August 2019 Newsletter:
The dog days of summer are fast approaching and soon we will be back to our regular meetings. Before we readjourn though, we have a few summer August events ahead of us.
August 3rd- Waupaca Foundry Picnic
The Waupaca Foundry’s annual picnic is our first fundraiser in August. We are compensated nicely for this service. Historically, we have needed 20 members to assist. Lion Rand Swenson is heading up this fundraiser. Please consider helping at the fundraiser. Please contact Lion Rand for more information and to sign up to help.
August 12th - Steak Fry at Lions Camp in Rosholt
This is our other summer Steak Fry, and it is held at the Lions Camp in Rosholt. It’s a great chance to see firsthand where a lot of our Lions Club money goes. A wagon tour of the camp will be provided from 5:00-5:30. This is the perfect event to invite someone that you think might be interested in becoming a Lion. Lion Dave Johnson is heading up this event. For additional information or to sign up (if you have not done so already), please contact Lion Dave.
August 16th & 17th - Waupaca Triathlon
This fundraiser has our members helping with parking cars for the athletes. Lion Dave Pogrant is heading up this fundraiser. If you can help, please contact Lion Dave.
September 16th – first dinner and meeting
This will be our first and only meeting in September, due to Labor Day. Same time and place – 6:30 dinner at Simpsons.
That’s all the news for now.
I am looking forward to serving as your club president,
Lion Tom
August 2018 Newsletter:
Greetings Fellow Lion’s,
First up, August activities:
Foundry Picnic, Aug. 4th, noon to 5PM. This is an easy fundraiser for our club. If you can help out or have kids or young adults willing to help, please contact Lion Robert Forseth.
Mission of Hope vision screening Aug. 9th, 4-7PM. I’m not certain of the location at this point. If you’re interested in helping contact Lion Todd or myself.
Lion’s Camp Steakfry at Rosholt Lion’s Camp. Aug. 13th, 4PMish for a tour of the camp. If interested, please make sure you are signed up, otherwise there won’t be enough food. Contact Lion Dave Johnson @ 715-258-7440 to sign up or to insure you are signed up. Our club is hosting for Lion’s from Manawa, Clintonville, and New London.
The Waupaca Triathlon will be held Friday Aug. 17, 4PM at the South Park lower lot. Help is still needed parking cars. Help is also needed Saturday Aug. 18th at 5:30AM at the same location for the same event. If you can assist, please contact Lion’s Don and Joan Pogrant.
Roadside pickup was held July 16th. A big thank you goes out to Lion’s Art, Butch, Larry, Don, Cas, Brian, Don, Dave. The next pickup will be around October 1st.
Labor Day is Sept. 3rd, the first Monday of the month, so, our next scheduled meeting will be Monday, Sept. 17th at Simpson’s.
A heads up to the board of directors. There will be a board meeting Monday Sept. 10th, 6:30PM at Simpson’s. The agenda will be setting a budget to be presented at the regular meeting on the 17th. Please plan on attending.
All errors are mine.
Respectfully, Lion Rand
January 2018 Newsletter:
Hello Waupaca Lions!
Our next meeting will be tonight, Monday January 15th at 6:30pm at Simpson’s Restaurant.
The state Lions Bonspiel was held on January 5th-7th. Lion Rand Swenson did a great job organizing the event. Many visiting teams commented on how well the bonspiel was ran. Thank you Lion Rand, and thanks to all the volunteers.
Meetings in February will be Monday the 5th and Monday the 19th. Same time, same place.
Chad Cloutier
President- Waupaca Lions Club
December 2017 Newsletter:
Hello Waupaca Lions!
Our next meeting will be Monday January 15th at 6:30pm at Simpson’s Restaurant. The first Monday in January will be New Year’s Day.
The state Lions Bonspiel will be held on January 5th-7th. Lion Rand Swenson will be contacting the group for volunteers.
Thank you Lion Dale for inviting Lion BJ Blahnik to speak at our Christmas party. It was a memorable and moving testimonial he was able to give.
Chad Cloutier
President- Waupaca Lions Club
October 2017 Newsletter:
Hello Waupaca Lions!
Our next meeting will be Monday October 16th at 6:30pm at Simpson’s Restaurant. Our district governor will be present at our next meeting, so let’s make sure we have a full house!
Highway clean up is scheduled for Monday, October 16th.
Our November meetings will be held on Monday the 6th with a board meeting to follow, and November 20th, right in the middle of the gun deer season.
Chad Cloutier
President- Waupaca Lions Club
July 2017 Newsletter:
Hello Waupaca Lions!
Sorry for the delay in the initial newsletter of my current administration. Upcoming events:
Saturday August 5th- Waupaca Foundry picnic. Every year our Lions Club helps out with the Waupaca Foundry’s Annual Picnic, and in exchange we are compensated very nicely for this service. We do everything from driving guests in golf carts to calling numbers for Bingo.
Thursday August 10th-Steak Fry at Lions Camp in Rosholt. This is our other summer Steak Fry and it is held at the Lions Camp in Rosholt. It’s a great chance to see firsthand where a lot of our Lions Club money goes. They have a wagon tour of the whole camp, and shorter walking tours available. This is the perfect event to invite someone that you think might be interested in becoming a Lion.
Friday and Saturday August 14th & 15th - Waupaca Triathlon. If you have not signed up yet and can help please contract Lion Dave Pogrant at 715-256-4096 or e-mail We need help on Saturday morning from about 5:15 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
Thank you for all your participation in the June fly-in as well as the Iola car show.
Chad Cloutier
President- Waupaca Lions Club
May 2017 Newsletter:
Kids are gearing up to finish school, The weather will be turning warm (maybe), The trees are all budding and the robins are getting the worms. Summer will be here before we know it. I will be listing below most of the summer events we will be participating in, so put them on your calendar.
In May we will be planning for our big events for the Summer and having some committee meetings.
- 1st Meeting - Monday May 1st 6:30pm
- Highway Clean-up 4pm at Westley Heating up on Hwy 49.
- 2nd Meeting - Monday May 15th 6:30pm (Board Meeting to Follow)
- Car Show Committee meeting - TBA
- Pancake Breakfast Committee Meeting - TBA
- Waupaca Lion’s Officer Installation Dinner
- Monday June 5th 6:30pm (Spouses Invited)
-Saturday am early June 17th
- Parking and shuttle for Triathlon -Strawberry Fest booth
- Saturday June 17th 9am until 3pm
- Waupaca Lion’s Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake Breakfast 7am until 1pm
- Thursday-Saturday July 6-8th - Iola Car Show Parking Cars (Various Times)
- Monday July 10th Lion’s Membership Drive Dinner - South Park 5pm?
- August 5th Foundry Picnic 10:30am to 4pm ish
- August 14th Lion’s Steak Fry at Lion’s Camp in Rosholt 4:30pm Wagon Ride Tours at 5pm - There will be a couple more Highway Clean-up days as well.
Enjoy the beautiful month of May.
Chris Johnson
President - Waupaca Lion’s Club
January 2017 Newsletter:
Hello Waupaca Lions!
Happy New Year!! Hope this year brings health and good fortunes to all.
Our first meeting and only meeting in January will be at Simpson’s Restaurant on Monday January 16th, 2017 at 6:30pm. There will also be a board meeting afterwards.
February will bring us back around to having 2 meetings per month. Meeting dates for February will be February 6th, 2017 and February 20th, 2017.
The dog days of winter are now upon us. Many are keeping busy with Curling, Ice Fishing, Church involvement, travel and much more. As far as the Lion’s Club goes it is a slow period for us.
Thanks to all those who bid on and those who won items for the silent auction at our Christmas Dinner. All proceeds from that auction went to the Waupaca Food Pantry.
Good Luck to the Waupaca Lion’s who are taking part in the State Lion’s Bonspiel taking place the weekend of January 6th, 7th and 8th at the Centerville Curling Club. Next Years Lion’s State Bonspiel will be hosted by our club and will be held at the Waupaca Curling Club. “Good Curling!”
We have a new position available on our Board of Directors for a club “Lion’s Club International Foundation (LCIF) Coordinator.” A few of the responsibilities in this position will be to work with the District LCIF Coordinator. You will also share information with your club sent to you by LCIF. The stated goal of LCIF is "To support the efforts of Lions clubs and partners in serving communities locally and globally, giving hope and impacting lives through humanitarian service projects and grants." Contact myself or Lion Dale if you are interested.
