
Currently we are actively recruiting new members.  We welcome a diversity of members to the Norcross Lions Club which meets the second and fourth Thursdays at 7:00 PM.

The Lions motto is "We Serve"

Whenever a Lions Club gets together, problems get smaller and communities get better. That's because we help where help is needed - in our own communities and around the world - with unmatched integrity and energy. We get the job done!

Lions Clubs International currently has 8 service Initiatives: Childhood Cancer, Diabetes, Disaster Relief,  Environment, Humanitarian, Hunger, Vision, and Youth.  Mental health and wellness is also being added.   The Norcross Lions Club has activities in all of these areas.  See the Club Projects page.  We are open to new ideas so if you have a suggestion for a new community project, please contact us.  We are always seeking ideas to help our community safely.  See the Contact Us page.

Lions Clubs in Georgia are divided into 4 Districts (L, I, O, N).  Our district 18-I is in the northeastern part of GA.  The Norcross Lions Club is honored to have the past chief officer of the district, the Past District Governor, as one of our members: Lion Trudy Rudert.

The first Lions Club in GA was chartered in 1920 so Lions Clubs in GA has provided 100 years of service and continue to do so.  Won't you join us?  

What Lions Are... and What Lions Are Not...

Lions are members of the world's largest and most active service club organization.

Lions aren't looking to build their own personal business connections through membership in a civic club.

Lions are people who have decided to give something back to their community, who are dedicated to finding people in need, and who meet those needs in a caring way.  We believe Kindness Matters.

Lions aren't a group that raises funds locally to be sent elsewhere. Although Lions charities benefit state and worldwide activities, the majority of each Lions Club activities focus on the local community needs.

Lions are patriotic, giving allegiance to their country.

Lions aren't a political organization.  Lions aren't a religious organization. Most Lions have their own personal spiritual commitments, which all Lions are encouraged to have. Likewise, Lions Clubs are not fraternal organizations with rituals or special oaths.


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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