
Meeting: Webpage Design Set-up

Date: June 1, 2012

Time: 12:30PM- 1:00PM

Place: Beecher Library Norfolk, VA


A meeting was held in reference to the club project: the Campus and Norfolk Middle Lions Club webpage. It was presented with an sketched outline as to the requirements needed to be met for the design of the pages. Lion Marvin suggested that we make it accessible for those who are members so they can use it as a source to help update and notify them on upcoming events and meetings as well as minutes from previous meetings. Lion Ceyanna and Lion Ashli were in attendance and gave brief suggestions as well. Though this project is under construction, we are steadily moving and continuing to make a well designed, and convenient source for all.


Lions Clubs International, District 24-D
First Full Cabinet Meeting, 2:00PM, July 15, 2012
Brickhouse Auditorium, Sentara Norfolk General Hospital
Clubs International, District 24-D
First Full Cabinet Meeting, 2:00PM, July 15, 2012
Brickhouse Auditorium, Sentara Norfolk General Hospital
Attendance: (See sign-in rosters, Attch’s1,2,3 for details) 42 of 60 clubs, 17 of 17 officers, and 43 of 65 committee chair positions

I Call to Order
Called to order at 2:00PM by District Governor Lion J. Stanley Furman
God Bless America was led by 1stVDG Lion Donnie Johnson
led by Cabinet Treasurer Lion Ray Yannello
by Lion Rev W. T. Perkins
Meeting begun.
II Introduction of Head Table
by DG Lion J. Stanley
International Director Lion Dr. Hauser Weiler
1st VDG Lion Donnie Johnson
2nd VDG Lion Pamela Kidwell
Cabinet Secretary Lion John Watters
Cabinet Treasurer Lion Ray Yannello
III Introduction of Past District
Governors, IPDG Alton
IPDG Lion Al Miller introduced PDG’s Quinn, Warren, Cunningham, Goldner,
Senecal ©, Weiler (H), Burson, Ivey, Senecal (B), Kramer, Rapier, and Weiler
IV Roll Call of Cabinet, Cab Sec
Lion John Watters
Confirmed those not signed-in as present or not. Confirmed quorum of
Cabinet (see attendance
V Opening Remarks, DG Lion
J. Stanley Furman
At the Governor’s suggestion, a motion to expand the District Cabinet to include
committee chairs and presidents was made by Lion Randy Jones and seconded by
2ndVDG Lion Donnie Johnson. There was little discussion and no objection.
Approved by voice vote.
VI Old Business

Minutes of May 19,
2012, Cab Sec Lion

Financial Report and
Budget, Cab Treas
Lion Yannello
It was moved and seconded to accept them (Attch 4) as recently distributed to all
cabinet members. No corrections or additions were noted.
Lion Ray Yannello introduced and explained several motions and budgets:
1. Moved acceptance of recommended changes to line items in the financial
records (Attch 5). Motion seconded. Most of the discussion centered about how
Parades and Floats funds would be handled as the item moves from Activities to
Administration. Current funds in the ‘old’ Activities Parades and Floats will
transfer to the Governor’s Discretionary line item at the end of the fiscal year,
Approved by vote to
accept as published.
Motion approved by

Audit Committee,
Report, PDG Lion
Bud Warren
although in the meantime may be used for necessary appropriate items.
2. Presented the year-end report of the previous treasurer, Lion Sol Sherfey
(Attch 6). Acceptance moved and seconded. In discussion that recommendation
was not questioned, but there was a question concerning the “zeroing out” of
certain accounts, in particular the Burkeville Lodge and the Bland Budget.
Current Cabinet Treasurer Lion Ray Yannello answered that these items are still
in the budget. Lion Sandy had asked that such be done. Is included in the
budget. Accepted as reported.Minimal discussion ensued.
3. A Proposed Activities District Budget for 2012-2013 (Attch 7) and the
Proposed Administration District Budger for 2012-2013(Attch 8) were presented
for approval. After being seconded, they were discussed. The answer to a
question re the Answering Service budget item being included since the service is
being discontinued is that we are under contract to continue the service through
October of this year. The $10,000 grant mentioned under disaster relief is only to
be asked for from LCIF if needed – it is not money in hand at the moment. Lion
Gary Rapier suggested that Lion Tommy Rapier be contacted and usage fees be
set up for the float to pay for its expenses. Also that the rental fee be looked at by
the S&H unit. Lion John Cranford explained that the rental fee is based upon sq.
ft. and is mostly for insurance. There are written memoranda of agreements for
other occupants of the Parade Float and Sight and Hearing Unit garage. It was
also noted that there is no host club for line 112, Winter Social, as it is self-
funding. The listed expense for RAM/LAMP, line 248, was described as
inadequate and should have $1000 added to it. Lion Ray agreed to these changes.
The committee met and reviewed financial records. Their report (Attch 9) states
that “sound practices were utilized to maintain records . . .” Lion PDG Bud
stated that Lion Sol is to be commended for his outstanding work. Various
disbursements and transfers were reviewed and all were found to be appropriate.
Lion Bud moved that the requirement for two signatures on checks be
discontinued as banks no longer support such action and it hinders the treasurer in
disbursing funds. The motion was seconded. There was little discussion.
voice vote.
Motion approved by
voice vote.
Motion approved by
voice vote.
Approved by voice vote.
VII. New Business –
Budgets &