Check this link to learn more about LCIF - .
There will be a Zone 2 Meeting Tuesday, February 7 - Triple O Supper Club - Bear Creek will be
hosting it.
Chris Johnson
President - Waupaca Lion’s Club
December 2016 Newsletter:
Hello Waupaca Lions!
Our first meeting and only meeting in December will be the Christmas Dinner at Simpson’s Restaurant on This Monday December 5th at 6:30pm
For this dinner we will be having entertainment. “The Madrigals” will be performing for us. There will also be a silent auction. Please bring a basket or item to be auctioned off. All the proceeds for this auction will go to the Waupaca Area Food Pantry.
At this event vests and pins are not required. We can get there early and cocktails could start at 5:30 in the bar.
Attached to this e-mail will also be a form for the Silent Auction Item. You can print this out and fill it out in advance, or we will have copies for you at the event.
January meetings will be changed. Please look for your e-mail that will tell you the dates. We will not meet on the first Monday in January as that is the observed New Years Day Holiday.
I will be discussing with Amy or Carey the dates coming up this next week.
Enjoy the Holidays. If you are not attending the Christmas Party please have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the Season.
Chris Johnson
August 2016 Newsletter:
Well the Summer is in full swing. Hope everybody is enjoying the weather. Between family gatherings and summer travel I hope we can come together as Lions and participate in our many events in August.
Some thanks are in order. Thanks to Deb Abel and all those who helped to pull together our Brat Fry at South Park. We may have a new member or two because of that event.
Thank you to the Lions who helped in the July Highway cleanup. It was very warm but bearable. Thank you to Chris Johnson, Dave Pogrant, Sandy DeBeers, Bob Draeger, Art O’Keefe, Amanda Forseth, Robert Forseth Rand Swenson and Ed Brolin. Many hands made the job go faster. (And Thanks To Joan Pogrant)
Thanks go out to Robert & Amanda Forseth as well as Floyd Swan for all the work they put in at the Iola Car show in July. And also, thanks to all the volunteers who came out to help with parking cars. This a great fundraiser for the club and it’s also fun to be there checking out all the old cars.
August Events
Saturday August 6th Foundry Picnic We still need a few helpers to fill out our presence at the Waupaca Foundry Picnic. Please Contact me (Chris Johnson) at 9202490151 if you can help out. Volunteers are needed from 11:30 until 4pm. This is good fundraiser for the club and a good time as well.
Lion’s Camp Steak Fry Monday August 8th
Time: 4:30 ish
Location: Lions Camp near Rosholt 1 mile north of Hwy 66 on County Hwy A Cost: Cost for this evening is included in your dues.
Tour: Starts approx. 5:00
Meal: We can start cooking our own steak as soon as the fire is hot.
RSVP’s are required so we have some idea of how much food to purchase. The absolute deadline is Wednesday, August 3rd. You can contact me (lion Dale (715) 2587833) or Lion Dave Johnson. (7152587440) to sign up.
Lion Dale
T r i a t h l o n A u g u s t 1 9 & 2 0
W e c o u l d u s e m o r e h e l p o n t h e m o r n i n g o f t h e 2 0 . W e s t a r t
parking cars at the recycling center at 5:15 and will be done about 7:30 a.m. Please call or send an email to if you can help. Phone:7152564096
Rod & Classic Car Show August 27th, 2016 This is an all hands on deck event for the club. This is our second largest event we organize. We need lots of volunteers for parking cars, registration, food preparation, Food sales, Raffle ticket sales, Tshirt sales, and of course Vote counting later in the afternoon. Contact Art O’Keefe (715) 2818233 to sign up.
Future dates to remember:
Our First Meeting will Monday September 5th. Second Meeting will be on Monday September 19th
The Waupaca Lions are sponsoring an NFL Punt Pass & Kick event at Swan Park on September 24th.
The link below will connect you with an online registration if you know any kids that want to participate.
Enjoy your summer and enjoy helping out at our events in August as well.
Chris Johnson
July 2016 Newsletter:
First I want to thank all for electing me as your club President. I will try my best and learn from those who have been there before. Please read this belated July newsletter and take note of all the dates included. As the incoming President one of my goals is to increase participation for our fundraising events and all projects.
Fly-In Drive-In Pancake Breakfast
Thanks to all the volunteers for getting all hands on deck for this year’s Pancake Breakfast. The numbers were down from last year, but still a success. Great weather and good people helped to make the event successful.
Iola Old Car Show
Another thanks to all of those members who participated in helping to park show cars at the Iola Old show last weekend. Special thanks go out to Robert Forseth, Amanda Forseth and Floyd Swan for coordinating this event for our club and spending so many hours prepping and being on the grounds there for so many hours.
July 11th Picnic
It’s a little late to be included in this newsletter but I hope we can have a good turnout for this Brat & Burger Fry as a membership drive.
July 25th Board Meeting
For all those Lion’s on the Board of Directors meeting on Monday July 25th at 6:30pm at Simpson’s in the Lounge area.
Below are more events for this summer (Most is plagiarized from Ken’s June Newsletter)
August 6th. - Waupaca Foundry Picnic
Every year our Lions Club helps out with the Waupaca Foundry’s Annual Picnic, and in exchange we are compensated very nicely for this service. We do everything from driving guests in golf carts to calling numbers for Bingo. Contact Chris Johnson at 920-249-0151 for more information.
August 8th - Steak Fry at Lions Camp in Rosholt
This is our other summer Steak Fry, and it is held at the Lions Camp in Rosholt. It’s a great chance to see firsthand where a lot of our Lions Club money goes. They have a wagon tour of the whole camp, and shorter walking tours available. This is the perfect event to invite someone that you think might be interested in becoming a Lion. More information & a signup sheet will going around at the July Burger & Brat Fry.
August 19th in the evening for kids & 20th for adults - Waupaca Triathlon
This fundraiser has our members helping with parking cars for the athletes. If you are interested in helping out with this event, please contact Lion Dave Pogrant, if you haven’t done so already.
August 27th - Rod & Classic Car Show
We direct & park the cars, we cook & serve the food, and we do just about anything we are needed to do to make this an enjoyable event for the community. We need as many Lions as we can get to help with this event. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Lion Art O’Keefe at 715-281-8233.
All those events will take place before we have our next regular Club meeting, so I am hoping for good participation from the corresponding committee and helpers for those events.
Lion Chris
June 2016 Newsletter:
June: Is it really June already? Then this must mean it's time for my last Lions club newsletter.
Monday 6th.
Is our regular meeting of the month. PDG Dave Sievert will be in attendance to install our new slate of officers. As it has always been, member’s and their significant others are encouraged to attend this event. Cocktails at 6pm, and dinner at 6:30pm.
Highway Cleanup.
Lion Joan would like to give a big thanks to the following Lions who came to help on a very warm afternoon. Larry Gordon, Rand Swenson, Cas Borozowski, Brian Godfrey, Bob Draeger, Chris Johnson and Dave Pogrant.
Summer Events & Activities
Summertime is busy for all of us, and especially if you are a Lion. We have many annual activities & events, and considering we don’t have monthly meetings during the summer, I thought I would give you a quick reminder (and lowdown) of all that we have lined up for the summer of 2016:
June 18th - Strawberry Fest Booth
We will use this opportunity to let the public not only know what we are up to, but to also try to recruit new members, plus we will be promoting the Fly-In breakfast (which is the following day). Please contact Lion Chris if you are interested in helping out.
June 19th - Father’s day Fly-In Pancake Breakfast.
This is one of our biggest club fundraisers and getting it done takes help from almost every member of our club. Individual work assignments are included with this Newsletter. We’re always trying to give the public more to do other than just eating pancakes at the Fly-In, so we’re asking all of our “classic car owning” Lions Club members to bring their vintage cars to airport on Father’s Day. We will line them up along one of the airplane hangers like we have done in the past.
July 7th to the 9th - Iola Car Show Parking
Every year our Lions club helps with the parking of cars at the Iola Car Show. Lion Robert Forseth is the Lion that is in charge of organizing this fundraising activity. If you haven’t already signed up to help, please contact him if you are interested in doing so.
July 11th - Membership Drive.
Instead of the Steak fry this year we are doing a membership drive. We need to get new members in our club. As a way of achieving this we will be doing a burger and brat fry. Bring a potential member or two. And as always spouses are invited.
