Welcome to The Westborough Lions Club
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Westborough and Northborough Lions
Host a Meat Raffle on Sunday, March 23rd, at
Cold Harbor Brewery, 66 Otis St., Westborough
January 29, 2025
Westborough Lions $1,000
Post-Secondary Education Scholarship Application
Now Available on Club Projects Page
Applications Due April 15, 2025
December 12, 2024
Westborough Lions icw LCIF and District 33A
Purchase Storage Container
for Westborough Food Pantry
Fress Up $1700 a Year for 20 Years to Buy Food & Supplies
Polly Thayer, Food Pantry Volunteer; Paul Luippold, Food Pantry President;
Shelby Marshall, Westborough Select Board; MA State Rep. Hannah Kane;
Westborough Lions President, Tony Ash; MA State Rep. Kate Donaghue;
District 33A District Governor, Denise Andrews
MA House of Representatives
Proclamation Congratulating The Lions!
Westborough Lions
Congratulations to Aisha Ali of WHS
Winner 2024-25 Youth Speech Contest
And to All of Our Contestants this Year!
L to R: Lion Susan Ash, Aisha Ali, Veronica Njuguna, Karen Samuel,
Shobhana Ramesh kumar Jayachitra, Sri Suktha Thabati,
MA State Senator Kate Donaghue
Westborough Lions Club
Peace Poster Contest Winners
1st Place: Ashrima Tiwari
2nd Place: Milin Bobby
Honorable Mention: Anika Veetil
L to R: Peace Poster Chair: Lion Sue Ash; Anika Veetil,
Ashrima Tiwari, King Lion Tony Ash
2nd Place Winner: Milin Bobby
Westborough Lions Support MLERF
MA Lions Eye Research Fund
King Lion Tony Ash Accepts MLERF
Club Donation Recognition from
33A District Governor Denise Andrews (R) and
Cabinet Secretary Treasurer Ann Marie Decoteau (L)
October 16, 2024
Westborough 4th of July Block Party!
Friday, June 28th, 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Dunk Tank All Star Line-Up:
- Fire Chief Pat Purcell
- Police Chief Todd Minardi
- Select Board Member Shelby Marshall
- Deputy Police Chief Steve Tompkins
- Little League Coach Kyle Graham
- Lttle League Coach Pat LaCroix
Happy 4th of July 2024!
May 15, 2024
WHS Senior Marco Micucci
Wins Westborough Lions Club Scholarship!
Will Attend Bentley University in the Fall!
Marco with King Lion Burton Christensen
Marco was Chosen for Strong Academics, Community Service, and
the Ability to Overcome and Obstacle in Achieving Success!
Congrats Marco! We Wish You the Best!
Westborough Lions Kenducky Derby
May 4, 2024 at the Mill Pond Spillway
Congrats to Our Winners!
1st Place $500: Jason Gagnon of W. Roxbury
2nd & 3rd Place $350: Emily Noland of Westborough
Satwik Dash, Mill Pond 6th Grader
Receives MD33 State Peace Poster Prize
at State Convention in Falmouth
April 21, 2024
MD33 Council Chair Dennis Fountain, Satwik, Lion Sue Ash, Lion Tony Ash
Satwik with his Mom, Dad, and Sister
Satwik Dash is Presented with District 33A Peace Poster Award
at Mid-Winter Conference in Southbridge on Sat. Feb. 10, 2024
L to R: District 33A Peace Poster Chair Joni LaPlante, Satwik Dash.
Zone 2 Chair Susan Ash, King Lion Burton Christensen
Congratulations to Westborough Lion, Dr. Khuong Nguyen!
Awarded by both LCIF and Past International President for
Humanitarian Work at LCI Convention in July!
Past International Director and LCI Convention Chair, Joyce Middleton
Presents Dr. Nguyen with a Certificate of Appreciation
from Past International President, Brian Sheehan
4th Highest Award Given by an Intenational President!
Past District Governor and LCI Parade Chair, Babe Mainini
Presents Dr. Nguyen with a Melvin Jones Fellowship:
Highest Honor Given by LCIF for Humantarian Efforts!
Westborough Lions Club is Awarded 3rd Place
In 'Best Small Club' in District 33A
DG Marianna Riemer Presents King Lion Burton with Award
At Final Advisory Meeting in Millbury on May 31, 2023
You Can Make A Difference
Since 1917, local Lions clubs have offered people just like you the opportunity to give something back to their community. Today, with over 1.35 million members in over 206 countries and geographic areas, Lions have expanded their focus to help meet the ever increasing needs of our society.
As a member of The Westborough Lions, you become aware of the needs of our coummunity and have the advantage to effectively make a difference. Our District provides volunteers with project management assistance, leadership training, personal development opportunities and organized fundraising programs. Being a Lion empowers you to help in a way that no one person could alone.
Now more than ever, people with vision problems, the environment, our senior community, our youth, and the disadvantaged locally and around the world need your help. By participating in the Westborough Lions Club, you can help meet pressing needs in our community and around the world.
Local and District Lions Charities include:
- Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund - Supports Research in Boston & Worcester
- Sight and Hearing Fund- Provides grants for eye and hearing related needs
- Lions Club International Fund-Supports projects for blindness, clinics, & natural disasters
- Barton Center for Diabetes Education-camping and educational programs for children with diabetes
- NEADS-Training cener for Assistance Dogs in Princeton, MA
- Lazarus Program-Organ and tissue donor program
The Westborough Lions Club was re-established in 1994 by citizens with a sense of commitment to the community and the desire to make a difference. Since then, with a small but dedicated membership, the Club has raised and donated back to the Town and various Lions causes, tens of thousands of dollars in cash, goods, and services.
The Westborough Lions have provided or supported:
- Local Boy Scout Troops
- Barton Center for Diabetes Education Campership Scholarships
- Medical Equipment to the Westborough Senior Center
- Service Dogs for Local Citizens in Need
- Reading Machine for the Library
- Free eye examinations, eyeglasses, and hearing aids for local residents
- Eyeglass Recycling, over 2000 pairs donated to Volunteer Optometry Students for Humanity (VOSH).
- Middle School Peace Poster Contest
- Statewide Youth Speech Contest for High School Students
- The Town Fourth of July Celebration (Dunk Tank)
- Peabody Essex Museum Pass at Westborough Library
- Free Vision Screening
- Hurricane Harvey Relief
- The Bridge
- Hope Unending
The Westborough Lions have donated over $11,000 to the Mass Lions Eye Research fund since 2000. See how this amazing fund has prevented and cured eye-related diseases. To learn more, please visit http://masslionseyeresearchfund.org.
Recycle Your Old Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, and Readers!
We have donation boxes located at:
- The Westborough Spectacle Shoppe
- The Westborough Library
- Reliant Medical at Bay State Commons
- Westborough Senior Center
- Westborough Eye Care in the Rotary
LET US HELP YOU! If your organization has a special need, or you know of someone who does, email any member. We wil consider any reasonable request.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.