We Serve
Bringing The Waynesville Community Together
The Waynesville Lions Club Charter was signed by 33 men on December 15th, 1958, disbanding the previous Waynesville Civic Club and starting a Lions Club. At that time they decided to raise money by selling light bulbs, brooms, and fruitcakes.
Today, some 50 plus years later, The Waynesville Lions Club continues in it's dedicated service to the Waynesville community. Be sure to check out our fundraiser and projects links to the left to see what we're up to.
We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 P.M. at the Wayne Township Administration Building.
A short business meeting, then we frequently have guest speakers addressing topics of interest to our community..
January 14th meeting; Josh Philpot, Senior Patrol Leader of Wayneville BSA Troop 51, gave a presentation on Flags over Wayneville. Get your home ready for Memorial Day with an American Flag subscription! http://flagsoverwaynesville.com/
Christmas Party 2019 December 3, 2019. Good food, good music, great Club!

Thanks to the community for your support with this important event:
Pancake Breakfast at the Waynesville Middle School cafeteria, All proceeds benefit the Waynesville Food Pantry. Served from 8-11 am on Saturday morning, December 7th.
Sept 10, 2019: Tonight the Waynesville Lions Club was fortunate to induct 6 NEW Lions! A huge thanks to Lion Pat Bookman from the Lebanon Lions Club for inducting the new members. Note that President Russ McGuire, who sponsored the new members, did not stick anyone while presenting their new pins!!!
The 50th Annual Ohio Sauerkraut Festival in Waynesville
The NEW TRAILER is up and running! Warm up with some mushrooms and cheese sticks!
Kathy Daniels
A huge THANK YOU to all who came out and supported the non-profit organizations in Waynesville! The weather was perfect, and according to perennial shroom tasters PDG Clark Van Scyoc and Lion Miriam Van Scyoc, the mushrooms were once again OUTSTANDING! We couldn't have asked for a better weekend for the
Ohio Sauerkraut Festival - Waynesville, OH.
2015 Waynesville Citizens of the Year
Pat and Cheryl Davidson
To say that this couple is hardworking and generous is an understatement! Anyone who has met these two know that they are the type of people who would give you the shirt off their back AND then take you to the store and buy you a new one. They have been fortunate to help countless citizens in our community throughout their many years of public service and have been blessed with the friendships and love of so many. These individuals are the owners and operators of Waynesville's oldest family business. Their business was opened in 1958 by his parents, Murray and Billie. They have donated food for Waynesville High School's annual Jazz Dinner and Corwin's Annual tractor show. And yes, the business name is Davidson Meat Processing.
In addition to their family business, Pat and Cheryl have also volunteered on Wayne Township's Fire Department. Pat served as a firefighter for 22 years and Cheryl served as an EMT for 31 years, each earning a "Member of the Year" award during their time of service.Pat has served as a Wayne Township trustee for the past 20 years and has also served as President of the Miami Cemetery board. He is a member of the Sons of the American Legion and is a Mason. Cheryl has served as the Mayor of Corwin for the past 10 years. Pat and Cheryl are both Waynesville alumni and proud of it. Lions club is very appreciate for ALL that they do for our organization, as well. In fact, Pat's father Murray was a charter member of Lions Club. It is with great honor that we present the 2015 Waynesville Citizen of the Year award to Pat and Cheryl Davidson.
Congratulations to Alexa Ritter and Daniel Papanek, WHS students of the Month for September and October!
Their awards being presented here by Lions Steve Anderson and Denny Vogel.
The Waynesville and Lebanon Lions would like send out a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the 2nd annual Rt. 42 Car Show a success. Everyone who brought out their car/motorcycle, the folks who came out to look, our Sponsors, The Heritage Baptist Church, our suppliers, our helpers, everyone that donated their time/money/items, and all of the Lions who worked hard throughout the year and on Show day: You all made this year's show bigger and better and a great time, despite the heat!! We aim to build on our success, learn and improve each year, until everyone looks forward to the Route 42 Car Show every July. Let us know what you'd like to see us do in the future.
We had a great time with with our family members representing the Waynesville Lions Club in the 2015 Independence Day Parade.
2015 Scholarship Awards
Congratulations to Julie Slyby, Lauren Osborn, Bryce Hopwood, and Victoria Rebert,
each receiving a $1,000.00 Scholarship from the Waynesville Lions Club.
How to Stay Young
The Waynesville Lions were treated to Dr. Jim Byers' "How to Stay Young" presentation.
While a few members felt it was already WAY too late, we received some great advice. Thanks Dr. Byers!!!
Interested in joining the Lions?
We are looking for men and women of all ages who would like to help us give something back to this community, our schools, and those in need.
Simply contact us by email at:
or message us on our Facebook page
Link to Other Clubs in Zone 3
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.