August 6th. - Waupaca Foundry Picnic
Every year our Lions Club helps out with the Waupaca Foundry’s Annual Picnic, and in exchange we are compensated very nicely for this service. We do everything from driving guests in golf carts to calling numbers for Bingo. More info will be available in our next newsletter.
August 8th - Steak Fry at Lions Camp in Rosholt
This is our other summer Steak Fry, and it is held at the Lions Camp in Rosholt. It’s a great chance to see firsthand where a lot of our Lions Club money goes. They have a wagon tour of the whole camp, and shorter walking tours available. This is the perfect event to invite someone that you think might be interested in becoming a Lion. More information & a signup sheet will going around at the July Steak Fry.
August 19th in the evening for kids & 20th for adults - Waupaca Triathlon
This fundraiser has our members helping with parking cars for the athletes. If you are interested in helping out with this event, please contact Lion Dave Pogrant, if you haven’t done so already.
August 27th - Rod & Classic Car Show
We direct & park the cars, we cook & serve the food, and we do just about anything we are needed to do to make this an enjoyable event for the community. We need as many Lions as we can get to help with this event. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Lion Art O’Keefe.
I would like to thank all of you for making my year truly great, especially the committee chairmen for the projects & services you coordinated. It has been both an honor & a privilege to serve as your club president!
A very special thanks to Lion Dale, Lion Todd, And Lion Denny, without their help and leadership I could not of made it.
Lion President Ken
Work Assignments for Fly-In:
(As always we need lots of help to make the Fly-In a success, please look over the list, and if your name is missing and/or you are assigned to a job that you really don’t want to be doing anymore, then talk to Lion Ken, and we will see if you can be relocated to a job that will make you “whistle while you work!”)
Rex Evchuk, Wayne Much, Lee Poehlman, Ken Dugenske, Bill Dugenske, Dale Matheson Tom Hotvedt,
GARBAGE CONTAINERS Sat/Sun 5:30 AM Dennis Daniels
GROUNDS Fri Sat. Sun 5:30 AM Dave Johnson, Dennis Daniels
(Additional help & rotation with Breakfast Servers throughout the event) Dick Helbach, Sandy DeBeers, Bob Draeger
PUBLICITY (May throughout event)
Chris Johnson, Brian Godfrey, Todd Mallash, Mike Tenant,
RAFFLE TICKETS AND DRAWING Sun 6:00 AM Chuck Krueger, Mike Waldschmidt
BREAKFAST TICKET SALES Sun 6:00 AM Fran Vergauwen, Brian Godfrey, Don Gilles
Dave & Joan Pogrant , Vern Hanke, Arnie and Deb Abel,
FOOD SUPPLIES Sun. 5:30 AM Dennis Daniels
MAKING COFFEE Sun 5:30 Don Volkman, Dave Rollins
Lee Poehlman, Bill Dugenske, Phil Kirk, Cas Borszowski, Mike Tenant, Tom Olmsted
SERVERS BREAKFAST (Eggs, Sausages, Pancakes,Coffee, juice, milk, butter) SUN 6:00 AM Andy Wendt, Al Kraeger, Art O’Keefe, Dave Johnson, Marv Waldschmidt, Larry Gordon, Robert Forseth, Scott Neuman
PANCAKE MIXERS Sun 6:00AM Ed Brolin, Chris Johnson
Stu Duchow, Wayne Much, Don Westley, Chad Cloutier, Ken Dugenske
TICKET TAKERS Sun 6:30 AM Dale Matheson, Al Kraeger
BROOM SALES Sun 7:00 AM Dave Neelis
SPOT VISION SCREENING Sun 7:00 AM Todd Mallasch, Rand Swenson, Mike Tuss
TABLE SETUP AND CLEANING, CHANGING Sun 5:30 AM Don Gilles, Floyd Swan, Steve Klismet, Ed Brolin, Tom Hotvedt,
Rex Evchuk, Lee Solberg, Ken Dugenske, Bill Dugenske, Lloyd Mathison
*And anyone else still available*
Especially for the sweep & clean of the floor!
May 2016 Newsletter:
The days get even longer and warmer and out comes that lawn mower. The fishermen among us start looking forward to the first Saturday of the month.
Monday MAY 2nd. Is our first regular meeting of the month. There will be a board of Directors meeting following.
Monday MAY 16th. Is our second meeting of the month. We have a guest speaker from the City of Waupaca scheduled.
Membership Drive.
July 11th. Instead of the Steak fry this year we are doing a membership drive. We need to get new members in our club. As a way of achieving this we will be doing a burger and brat fry. Bring a potential member or two. And as always spouses are invited.
Highway Cleanup.
Lion Joan Pogrant has stepped up and volunteered to head our highway cleanup. Lion Joan has scheduled May 23rd for the spring cleanup. She will have a signup sheet to pass around at our next meeting.
Installation Dinner/Meeting.
Our last Lions club get together at Simpsons before the summer break will be our Lions Club Installation Dinner. As it has always been, member’s and their significant others are encouraged to attend this event. It is scheduled for the 6th. of June, with cocktails at 6pm, and dinner at 6:30pm. Due to the larger number of people at this meeting, we need to let Simpsons know how many will be attending. If you plan on coming, please make sure you have signed the sign-up sheet, it will also be available at our next couple of meetings.
Food Drive Challenge.
The food challenge was a huge success. We were able to beat the Lionesses thanks to everyone who brought in items. Between our items and those brought in by Lionesses we filled up the bed in Lion Mike Tennents truck. And thanks to lion Mike and to those who helped him deliver the items to the food pantry.
Election of Club Officers.
Our annual election was held at our last Lions Club meeting. The installation for these new high ranking Lions will be on June 6th. The official Slate of Officers for 2016-17 will be:
President - Chris Johnson
1st VP - Chad Cloutier
2nd VP - Rand Swenson
3rd VP - Mike Tuss
Secretary - Dick Helbach
Treasurer - Don Gilles
Lion Tamer - Rex Evchuk
Tail Twister - Bill Dugenske
Membership Chair - Dennis Daniels
Chaplain - Chuck Krueger
One Year Directors - Cas Borszowski and Dave Neelis
Two Year Directors - Tom Hotvedt and Todd Mallasch
Father’s day Fly-In Pancake Breakfast.
With June fast approaching, we need to look forward to (our next major club fundraiser) “The Fly-In Pancake Breakfast”. As always, we need to have every available Lion to help out on this day. The breakdown of work assignments will be sent out with the next newsletter, so please let me know if you will not be able to make it to the Fly In this year, so that we can make the adjustments before the schedule is created.
Steak Fry.
Mark your calendars the Steak Fry will be August 8th.
Membership Booklets.
The new membership booklets will be going in for printing soon, so please check over last year’s booklet to see if all of the information listed for yourself is correct. Also, let me know if there is any particular committee positions that you might be interested in.
That's all for now:
Lion Ken
April 2016 Newsletter:
The saying goes: April showers bring May flowers! Well... I'm not much of a flower guy... unless... I messed up and need them to keep from having to sleep on the couch. (They even know me by my first name at pick & save.)
Monday APRIL 4th. Is our first regular meeting of the month. There will be a board of Directors meeting following.
Monday APRIL 18th. Is our second meeting of the month. This will be a joint meeting with the Lionesses. We will be doing a food challenge that night. (bring your food stuffs). And we will have our annual election of officers.
Joint Meeting. To make this meeting something special We have invited our Affiliate President Lion/ Lioness Marsha Knapp to attend this meeting. Marsha will tell us about her experiences on the Lions Mission to Haiti and her trip to the leader dog school in Michigan.
Club Officer Training. I Region 5 - Wednesday, April 20th.Crystal Falls - 1500 Handschke Dr. - New London Start time 6:00 PM. Dinner around 6:30
RSVP by Wednesday, April 13th
It is impossible to make accurate plans for food and printed material without knowing how many of you will be there. As always, RSVP’s are required for attendance. Deadlines to RSVP are listed above. All food and training materials are paid for by the District. If you make a reservation to attend and are absent, your club may be charged for the meal. Conversely, if you show up without a reservation, you may not be able to eat due to food shortage.
Please send your clubs RSVP’s to me:(I prefer emails over phone calls) Lion Dale Matheson 7428 Co. Rd. TT Amherst, WI 54406 715-258-7833
New Member Orientation. As you are well aware, Lions Clubs from around the world are celebrating our first one hundred years of service to our communities and those in need.
