

Roles and Responsibilities:

A Lions club is governed by a Board of Directors, normally consisting of a president as chief executive officer, the immediate past president, three vice presidents, a secretary, a treasurer, Lion tamers, tail-twisters, four or more directors, a membership director. Officers are elected annually for a term coinciding with the association’s fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Directors are elected for one-year and two-year terms.  All officers and Board of Directors must be an active member in good standing in their respective club.
President: The president serves as the club’s chief executive officer and presides at all meetings of the club and the board of directors. The president issues the call for regular and special meetings in accordance with the club’s by-laws or procedures, plans the agenda and ensures that the status of each committee activity is reported. It is also the responsibility of the president to see that regular elections are duly called, noticed and held. The president cooperates with, and is an active member of, the district governor’s advisory committee of the zone in which the club is located.
Vice Presidents: In the event that the president should be unable to perform the duties of office for any reason, the 1st vice president next in rank occupies the position and performs the duties with the same authority as the president. We also refer to them as the Head wrangler, (also in charge of the next Dogie Days). Each vice president, under the direction of the president, oversees the functioning of various committees of the club.

Immediate Past President: The immediate past president, along with other past presidents, serves as an official greeter of members and their guests at club meetings and represents the club in welcoming new people into the community served by the club.


Secretary: Under the supervision and direction of the president and board of directors, the secretary acts as a liaison officer between the club and both the district and International Headquarters. Responsibilities of the secretary include submitting reports, and maintaining club records.

Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for all club financial matters. Generates all checks to be signed and provides the treasurer with a monthly report on all accounts for the board meeting. Duties include receiving all monies and paying club obligations. Maintaining financial records, preparing financial statements and submitting financial reports. 

Lion Tamer: The Lion Tamer serves as custodian of club property. Duties include being responsible for club property (such as flags, banners, gavels, passing out song books etc.), See that the badge boards are properly placed, and that the standard organization chart is displayed. They help with the distributing of materials at meetings. They are to assist the past presidents as the official greeters, to welcome all guests and see that places are provided for all.

Tail-Twisters: Tail-Twisters shall maintain harmony, and encourage good feelings, life and enthusiasm in the meetings. They shall impose and collect the fines at the meetings (and shall use their best judgment when doing so). Much of the success of the meetings will depend upon their resourcefulness in promoting fellowship, fun and laughter, making the members forget, for a time at least, their business and any worries they may have.

Membership Director: The membership director serves as the chairman of the membership committee. Responsibilities of the membership director include development of membership growth programs, implementation of recruitment and preparation of orientation sessions.

Retention Chair: When a member leaves the club for various reasons, they contact the member to see if there is a problem that can be resolved and hopefully keep them as a member. They keep a record of weekly attendance and reports this at the board meeting. They work with the bookkeeper on contacting members who are past due in paying their monthly dues.

Public Relations Chair: Is charged for club communications: The club newsletter and Website is a vital communications tool. Members are encouraged to read each issue of the club’s newsletter and visit the Web site regularly to keep abreast of club news. 

Service Chair: Helps the secretary by inputing service project information and hours into Lions International database.
Zone Chair: Supports the development of the clubs in your zone. Serves as chairperson of the district governor’s advisory committee in the zone and 
organize the meetings of this committee.  Monitors the health and status of clubs in the zone. Encourages Clubs to Report Membership Every Month. 
Assistant Zone Chair: Assists the Zone Chair in his or her duties. Must serve as club president or secretary and serve as a club board member for a minumum of 2 years.

District Governor: The district governor serves as the chief administrative officer for the district. He or she is elected to serve a one-year term at the district convention. The new governor takes office at the close of the international convention.The district governor’s responsibilities include representing the association in the district, supervising district officers, furthering the Objects and Ethics of the association, promoting the goals of the International Program, supervising the organization of new Lions clubs and presiding over district meetings.

Vice District Governors: The vice district governors serves as chief administrative assistant to the district governor. The vice district governor’s specific responsibilities are to further the Objects and Ethics Lions Clubs International, become familiar with the duties of the district governor so that in the event of a vacancy in the office of district governor, perform administrative duties assigned by the district governor, participate in district meetings, help prepare the district budget, supervise district committees at the request of the district governor, help review clubs, engage in all matters to be continued during the next year and services as chairman of the district MERL team.

To find out more information on the International Association of Lions Clubs go to
•A club consists of a minimum of 20 members.
•A zone consists of 5 - 10 clubs.
•A district is comprised of at least 5 - 8 Zones (35 clubs with about 1250 active members).
•Several districts in a given geographical area comprise a multiple district.
•Each Lions club is located in one of the seven Constitutional Areas, which is represented by at least one international director.
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