

Cormorant Lion's Club 5M-9 44510


Social Hour       6:00-7:00

Call to Dinner   7:00

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Welcome guests
  3. Tail Twister - recognizes Birthdays, Anniversaries, and other mis-deeds of members. Fun part of the meeting and breaks the ice. $'s collected go to club activities.
  4. Sing along - Lion volunteer choir director leads group in song
  5. Prayer of Service - Lion volunteer provides thoughts about Service and reflections around current month holidays, celebrations, project events, and reminders of Lions mission.
  6. Cormorant Lions have a local caterer that provides a hot, comfort meal each month except July Steak Fry and Christmas Dinner.   Begin meal by call of table order.  Head table first by tradition.

Appreciation for meal - Doris, Marilyn

Appreciation for set-up of the Center, clean-up, and greeters.

Program            7:30

Each Month there is a program with local guests.  

  1. Program
  2. At some meetings the program extends into recognition, door prizes, and special activities. 

Business Meeting


  1. Call to order
  2. Secretary's Report
  3. Treasurer's Report
  4. Project update reports

Old Business


New Business





goal - by 8:30

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