As part of this year’s celebration Lions Clubs International has developed the Centennial Membership Program”. Its goal is to bring more hands and hearts to Lions so we may continue and expand our vast and varied service activities to others. One of the best ways to ensure these new Lions become productive and enthused is thru New Member Orientation. This year’s District Leadership Team is excited to announce our first district wide New Member Orientation seminar. This will be held in conjunction with the Officer Training session in the Green Bay area.
When: Saturday, April 23rd. Breakfast will be served @ 10:00 AM, Program @ 10:30 and lasting about an hour. Where: Globe University-Green Bay Campus 2620 Development Dr. Green Bay. Who: This seminar is open to all new Lions and their sponsor. We will also accept RSVP’s from anyone interested in developing their club’s orientation program. 1st VDGE Jim Noll will present his orientation program that he has developed over the years. Attendance: Space is limited. The first 30 respondents will be guaranteed a spot. RSVP’s are required by Friday, April 15th Please send to
Steak Fry. Mark your calendars the Steak Fry will be August 8th.
Highway Cleanup. We are still looking for someone to step up and head this event. Any takers?
2016-17 Officers. Our election committee has come up with the following slate of officers and Board of Directors. Nominations will also be taken from the floor the evening of our elections.
President - Chris Johnson
1st VP - Chad Cloutier
2nd VP - Rand Swenson
3rd VP - Mike Tuss
Lion Tamer -
Tail Twister - Bill Dugenske
Secretary - Dick Helbach
Treasurer - Don Gilles
Past President & Member Chair -Ken Dugenske
Chaplain - Chuck Krueger
One Year Directors:
Dave Neelis
Cas Borszowski
Two year term directors;
Tom Hotvedt
Todd Mallasch
Membership Booklets. The new membership booklets will be going in for printing soon, so please check over last year’s booklet to see if all of the information listed for yourself is correct. Also, let me know if there is any particular committee positions that you might be interested in.
That's all for now: Lion Ken |
The Three Little Pigs |
Three Little Pigs went out to dinner one night. The waiter came and took their drink order. 'I want beer, lots and lots of beer,' said the third little piggy. |
March 2016 Newsletter:
March the month when we get to move our clocks forward, and the Easter bunny comes. They say in like a Lion out like a Lamb. Wonder which one it will be.
Monday MARCH 7th. Is our first regular meeting of the month. There will be a
board of Directors meeting following.
Monday MARCH 21st. Is our second meeting of the month. We will have a guest speaker that night.
Rose Sale. It’s that time of the year again. Everyone should have gotten their order forms so you can go out and sell roses. If you did not get yours yet, please contact Lions Cas or Dave. Remember, the rose sale is our biggest fund raiser. Without the money from this sale, our ability to serve our community and the various Lion projects is severely hampered. Please GET OUT THERE AND SELL!
Rose Sale Sign up. There is still a lot of openings on our sign- up sheet for selling roses at the Woods mall on Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 12:00 and Friday nights from 5:00 to 7:00pm. If you can be there to sell please let me know and I will pencil you in.
Cornea Transplant. Lion Sandy DeBeers made the pickup in Plover for a surgery on the 17th. Thanks Lion Sandy.
Joint Meeting. Mark your Calendars, April 18th. Will be our joint meeting with the Lioness it will also be our food bank challenge. Don’t let the Lioness beat us!! To make this meeting something special We have invited our Affiliate President Lion/ Lioness Marsha Knapp to attend this meeting. Marsha will tell us about her experiences on the Lions Mission to Haiti and her trip to the leader dog school in Michigan.
That's all for now: Lion Ken 4 Husbands The local news station was interviewing an 80-year-old lady because she had just gotten married for the fourth time. The interviewer asked her questions about her life, about what it felt like to be marrying again at 80, and then about her new husband's occupation. |
"He's a funeral director," she answered. little about her first three husbands and what they did for a living. She paused for a few moments, needing time to reflect on all those years. After a short time, a smile came to her face and she answered proudly, explaining that she had and a preacher when in her 60's, The interviewer looked at her, quite astonished, and asked why she had married four men with such diverse careers. (Wait for it) (Wait for it) She smiled and explained, |
"I married one for the money, two for the show, |
February 2016 Newsletter:
February the month we all hope that darn ground hog steps out of his hole and gets eaten by a coyote. (where is wiley coyote when you need him). Oh yea and if you want a happy home life you better not forget that February 14th. is Valentine's day.
Monday FEB 1st. Is our first regular meeting of the month. There will be a board of Directors meeting following.
Monday FEB 15th. Is our second meeting of the month. We will have a
guest speaker that night.
Big Buck Contest.
Congratulations to lion Wayne Much for winning this year's Big Buck Contest.
The bonspiel was Jan 15th, 16th, and 17th. We had 3 teams there representing the Waupaca Lions. Unfortunately no trophies were won. But I understand a good time was had by all. OH and I'm betting there might just of been a little alcohol consumed.
Rose Sale.
It’s that time of the year again. Everyone should have gotten their order forms so you can go out and sell roses. If you did not get yours yet, please contact Lions Cas or Dave. Remember, the rose sale is our biggest fund raiser. Without the money from this sale, our ability to serve our community and the various Lion projects is severely hampered. Please GET OUT THERE AND SELL!
Pancake Breakfast.
Lion Mike Tuss suggested we print up and insert an informational card for our Pancake Breakfast in the Roses before we deliver them. Great Idea! Anyone want to volunteer to design and /or make the cards up?
Joint Meeting.
Mark your Calendars, April 18th. Will be our joint meeting with the Lioness it will also be our food bank challenge. Don’t let the Lioness beat us!! To make this meeting something special We have invited our Affiliate President Lion/ Lioness Marsha Knapp to attend this meeting. Marsha will tell us about her experiences on the Lions Mission to Haiti and her trip to the leader dog school in Michigan.
Things To Do. If you have cabin fever, listed here are a couple of events you might want to consider. The Clintonville Lions and the Clintonville Rotary are jointly
hosting the nationally renowned University of Wisconsin Varsity Band and its legendary director Michael Leckrone on Sunday, January 31 The flyer below has the details on ticket prices, etc.
The Coleman-Pound Lions Club 9th Annual Ice Fishing banquet is Friday, Feb 5th at Romy’s Holiday Inn at Kelly Lake. Will have informational flyers at our next meeting
That's all for now: Lion Ken Subject: Bear Removal Service A man in Milac, Minnesota woke up one morning to find a bear on his roof. He looked in the Yellow Pages, and sure enough, there was an ad for "Up North Bear Removers. He called the number listed and the bear remover said he'd be over within an hour. The bear remover arrived, and got out of his van. He had a ladder, a baseball bat, a 12 gauge shotgun, and a mean looking, heavily scarred old pit bull. "What are you going to do?" the homeowner asked. "I'm going to put this ladder up against the roof, then I'm going to go up there, and knock the bear off the roof with this baseball bat and when the |
bear falls off the roof, the pit bull is trained to grab his testicles, and not let go. The bear will then be subdued enough for me to put him in the cage in the back of the van." He then handed the shotgun to the homeowner. "What's the shotgun for?" the homeowner asked. "If the bear knocks me off the roof, you shoot the dog." |
January 2016 Newsletter:
Here's wishing everyone a Happy and Prosperous new year.
January the time of the year we can expect cold weather and snow. Only good thing to keep in mind is spring is only 4 months away.
Monday JAN 4th. Is our first regular meeting of the new year. There will be a
board of Directors meeting following.
Monday JAN 18th. Is our second meeting of the month.
Eye bank transport. Lion Mike Tuss made the trip from Plover to Waupaca for surgery in Waupaca on Dec 15th. Good job Lion Mike.
Big Buck Contest. If you have not contacted Lion Bill please do so before our Jan 4th meeting. Lion Bill will be letting the lucky winner know that night.
Bonspiel. For all you curlers mark your calendars, the bonspiel will be Jan 15th, 16th, and 17th. I believe we have 3 teams going there this year. Good luck Waupaca Lions. Food Pantry. This year thanks to everyone's donations and biding on those |
wonderful donations we were able to give the food pantry $392.00. |
Awards. For those of you that were not able to make the x-mass party, Lion Denny was presented that night with the much deserved Birch/Sturm Fellowship award. Thanks to Lion Dale's help we were able to get the award here on time and arrange for PDG Tom Mueller to make the presentation. Everyone did a great job of keeping Lion Denny in the dark.
