
All good things come to an end...

With great regret, Wirral Lions Club decided to close at the end of the Lions year on 30 June 2024. This decision was not easy but is based on the reduced number of members and the age profile of those who remain, which made it increasingly difficult to complete fundraising activities.

After completing our last Santa runs in 2023, we handed our Santa sleigh to the 7th Bebington Scouts who, with the aid of other groups, will be bringing Santa round the area this Christmas and raising funds for Wirral Hospice St John's and for Scout activities generally. Their routes and dates are listed below and we hope you will give the Scouts the support you have given Lions in the past.


Our final donations are listed on our "Where does your money go?" page opposite.

We would like to thank the people of Wirral, and particularly our regular supporters, for their generosity over the years, which has enabled us to provide funds to a wide range of good causes, mainly in the local area but also some further afield. In the 55 years of its existence, it is estimated that Wirral Lions have raised around £800,000 for charity at present day values, as well as providing practical help in so many different ways.

Thank you, the public, for your kindness, support and generosity.



Wirral Lions Club Charitable Trust Fund is a Registered Charity

(No. 1102457)



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