

2012 Birthday Calendar Sale

Each year Pembroke Lions Club raises funds by collecting birthday, anniversary and memorial tribute dates. A very professional & attractive calendar containing those special dates is published and distributed to calendar purchasers. Please see club members for details.

The calendar sale date collection effort will be held from June to September 2012.  Calendars will be ready for delivery in December 2012.


2014 Birthday Calendar Sale

Each year Pembroke Lions Club raises funds by collecting birthday, anniversary and memorial tribute dates. A very professional & attractive calendar containing those special dates is published and distributed to calendar purchasers. Please see club members for details.

The calendar sale date collection effort will be held from June to September 2013.  Calendars will be ready for delivery in December 2013.


2011 Fall Fellowship Breakfast Fundraiser

Saturday, November 12, 2011. First Baptist Church, Union Chapel Road, Pembroke, NC. Please join us for great food, great fellowship for a great cause. Cost $6.00


2012 Fall Fellowship Breakfast Fundraiser

Saturday, November 3, 2012. First Baptist Church, Union Chapel Road, Pembroke, NC. Please join us for great food, great fellowship for a great cause. Cost $6.00  7:00-10:00 AM





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