Rose Sale. The rose sale committee will be picking up the posters and sales slips on Jan 7th. We will have them available at our Jan 18th meeting.
Joint Meeting. We have tentatively penciled in April 4th. for our joint meeting with the Waupaca Lionesses. This will also be a food drive challenge. So start stocking up on food stuffs.
Facebook Giveaway. Decembers lucky winner of a $15.00 Schullars gift certificate was Vera Hanson. Remember to let your friends know how easy it is to win free stuff just for "like" -ing us on Facebook.
That's all for now: Lion Ken
THIS HAPPENED TO ME JUST YESTERDAY! I was beaten up by this woman. She was wearing a very low cut top with a push up bra. I couldn't help but to stare at her breasts when she said, "Would you please press one" So I did...and I don't remember much afterwards. |
December 2015 Newsletter:
December, WOW where did 2015 go.
December the time of the year when the ground turns white, we get that tree up and decorate it, and of course we go shopping. We fight the crowds looking for that perfect gift for the perfect someone all the while trying to keep in mind the real meaning of X-Mass. OH YESSSS and let's not forget all that wonderful food I will (oops I mean we will) be packing away.
Monday DEC 7th. is our annual Christmas Party at Simpson’s. Cocktails 5:30 - 6:30 and our meal will be served at 6:30. Remember spouses/significant others are welcome. This is a social event, so you can leave your Lions vests at home. If you have not had an opportunity to sign up for the X-Mass party and wish to attend, call Lion Ed Brolin 256-9956, or Lion Mike Waldschmidt 258-9553 to let them know. If you have something you can donate for the silent auction please bring it along.
Monday DEC 21sth. There will be NO regular meeting, but there will be a Board of Directors Meeting in the reserved area near the front bar of Simpson’s Restaurant at
6:30. I realize this is a busy time of year, but we do need to discuss a few things, so if you are an officer or on the Board, please try and attend this meeting..
Deer Hides. November means deer hunting and donating your deer hides to the Lions Camp. Since this project started 1991 the Wisconsin Lions Clubs have raised over $300,000 for the camp. Lion Dick Helbach or Lion Bill Dugenske are the contacts for donating hides in the Waupaca area. You can drop your hides off at Lion Dick's house or contact him at 920-572-7947. or Lion Bill's "Bill's auto" or contact him at 715-256-0601.
And speaking of deer hunting. Our annual “Big Buck Contest” is underway. The winner will be determined at the Christmas Party.
Facebook Giveaway. Last month Lion Todd started the facebook giveaways again. Novembers lucky winner of a $15.00 Schullars gift certificate was Paula
Thurman. Remember to let your friends know how easy it is to win free stuff just for "like" -ing us on Facebook.
Step up to the plate. There are a couple of very important positions in our organization that need to be filled, they are listed below.
Secretary's Position. Lion Denny has filled this position faithfully for a number of years. Please remember Lion Denny would like to retire from this position. Lion Denny has said he would give all the help/support he can to the person willing to take over his position. Please think about it and try it for a year or two.
Highway clean up. Lion Ed is going to have a full plate in 2016 and has asked if there is anyone willing to step up and replace him.
Bonspiel. For all you curlers mark your calendars, the bonspiel will be Jan 15th, 16th, and 17th. (I believe I heard they are still looking for 1 more curler).
That's all for now: Lion Ken For all you rednecks out there (like me) I feel inclined to post Jeff Foxworthy's version of the 12 days of Christmas. (feel free to sing along as you read it). On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...A 12 pack of Bud, 11 wrestling tickets, 10 cans of Copenhagen, 9 years probation, 8 table dancers, 7 |
packs of Redman, 6 cans of Spam, 5 flannnnnnelll shirts, 4 big mud tires, 3 shotgun shells, 2 hunting dogs, and some parts to a Mustang GT. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE. |
November 2015 Newsletter:
November, the time of the year when we start looking for our heavy coats. The hunters among us, dig out their blaze orange. and of course we put away our lawn mower and get the snow blowers ready.
Monday NOV 2nd. will be the first meeting of the month
Monday NOV 16th. is our second meeting of the month. There will be a Board of Directors meeting to be held after the regular meeting.
Deer Hides. November means deer hunting and donating your deer hides to the Lions Camp. Since this project started 1991 the Wisconsin Lions Clubs have raised over $275,000 for the camp. Lion Dick Helbach or Lion Bill Dugenske are the contacts for donating hides in the Waupaca area. You can drop your hides off at Lion Dick's house or contact him at 258-3366. or Lion Bill's "Bill's auto" or contact him at 256-0601.
Lucky Buck contest. Remember to get into Lion Bill's big buck contest.
Zone Meeting. The November Zone meeting will be held here at Simpsons in Waupaca on Wednesday Nov. 4th. Social at 6:00 and dinner/meeting at 6:30. Please try and attend.
Christmas Party. Our Christmas party will be on Dec. 7th. cocktails 5:30 to 6:30 and our meal will be served at 6:30. Remember spouses/significant others are welcome. We will passing around signup sheets at our Nov. meetings. Also remember we will be doing a silent auction that night, so if you have something you can donate please bring it along. If You will not be attending one of the next 2 meetings and will be able to make the x-mas party please call Lion Ed Brolin 256-9956, or Lion Mike Waldschmidt 258-9553 to let them know.
Secretary's Position. Lion Denny has filled this position faithfully for a number of years. Please remember Lion Denny would like to retire from this position. Any volunteers????
Highway clean up. Lion Ed is going to have a full plate in 2016 and has asked if there is anyone willing to step up and replace him. Any takers???
Bonspiel. For all you curlers mark your calendars, the bonspiel will be Jan 15th, 16th, and 17th. More info to come in the Dec. newsletter. Committees. Please let Lion Denny know (in writing) the # of people, and how many hours they have for all your projects so we can get credit for it. That's all for now: Lion Ken Mildred, the church gossip and self-appointed monitor of the town's morals, kept sticking her nose into other people's business. Several members did not approve of this, but feared her enough to maintain their silence. She made a mistake, however, when she accused Frank, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his old pickup parked in front of the town's only bar. She emphatically told Frank (and several others) that "anyone seeing it there would know what he was doing!" Frank, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just turned and walked |
away. He didn't explain, defend or deny. He said nothing. Later that evening, Frank parked his pickup in front of Mildred's house and Walked home. HE LEFT IT THERE ALL NIGHT. (You gotta love ol' Frank!) |
October 2015 Newsletter:
October the month when the trees begin to change colors, the ghosts and goblins come out, and we start to put away all our summer toys and grab our light coats.
Monday OCT 5th. will be the first meeting of the month and a Board of Directors meeting to be held after the regular meeting.
Monday OCT 19th. is our second meeting of the month. We will have our District Governor Sue with us that night.
Please try to attend this meeting and encourage other Lions as well, so we can have a good showing for our District Governor.
Lion Dale Matheson has been voted in as 2nd vice governor for the 2015-2016 year Congrats Lion Dale
Candy for Camp Days. Lion Larry Gordon has stepped up to the plate and volunteered to head up the Candy for Camp Days program. He will be doing the candy sale in late spring /early summer. He will be looking for volunteers to help out at that time. Thank you Lion Larry.
Highway clean up. the highway clean up on Sept. 21st. went well. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped.
Highway clean up. Lion Ed is going to have a full plate in 2016 and has asked if there is anyone willing to step up and replace him. Any volunteers???
If you have not already heard, Lion Lee poleman "Polecat" has had a heart attack. He came home last Friday and is recovering nicely.
September 2015 Newsletter:
Well after a busy summer and all of our summer events successfully completed (GREAT JOB FELLOW LIONS) it is time for our regular monthly meeting to begin.
Due to the labor day holiday we will be meeting the 2nd and 3rd Mondays of Sept. As it has always been, the meeting/dinner will start at 6:30 PM at Simpsons.
Monday Sept. 14th. will be the first meeting of the month, with a Board of Directors meeting to be held after the regular meeting.
Monday Sept. 21st. is our second meeting of the month.
Brats anyone. We have packages of Brats left over from the car show. They are
really delicious. Contact Lion Mike Tenent if you would like to purchase some.
