme. As before, the entire LION is online, and as in the past the digital LION includes e-mail links, Web site links and links to advertisers.






Krispy Kreme Doughnut Discount Cards

Pleasant Garden Lions are now selling Krispy Kreme Doughnut cards for $12 each. There is no expiration date on the cards and are great to have on hand to purchase your doughnuts.

Please contact Lion Jack Cox

336-674-0528 or 336-508-7632.

Thanks for your support.






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