Welcome to the Isle Lions Website
Contact Person
If you have a request,
Contact Lion Susan or Lion Craig to get on the Board meeting agenda
Secretary: Susan Haggberg 320-250-5172
President: Craig LeMieux 701-261-2341
Created 4-8-2011
Updated on Feb 10th 2025 @ 4:55PM
e-mail islelions@gmail.com
President – Craig Lemieux 701-261-2341 craiglemieux8@gmail.com
The Isle Club was charted on March 13th 1971
We have been serving our Community for 53 years
Our web site has been up and running for 13 + years now
Started on 04/08/2011
Webmaster Conrad Thomsen
Where there is a need there is a Lion
Current Members 53 as of Nov 8th 2024
Meetings for the Isle Lions Club
General Meeting
Isle Lions Club meets on the Second Monday of each Month
Social time @ 6:00PM Meeting @ 6:30 PM
It is a Dinner meeting costing $17.00
We meet at
Tulibee Tavern - 235 Main Street
Wahkon Mn 56386
Board of Directors Meeting
On the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 at the IREC building on West Main Street in down town Isle. All Club Members welcome to attend
Isle Lions Officers
for the year of July 1st 2024 to July 1st 2025
President: Craig LeMieux
1st Vice President: Hans Woelfle
2nd Vice President: Kurt Klipstein
3rd Vice President: Dawn Christensen
Treasurer: Doreen Vevea
Secretary: Susan Haggberg
Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister: Kevin Skow
Past Presidents: Doug Halvorson and Shari Strecker
Gambling Manager: Deb Walters
Two Year Directors: Tom Vevea and Tami Zortman
One Year Directors: Nancy Anderson and Patti Packer
Lifetime Director: Bubbles Haggberg and Conrad Thomsen
A special thank you to those serving on our Board of Directors
Important changes or updates
Here is the link to the Isle Area Chamber of Commerce
The link to the City of Wahkon
(copy and paste in your browser)
Isle Library Link
Letter from the President if the Isle Lions Club
Dear fellow Lions Club Members:
As you know, our organization believes in changing the world by serving the needs of our local community. The Isle Lions Club brings the commitment “to serve” to an amazing level one I’ve never seen before.
Day in and day out, through your generosity of time and spirit, you prove that
“where there is a need, there is a Lion.”
Whether it’s a small act of kindness or a large gesture, our time and giving add up in profound ways for the people who live and work in our community.
Thank you for all you do! I’m deeply proud to be a member of this incredible team and I look forward to continuing to work side by side with you in ways that make our great community even better.
Craig Lemieux
Isle Lions Officers
for the year of July 1st 2023 to July 1st 2024
President: Craig LeMieux
1st Vice President: Hans Woelfle
2nd Vice President: Dawn Christensen
3rd Vice President: Kurt Klipstein
Treasurer: Marlene Moss
Secretary: Susan Haggberg
Lion Tamer / Tail Twister: Carolyn Remer
Past Presidents: Doug Halvorson and Shari Strecker
Gambling Manager: Deb Walters
Two Year Directors: Nancy Anderson and Patti Packer
One Year Directors: Paulette Osterdyk and Alice Nickolay
Lifetime Director: Bubbles Haggberg
A special thank you to those serving on our Board of Directors
Past Isle Lions officers
for the year of July 1st 2022 to July 1st 2023
President – Shari Strecker 763-267-4960 shari3537@gmail.com
1 st Vice President – Doc Moss
2 nd Vice President – Hans Woelfle
3 rd Vice President – Dawn Christensen
Treasurer – Marlene Moss
Secretary – Susan Haggberg
Lion Tamer – Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister – Craig Lemieux
Immediate Past President – Doug Halvorson
Gambling Manager – Deb Walters
Two Year Directors – Jane Lemieux & Paulette Osterdyk
One Year Directors – Nancy Anderson & Alice Nickolay
Lifetime Director – Bubbles Haggberg
Past officers Of the Isle Lions
Isle Lions officers for the year of 2021 to July 1st 2022
President: Lion Shari Strecker 763-267-4960 shari3537@gmail.com
1st Vice President: Doc Moss
2nd Vice President: Hans Woelfle
3rd Vice President: Dawn Christensen
Treasurer: Marlene Moss / Melisa Maxwell 320-676-8940
Secretary: Susan Haggberg 320-495-3976
Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister: Craig Lemieux
Immediate Past President: Doug Halvorson
Gambling Manager: Deb Walters
Two Year Directors: Nancy Anderson and Alice Nickolay
One Year Directors: Melisa Maxwell and Shari Woelfle
Isle Lions officers for the year of 2019 to July 1st 2020
President: Lion Doug Halvorson 320-492-5440 jdhalvor@hotmail.com
1st Vice President: Hans Woelfle 320-515-1337
2nd Vice President: Doc Moss
3rd Vice President: Shari Strecker
Treasurer: Marlene Moss 320-676-8940
Secretary: Susan Haggberg 320-495-3976
Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister: Craig Lemieux
Immediate Past President: Dawn Christensen
Gambling Manager: Deb Walters
Two Year Directors: Patti Packer and Pat Hicks
One Year Directors: Shari Woelfle and Melisa Maxwell
Isle Lions officers for the year of 2018 to July 1st 2019
President: Doug Halvorson 320-492-5440 jdhalvor@hotmail.com
1st Vice President: Hans Woelfle 320-515-1337
2nd Vice President: Judy Halvorson
3rd Vice President: Leta Christensen
Treasurer: Marlene Moss 320-676-8940
Secretary: Susan Haggberg 320-495-3976
Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister: Mitzie Reis
Gambling Manager: Deb Walters
Immediate Past President Dawn Christensen
Membership Chairperson: Hans Woelfle
2 Year Director: Shari Woelfle & Melisa Maxwell
1 Year Director: Shari Strecker & Bubbles Haggberg
Isle Lions officers for the year of 2017 to July 1st 2018
President: Doug Halvorson 320-492-5440
1st Vice President: Hans Woelfle 320-515-1337
2nd Vice President: Judy Halvorson
3rd Vice President: Leta Christensen
Treasurer: Marlene Moss 320-676-8940
Secretary: Susan Haggberg 320-495-3976
Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister: Mitzie Reis
Gambling Manager: Deb Walters
Immediate Past President Dawn Christensen
Membership Chairperson: Hans Woelfle
2 Year Director: Shari Strecker & Bubbles Haggberg
1 Year Director: Shari Woelfle & Linda Orazem
Isle Lions officers for the year of 2016 to July 1st 2017
President: Lion Dawn Christensen 320-495-3734
1st Vice President: Lion Hans Woelfle 320-515-1337
2nd Vice President Lion Judy Halverson 320-676-3935
3rd Vice President: Doug Halvorson 320-676-3935
Treasurer: Lion Marlene Moss 320-676-8940
Secretary: Lion Susan Haggberg 320-495-3976
Membership Chairperson: Hans Woelfle 320-515-1337
Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister: Lion Mitzie Reis
Gambling Manager: Deb Walters
Membership Chairperson: Lion Hans Woelfle
2 Year Board of Director: Linda Orazem and Shari Woelfle
1 Year Board of Director: Leta Christensen and Charles Haggberg
Isle Lions officers for the year of 2015 to July 1st 2016
President: Lion Dawn Christensen 320-495-3734
1st Vice President: Lion Hans Woelfle 320-515-1337
2nd Vice President Lion Judy Halverson 320-676-3935
3rd Vice President: Doug Halvorson 320-676-3935
Treasurer: Lion Marlene Moss 320-676-8940
Secretary: Lion Susan Haggberg 320-495-3976
Membership Chairperson: Hans Woelfle 320-515-1337
Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister: Lion Mitzie Reis
Gambling Manager: Deb Walters
Membership Chairperson: Lion Hans Woelfle
2 Year Board of Director: Deb Walters and Leta Christensen
1 Year Board of Director: Lions Mitzie Reis & Conrad Thomsen
Isle Lions Officers for the year of 2014 to July 1st 2015
President: Lion Linda Orazem 230-676-3117
1st Vice President: Lion Dawn Christensen 320-495-3734
2nd Vice President: Lion Marv Hietala 218-393-2522
3rd Vice President: Lion Dan Leitner 320-676-8911
Treasurer: Lion Marlene Moss 320-676-8940
Secretary: Lion Susan Haggberg 320-495-3976
Membership Chairperson: Lion Hans Woelfle 320-515-1337
Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister: Lion Mitzie Reis
Gambling Manager: Lion Rae Ann Larson
Membership Chairperson: Lion Hans Woelfle
2 Year Board of Director: Lions Mitzie Reis & Conrad Thomsen
1 Year Board of Director: Lions Leta Christensen and Nancy Friendt
Past officers Of the Isle Lions
Isle Lions Officers for the year of 2013 to July 1st 2014
President: Lion Hans Woelfle 320-515-1337
1st Vice President: Lion Linda Orazem 230-676-3117
2nd Vice President: Lion Dawn Christensen 320-495-3734
3rd Vice President: Lion Marv Hietala 218-393-2522
Treasurer: Lion Marlene Moss 320-676-8940
Secretary: Lion Susan Haggberg 320-495-3976
Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister: Lion Mitzie Reis
Gambling Manager: Lion Rae Ann Larson
Membership Chairperson: Lion Hans Woelfle
2 Year Board of Director: Lions Donita Odden and Nancy Friendt
1 Year Board of Director: Lions Shari Woelfle and Mike Conner
Isle Lions Club Officers for the year July 1st 2012 to July 1st 2013
President Lion Dan Leitner
1st Vice President Lion Hans Woelfle
2nd Vice President Lion Linda Orazem
3rd Vice President Lion Dawn Christensen
Secretary Lion Susan Haggberg
Theasurer Lion Marlene Moss
Lion Tamer Lion Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister Lion Carolyn Remer
Gambling Manager Lion Clark Sahlstrom
Ass't Gambling Manager Lion
Two Year Board of Directors Lion Mike Conner
Lion Shari Woelfle
One year Board Directors Lion Mitzie Ries
Lion Marv Hietala
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.