The SouthPark Lions Club has suspended all acivities. To request help or become involved in Lions Club activities, consider contacting any of the following Lions Clubs:
Lions KidSight :
Screenings are suspended while Pre-K schools are closed.
Are you interested in joining a Lions KidSight Screening Team? Whether you are a Lion or not, volunteers are needed on screening teams, providing a pool of volunteers who can help at scheduled screenings, as their schedules permit. Come learn how to sceen children for vision problems, including Amblyhopia (Lazy Eye). Contact Lion David Shimberg at davealans71@@gmail.com if you are interestd in learning more about Lions KidSight, or view the WBTV link below,
View Lions KidSight Segment broadcast on 3/6/19.
Lions KidSight USA is a National Lions program, providing vision screeing to children, ages 6 months to 6 years of age. Children with vision problems have trouble learning. Unlike a basic vision screenings with an eye chart, which only gives an indication of visual acuity, Lions KidSight, using a PlusOptix Photoscreener, checks for the 6 most common vision problems in children. Click here for a Program Overview. Ask a member of the SouthPark Lions how you or your organization can supupor the Lions KidSight program as a Sponsor, placing your name on materials and promotions.
The LIONS are a Top Rated Charity - Visit Charity Navigator to learn more.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.