District State Budget,
PDG Lion Donna Weiler

Bland Budget, Lion
Sandy Mikulecky

Diabetes Awareness
Budget, Lion Gerry

Diabetes Camp Budget,
CC Lion Chet Kramer
Presented by Lion Donna Weiler (Attch 10). Moved for approval. IPDG Lion
Alton Miller stated that we needed a budget item for membership and that the
number of members listed as a basis for membership might be too high. The
number of members (1550) used in this budget was discussed and that it may well
need adjustment in Oct 2012. Lion Donnie Johnson noted that the annual
summer loss of members from both campus clubs is usually restored at the
beginning of the next school year. Another question concerned the size of the
reserve fund. One answer from Lion Gary Rapier stated that other districts have
survived by using their reserve funds and that we might need it in the future.
Lion CC Chet Kramer supported Lion Gary’s comments. If we go to status quo
upon dwindling to 1200 members we will receive less from LCI. Other
discussion about the exact size of district membership did not result in any
change in the presented budget.
Upon presentation of the Bland Budget (Attch 11) for approval and with a second,
the suggestion that excess funds not be transferred to state was made by Lion
Brock Robertson. He explained that we needed to keep the funds inside the
district for our own use. Lion Ray Yannello suggested that Bland income may be
less than projected. Arguing to send the funds to state was the fact that the club
with a winner pays for transport of their winner to the state Bland Contest.
Others suggested that a reserve or longer budget term could be used to keep the
money in the district – but support for the state was mentioned as being important
also. The motion on the floor to approve this budget stood as originally
Presented (Attch 12), seconded and then discussed. The budget was modified
slightly to reduce projected income with approval of the motion originator.
Presented (Attch 13) by CC Lion Chet Kramer who moved acceptance after
reviewing line items. Seconded and discussed without suggested changes.
Motion approved as
presented by voice vote.
Approved by voice vote
with a few nays.
Motion approved by
voice vote.
Approved by voice vote.

Journey for Sight
Budget, Lion Mary
Presented by Lion Mary Durbin (Attch 14) in detail who then moved its approval.
It was seconded. Discussion of income from individuals vs club donations
questioned the expected income. However, income last year was actually greater
than this budget projects(information from Lion Ray Yannello). This budget

KnightsVision Budget,
Lion Tucker Casanova

Sight Conservation
Budget, Lion John

Services for Children,
PediaVision Budget, Lion
Nancy Watters
includes no payment to blind Lions as the ethics discussion concerning this
practice is ongoing. Lion Mike Keelean mentioned that there surely are other
activities for the blind that are not included in this budget and clubs should
forward items for inclusion next year.
Presented by Lion Tucker Casanova (Attch 15) . Moved and seconded.
Discussion centered about income from donations and patrons, along with
expenses from the printed publication. Noted is that no longer will printed copies
be distributed as previously done. All patrons (starting at $50 now) will receive a
Presented (Attch 16) and moved approval. Noted that expenses are variable and
that this budget doesn’t include assistance with the RAM trip reimbursement.
Presented (Attch 17,18) with brief discussion of new vision screening patch and
requirements to earn it. Moved, seconded, Voted approval.
Approved by voice vote.
Motion approved by
voice vote.
Approved by voice vote.
Approved with voice
VIII Committee Reports

Winter Social, PDG
Debbie Ivey
PDG Lion Debbie Ivey presented details of the new Winter Social, no longer
called the Governor’s Ball. Date is set for Feb 9, 2013.
IX Awards, IPDG Alton Miller IPDG Lion Alton Miller presented PDG Lion Gary Rapier a letter and IP’s pin
from Immediate Past International President Wing-Kun Tam for forming the
EVMS club.
X Recess Lions Mobile Sight and Hearing Unit Annual Meeting
Lions Charity Foundation of District 24-D, Inc., Annual Meeting
XI Closing Remarks,
DG Lion J. Stanley Furman Presentation of Lions pins to specifically for Zone Chairs and all current District
Lion DG J. Stanley Furman commented on the International Lions A World of
Service theme. Our Int. Pres. is using Indy 500 racing teams as examples and
Lion Stanley emphasized that our team is prepared and dedicated. Our teamwork
will create excellence in all we do, starting now with THIS meeting. We’ll have

fun and fellowship that we seemed to have lost. Yes, we do need members as
we’re getting older and fewer – but we will stop this change and turn it around –
we have to do it. This Lions association is life itself to us and we need to instill
that feeling in others. What it means to be a Lion was instilled in young Lion
Stanley by PDG Lion Bill Quinn many years ago. Lion Stanley encouraged all
present to take home the message that we are absolutely dedicated. He said,
“Pick up the damn phone and call me if you have any questions.”
ed to have lost. Yes, we do need members as
we’re getting older and fewer – but we will stop this change and turn it around –
we have to do it. This Lions association is life itself to us and we need to instill
that feeling in others. What it means to be a Lion was instilled in young Lion
Stanley by PDG Lion Bill Quinn many years ago. Lion Stanley encouraged all
present to take home the message that we are absolutely dedicated. He said,
“Pick up the damn phone and call me if you have any questions.” Information
Respectfully Submitted
Lion John A Watters,
Cabinet Secretary
IX Attachments 1, 2, 3 – Sign-in Rosters
4. Cabinet Minutes of May 2012
5. Change to accounting line items
6. Treasurer’s report for 2011 – 2012
7. Proposed Activities Budget for 2012 – 2013
8. Proposed Administration Budget for 2012 – 2013
9. Audit Report
10. State Administered District Budget for 2012 – 2013
11. Proposed Bland Budget 2012 – 2013
12. Proposed Diabetes Awareness Budget for 2012 – 2013
13. Diabetes Family Camp Proposed Budget for 2012 – 2013
14. Proposed Journey for Sight Budget 2012 – 2013
15. Proposed KnightsVision Budget for 2012 – 2013
16. Proposed Sight Conservation Budget 2012 – 2013
17. PediaVision (Child Eye Screening) Budget 2012 – 2013
18. Children’s Eye Screening Club Patch and Rules




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