Candy for Camp Days. We still need someone to step up and take control of this annual event. It is a good money maker for us and the camp.
From Lion Dave Pogrant
Thank you to all the Lions that donated their time for the Triathlon. Another successful year. A special thanks to Lion Arnie and Lion Deb who filled in for Joan and I it was truly appreciated.
Joan continues to improve everyday. It is amazing that only 11 day has passed as I write this and the improvement she has made from her heart surgery. Thanks all for the prayers and kind words.
Lion PDG Dave
If you have not already heard, it is with sadness to report the passing of Lion George Scherb. Lion George passed away Thursday July 23rd.
George had been a Lion since 2001 and held the office of President for the 2006/2007 year. He will be greatly missed.
New Membership Booklets
The 2015-16 Membership booklets are ready & will be available for pick up at any of our next meetings.
Lone Ranger and Tonto
Tonto and the Lone Ranger were awakened by some rustling. Tonto said to the Lone Ranger "what is it when you see those sparkly things in the sky". The lone ranger replied "well Tonto those are stars, moons, and some planets". Then Tonto replied "Kemosabe you dumber than a box of means someone stole tent".
July 2015 Newsletter:
July brings us the start of another year in Lionism. New officers, new directors, and new challenges as the year progresses. As this year's president,(without a lot of personal fines) I hope to be able to meet these challenges and with the help of everyone I’m confident we as a group will.
We have survived another fly-in breakfast and a much deserved “Thank You” to everyone that was there helping out.
Lion Don Gilles has forwarded preliminary numbers to me from the fly-in. Our meal ticket sales were approximately 731 adults. WOW
The day started like an old Harley, slow to start but when it did there was no stopping it. To my knowledge it was the most we ever served. We just about ran out of everything.
Lion Mike Tennant Deserves an at-a-boy for his ingenuity in figuring out a way to cook the eggs that were bought from the store when we ran out.
There was a lot of planes that flew in for the event as well. I counted 23 planes at one time on the ground.
Lion Don says it will take a while to get all the bills in to finalize the financial report from the fly-in. Look for that report sometime in September. It appears that we made around $3100.00 this year.
In past years Lion John Edlebeck volunteered to organize our Candy for Camp Days. With his departure to southern Wisconsin we now have a real need for someone to step up and organize this annual event. Candy for Camp has historically been a good fundraiser for us and the Lions Camp in Rosholt. Duties for this day are to get permission from the stores we station ourselves at, make sure we have sufficient candy to give away, and schedule Lions to cover the 2 hour shifts at the stores. Please consider heading up this event to assure it continues, otherwise Candy for Camp may become a memory.
By the time you read this the Iola Car show will have passed. For our 4th? year we have been parking cars with the Waupaca Curling Club. I'd like to thank everyone that helped out for those 3 days. Your efforts are much appreciated.
If you take any support supplies for your function from the storage shed please let Lion Denny know, as he keeps a running total so he knows what he needs to reorder for the next event.
Lion Dates to Remember:
Birch-Sturm Memorial Golf Outing
Saturday, July 18th is the 18th Annual Birch-Sturm Memorial Golf Outing in Iola. We will have3 teams representing the Waupaca Lions. Good luck and have fun.
Waupaca Foundry Picnic
Saturday August 1st is the date for this year's Foundry Picnic. Our duties will remain somewhat as they have in the past. (kickball tourney, Bingo tent, shuttle attendees to and from the parking lots with golf carts, dunk tank, etc.) We need at least 25 Lions to cover the duties for the day. a signup sheet was passed around at the steak fry and we have approximately 16 people committed to the day. There is a real need for about 9 more. The day starts around 11:30 and goes to 4:00 PM. Remember, the foundry pays us well for that day. If we cannot get enough manpower we may lose this opportunity to raise moneys for our cause. Please contact Lion Ed Brolin @ 715-256-9956.
August 10th - Steak Fry at Lions Camp in Rosholt
This summer steak fry is a great way to see firsthand where a large portion of our money goes. It is held at the Lions Camp in Rosholt, and is the perfect opportunity to invite a friend that might be interested in becoming a Lion. They will be offering a wagon tour of the whole camp, and also shorter walking tours will be available. If you did not get a chance to sign up for this event please call Lion Dave Johnson. 715-258-7440 or if you have any questions about this event, please give me a call (715-281-0141).
August 14th and 15th - Waupaca Triathlon
This early morning event has our members helping with parking cars. If you are interested in helping out with this event, please contact Lion Dave Pogrant. 715-256- 4096.
August 22nd - Rod & Classic Car Show
Remember to mark your calendars for this event. We can use help from all of our members on this one. If you are interested in helping, please contact Lion Art O’Keefe 715-281-8233 or Lion Bill Dugenske 715-281-0601 with any questions.
New Membership Booklets
The 2015-16 Membership booklets are ready & will be available for pick up at any of our next meetings.
Lion Ken
June 2015 Newsletter:
Well, it’s the end of my 2nd year as club President, so it’s time for my last Lions Club Newsletter!
Lions Dates to Remember:
Monday June 1st, will be our only meeting of the month. PCC Dean Haas will be installing our 2015 Waupaca Lions Club officers and spouses are encouraged to come to this meeting too.
Sunday June 21st, Our Fly-in Pancake breakfast at the Waupaca Airport from 7am-noon
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
June 13th - Dave Neelis & Ed Brolin
Show Off Your Car at the Fly-In
We’re always trying to give the public more to do other than just eating pancakes at the Fly-In, so we’re asking all of our “classic car owning” Lions Club members to bring their vintage cars to airport on Father’s Day.
We will line them up along one of the airplane hangers like we have done in the past.
Bigger & Better Club Meeting Raffles
A big thank you to Lion Kathy Kasza. She has been very generous to our club lately by donating several items (that she had recently won) to use as prizes for our club meeting raffles. So when you see more than just pop & booze on the prize table, it is more than likely she is the person to thank.
Highway Cleanup
Our Spring highway cleanup was held on May 18, and even though we didn’t have as many Lions helping with this event as we usually get, our section of Highway 49 is clean once again. A big thanks to Lions Mike Tuss, Dave & Joan Pogrant, Bob Draeger, Cas Borszowski, and of course our Roadside Clean-Up Leader: Ed Brolin!
Scholarships Awarded at the High School
Every year our Lions Club awards four $500 scholarships to well deserved high school seniors. This year we added a fifth scholarship. Those students who received these scholarships for this year were; Alexander Librande, Caleb Hobson, Hannah Rawson, Katherine Blonde, and Matthew Waldschmidt.
Nice job & congratulations college-bound graduates!
Summer Events & Activities
Summertime is busy for all of us, and especially if you are a Lion. We have many annual activities & events, and considering we don’t have monthly meetings during the summer, I thought I would give you a quick reminder (and lowdown) of all that we have lined up for the 2015 Lions Club Summer:
June 20th - Strawberry Fest Booth
This is something new to our club this year. We will have a 10‘x10’ booth (at the north end near Granite St) at the Waupaca Strawberry Fest on June 20 from 9am-4pm. Set up time starts a 7am. We will use this opportunity not only get people to know what we are up to, but to also try to recruit new members. We will have the SPOT vision camera for people to see, plus we will be promoting the Fly-In breakfast (which is the following day). Please contact Lion Todd if you are interested in helping out.
June 21st - Fly-In Pancake Breakfast
This is one of our biggest club fundraisers and getting it done takes help from almost every member of our club. Individual work assignments are included with this Newsletter. Please contact Lion Todd or Dennis if you have any questions. Also, there will be a group photo of our Waupaca Lions Club taken at 6:45am, so no matter what time you are supposed to get there, please make sure you are there before the click of the camera!
July 6th - South Park (Upper Shelter) Steak Fry
This is our first steak fry of the summer, and our only club meeting of the month. It will be at the upper shelter of South Park, with the grill firing up at about 5pm and should be red hot by 6:00-6:30. As always spouses (& significant others) are welcome to come to this event. Food & drink is provided, but you do need to bring utensils! Please make sure you have signed up ahead of time so that you know you will have a steak waiting for you! The contact Lions for this Steak Fry are Deb & Arnie Able.
July 9th to the 11th - Iola Car Show Parking
Every year our Lions club helps with the parking of cars at the Iola Car Show. Lion Robert Forseth is the Lion that is in charge of organizing this fundraising activity. If you haven’t already signed up to help, please contact him if you are interested in doing so.
Early August (Date TBA) - Waupaca Foundry Picnic
Every year our Lions Club helps out with the Waupaca Foundry’s Annual Picnic, and in exchange we are compensated very nicely for this service. We do everything from driving guests in golf carts to calling numbers for Bingo. There will be more information about this event at our July Steak Fry.
August 10th - Steak Fry at Lions Camp in Rosholt
This is our other summer Steak Fry, and it is held at the Lions Camp in Rosholt. It’s a great chance to see first hand where a lot of our Lions Club money goes. They have a wagon tour of the whole camp, and shorter walking tours available. This is the perfect event to invite someone that you think might be interested in becoming a Lion. More information & a sign up sheet will going around at the July Steak Fry.
August 14th & 15th - Waupaca Triathlon
This early morning fundraiser has our members helping with parking cars for the athletes. If you are interested in helping out with this event, please contact Lion Dave Pogrant, if you haven’t done so already.
August 22rd - Rod & Classic Car Show
We direct & park the cars, we cook & serve the food, and we do just about anything we are needed to do to make this an enjoyable event for the community. We need as many Lions as we can get to help with this event.
If you are interested in helping out, please contact Lion Art O’Keefe.
Well, that’s all for now,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity of serving as your club president,
It has been both an honor & a privilege!
Lion Todd
May 2015 Newsletter:
Well, Spring has finally arrived and all of our beautiful Lions Club roses have been delivered,
so it must be time for the May Newsletter!
Lions Dates to Remember:
Monday May 4th, will be our first meeting of the month,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Monday May 18th, Highway cleanup & our second meeting of the month, with a guest speaker informing us about the dangers of diabetes.
We will also have a Pancake Fly-In Committee meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
May 9th - Chris Johnson & Sandy DeBeers
Roses for Spring
Our Waupaca Lions Club sold a record breaking 839 dozen roses this year. A major part of those sales went out to our top two sellers; Galen Heier & Chuck Krueger! Thanks to these two Lions, and to all of the club members that helped make this fund raising event successful again. We also need to express an extra special thank you to Lion Dave (and his wife Janet) for all of their hard work in organizing the delivery of the flowers.
Father’s day Fly-In Pancake Breakfast
With June fast approaching, we need to look forward to (our next major club fundraiser) “The Fly-In Pancake Breakfast”. As always, we need to have every available Lion to help out on this day. The breakdown of work assignments will be sent out with the next newsletter, so please let me know if you will not be able to make it to the Fly In this year, so that we can make the adjustments before the schedule is created.
Highway Cleanup
Along with the flowers coming up, there is also a lot of trash, so Lion Ed has scheduled our Highway cleanup for Monday May 18th at 4pm. As usual, we will be meeting in the Westley Heating Parking lot on Hwy 49, and refreshments will be served afterwards. If you haven’t signed up already, there will be a sign up sheet going around, one more time, at our next meeting.
Food Drive Challenge
Well, the Food Pantry was the big winner again from our Food Pantry Challenge by the Lioness Club held at our last meeting. There was 623 lbs of food items & a total of $310 raised. With almost all of of Lions Club members bringing in items, we clearly won this competition, but graciously agreed to match the extra $50 for the Food Pantry, as long as the Lionesses agreed that we were the winners!
Thanks to everyone that helped us come out on top this year.
Good Luck Lion John
Last month we found out that Lion John Edlebeck will be relocating to the Milwaukee area, and will no longer be a member of our Waupaca Lions Club. Lion John has been a loyal member of Lions for over a quarter of a century. We will really miss him and his dedication to our club.
We wish him the very best with his new venture... Good Luck & Thanks John!
SPOT Vision Camera Screenings
Our Lions Vision screening crew, along with the SPOT Vision camera, was back in action again this past month doing their job at several local Pre-school & Daycare facilities. They screened and provided printed data results sheets to almost 100 of our community’s young children.
We plan to have the SPOT camera set up at the Pancake Breakfast again this year, if need to have your eyes tested, or you just want to see it in action.
Election of Club Officers
Our annual election was held at our last Lions Club meeting. The installation for these new high ranking Lions will be on June 1st. The official Slate of Officers for 2015-16 will be:
President - Ken Dugenske Lion Tamer - Lloyd Mathison
1st VP - Chris Johnson Tail Twister - Bill Dugenske
2nd VP - Chad Cloutier Membership Chair - Todd Mallasch
3rd VP - Rand Swenson Chaplain - Chuck Krueger
Secretary - Denny Daniels One Year Directors - Steve Klismet and Mike Waldschmidt
Treasurer - Don Gilles Two Year Directors - Cas Borszowski and Dave Neelis
Installation Dinner/Meeting
Our last Lions club get together at Simpsons before the summer break will be our Lions Club Installation Dinner. As it has always been, member’s and their significant others are encouraged to attend this event. It is scheduled for the 1st of June, with cocktails at 6pm, and dinner at 6:30pm. Due to the larger number of people at this meeting, we need to let Simpsons know how many will be attending. If you plan on coming, please make sure you have signed the sign-up sheet that has been going around during the club meetings.
A Plea For Help
Quite regularly our club is contacted by individuals looking for some type of assistance, and most of the time we do what we can as a club to help out. Recently I was contacted by an individual that caught my heartstrings a little bit. He is trying to raise money for some medical equipment, and asked that I pass his message onto our Lions Club members. He is seeking personal donations through an online fundraising service called Go Fund Me. You can find his story & information by clicking this link:
Well, that’s all for now,
Hope to see you at at the next meeting,
Lion Todd
April 2015 Newsletter:
Well the sun is shining, the ice has melted off the lakes, and flowers are starting to peek through the soil,
It must be Spring, and time for our April Newsletter!
Lions Dates to Remember:
Monday April 6th, will be our first meeting of the month,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Monday April 20th, will be our second meeting of the month, and there will be a lot of activity at this meeting; it will be a joint meeting with the Waupaca Lioness Club, we will have a guest speaker from the Park & Recreation Department, and it will be our election night, so please do your best to come to this meeting!
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
April 11th - Vern Hanke & Marvin Waldschmidt
Roses for Spring Schedule
Friday April 17th - Delivery of Roses to Business Locations
Saturday April 18th - Delivery of all remaining rose orders. (Much help will be needed)
Roses for Spring
Now that all of the rose sale invoices are in, all we have left to do is deliver them!
As you know, our delivery dates for the flowers are April 17th (for businesses) & April 18th (for every other order). We’ll need as much help as we can on those days, so please join us if you can.
There is a sign-up sheet that will be passed around (one more time) at the next meeting , so please add your name to the list so that we know who we will be able to count on when our delivery days arrive.
Lionesses Challenge Us Again
On April 20th, during our 2nd meeting of the month, the Waupaca Lionesses will be joining us for their monthly meeting. As they had done last year, they have challenged us to another food drive competition.
Both of our clubs will bring in food donations to the meeting, and the club with the fewest donated items will have to give an extra $50 to the Waupaca Food Panty. So empty your shelves Lions, and let’s win this thing!
SPOT Vision Camera Spring Screenings
We will be screening daycare & pre-school facilities during the last week of April, so if you are interested in helping out with these screenings, please let me know. As of now, we do not have the exact dates & times, but I can get that information to you as soon as they are confirmed.
Committee Position Surveys
In order to make sure that our committees are filled with members that are interested in the events they are helping run smoothly, we were asking everyone to fill out a Committee Position Survey. As of today, only a handful of members have returned these forms. Please make sure you fill out & return them ASAP if you haven’t already done so. Thanks!
Election of Club Officers
Our nominating committee consisting of the past three presidents are still working on compiling their officer nominations for our 2015-16 ballot, and we will be holding our election during our regular club meeting on the 20th of April. As of this time, we still do not have a Secretary, Tail Twister, or 3rd Vice President on the ballot, so if you are interested in filling any of these positions, please contact one of the members of the nominating committee (Lion Cas, Lion Dale or Lion Wayne)
Another New Member in our Club
Last month we installed another new member into our Waupaca Lions Club, and I thought it would be nice to give you a little background information about our newest addition:
Scott Neuman - Scott, upon entering his junior year of high school in 1987, started working for at 1st Stop Food Depot (located where the current Office Outfitters is). When he graduated from High School in 1989, he moved with the store to their current Piggly Wiggly location, and was put on as a full-time employee. In 2000,
he was promoted to store manager, and thirteen years later when the owner decided to retire, on June 9th, 2013, he bought the store!
Scott is married, and will be celebrating his 20th anniversary this September. He has one daughter, who is 17 and is a junior at the Waupaca High School.
He currently lives on Stratton Lake, and fishing & boating are two of his interests. He & his wife are very loyal Packer and Brewer fans….
and they try to get to at least a couple Brewer games every year!
Update from the Lions Camp
I received an update from the Lions Camp in Rosholt as to the damage and insurance coverage from the fire they had experienced.
The good news is that the insurance payment for the building itself covered the full cost of replacement,
but the bad news is that insurance only covers the depreciated replacement value of the contents inside the building. So these are the additional costs they will have to pay:
Overall deductible (including vehicle deduct) - $ 5,500
Remaining cost of tractor - $ 37,000
Remaining cost of equipment - $ 3,000
Remaining cost of van - $ 7,000
Well, that’s all for now,
Hope to see you at at the next meeting,
Lion Todd
March 2015 Newsletter:
Leprechauns, Four Leaf Clovers, & the Final Four of College Basketball...
It must be the month, as they say that “Comes in like a Lion!”
Lion Dates to Remember:
Monday March 2nd, will be our first meeting of the month,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Monday March 16th, will be our second meeting of the month,
with an informative guest presentation by Joshua Werner about the new radio station coming to Waupaca.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
March 14th - Bob Draeger & Don Gilles
Roses for Spring Schedule
Thursday March 26th - Last Day to turn in your order forms & money
Friday April 17th - Delivery of Roses to Business Locations
Saturday April 18th - Delivery of all remaining rose orders. (Much help will be needed)
Roses for Spring
I know many clubs do fundraisers, but $15 for a dozen (delivered) roses is a pretty darn good deal, so hopefully all of you have been out selling roses to everyone you know. When you do fill out the invoice for the flowers, please make sure that you include an accurate mapped drawing & a contact phone number.
Also please don’t just hang onto all of your sales, and turn them in on March 26th. It makes paperwork life much easier if there isn’t a flood of sales to enter during the last week.
And remember, if you need more invoices, Lion Cas always has extra invoices & posters available at the Piggly Wiggly Liquor store.
Committee Positions
Our Waupaca Lions Club has many committees. Some of the committees require a lot of time, organization, & a major commitment, while others do not. Either way, having committees is a very important part of the success of any organization. Breaking the club into sub-committees is the best way to make sure all the things we do get done efficiently, and not just by the same people year after year.
Usually committee positions for new members are just assigned by the president, and existing members continue with the same positions they have had in the past, but it was brought to my attention that having your input as to what committee(s) you might be interested in, would be a good thing to try again.
So, attached to this newsletter is a list of all the committees for our Waupaca Lions Club. Please check at least 3 positions that might be of interest to you, and return the completed survey within the next month. Thanks!
2015-16 Officers Needed
The other major component of a club are officers!
And looking ahead to this next year, we need some of our members to step to the head table, and help keep our club running smoothly. There are many spots we are looking to fill on this year’s ballot; 2nd & 3rd Vice President, Secretary, Tail-Twister, and a 2year Board of Director position.Please let us know if you would be interested in any one of these positions.
New Member Committee Suggestions
Last month, our New Member Committee met to discuss possible ideas for bringing in some fresh faces to the club, and rather than continuing to badger all of you (at every meeting) to bring in a friend, we came up with some interesting ideas to promote our club. Having a booth (with the SPOT Camera & a looping video) at Strawberry Fest & Arts on the Square was one of the ideas. And including literature about our club in the Waupaca Welcome Wagon Baskets was another. Both of these seem to be great ways to get the word out about our club and may help increase our “pride”, but that doesn’t mean you still shouldn’t try to bring a friend to one of our meetings. It’s always nice to be introduced into an organization by someone you know, and also remember that it’s a free meal to anyone that is interested in checking us out!
Lions Magazines & Newpapers
Ever wonder what you can do with all of the Lions International Newspapers & magazines you get delivered to your door? Well, bring them to the meetings, we will put an informational sticker about our club on them, and distribute them to all of the waiting rooms at our local hospital & Eye Doctors Offices.
So don’t throw them away, let’s recycle them the best way sharing them!
Well, that’s all for now,
Hope to see you at at the next meeting,
Lion Todd
February 2015 Newsletter:
Cupid is getting ready with his bow, Lions are busy selling roses...
So it must be time for the Waupaca Lions Club February Newsletter!
Lion Dates to Remember:
Monday February 2nd, will be our first meeting of the month,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Monday February 16th, will be our second meeting of the month,
with an informative guest presentation, and a New Member Committee meeting after the regular meeting.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
February 14th - Dave Johnson & ????
(we still need one more volunteer, so if you are interested, please let us know)
Roses for Spring
Our Spring fundraising event “Roses for Spring” is now under way. Sales tickets & posters were available at the last meeting. Many members did not pick up their sales material at the last meeting. It is very important that we make sure everybody is out there selling roses.
Please make sure to see Lion Dave Johnson to either pick up your sales stuff,
or tell him that you already got it!
And if you need more, Lion Cas always has extra tickets & posters available at the Piggly Wiggly Liquor store.
Fire at the Lions Camp
Last Sunday, January 25th, there was a fire at the Lions Camp in Rosholt, WI. The fire totally consumed one of the storage sheds at the camp. No one was injured, but the shed and its contents were completely destroyed.
They are submitting it to their insurance company and said that it should not affect the camping season. The cause and origin of the fire are under investigation. You can find out more about this story by clicking on this link: Lions Camp Fire.
Fly-In Raffle Tickets
Our Father’s Day Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake Breakfast may be many months away, but Lions Mike does have the raffle tickets already printed, so if you would like to get a jump on your sales, please pick up a book or two of raffle tickets.
New Member Committee
Finding ways to introduce our Lions Club to new members always seems like a difficult thing to do, so that is why a short New Member Committee meeting has been scheduled after our second regular meeting this month. (February 16th) Whether you are on the committee or not, we would love to have you stick around to help us brainstorm creative ways for finding new members. Remember, the more active members we have, the easier it is for us to serve our community. Hopefully you will be able to join us with a few ideas for this short session.
New Lion in Our Club
Last month we had a Lions member transfer into our Waupaca Club from the Greendale Lions Club. In case you haven’t had a chance to meet her yet, here is a little information about the latest addition to our Club:
Kathy Kasza recently moved to Waupaca from Milwaukee on a permanent basis in November 2014 when she became the City of Waupaca’s new Finance Director. She has been in municipal government finance for almost 30 years; previously with the Village of Greendale, Village of Brown Deer and the City of Greenfield. Her husband, Dick Kasza, and she purchased their home in the Town of Farmington 10 years ago after Dick retired from Delphi Automotive Systems needing more room for their collector cars and enjoying weekends in the area. They have two children; their daughter, Tricia, a City of Milwaukee Fire Department Dispatcher, who is married and has two daughters Isabella and Gabriella; and their son, Daniel, who is married and just recently honorably discharged from the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg NC after serving 12 years and 6 deployments and now going to college as well as serving in the Army Reserves. Kathy transferred from the Greendale Lions Club. She is currently the Treasurer for the Greendale Entertainment Association which holds two children’s clothing resale events and community entertainment during the summer in the Village of Greendale. She likes to participate in 5K walk/run events; golf; bike; take her two Chocolate Labs for walks; and drive some of the collector cars.
Cornea Transports
It seems our Lions have been busy transporting eye corneas again this past week.
On January 28th, Lion Dick Helbach transported one from Waupaca for surgery in Plover,
and on February 1st, Lion Brian Godfrey brought another cornea safely to Plover.
Thanks for being there when they needed us!
90 Years of Service
Next year our Waupaca Lions Club will be celebrating our 90th year of service, and to help remind everyone about this important upcoming anniversary of our club, Lioness Jan Hanke wrote an article and submitted it to the Waupaca County Post. Thank you Jan for getting the word out.
Click on the following link, if you would like to see this article: Waupaca 90 Years
Well, that’s all I have for now,
Hope to see you at at the next meeting,
Lion Todd
January 2015 Newsletter:
It’s a new it is time for a new Lions Club Newsletter!
Hope you had a wonderful Holiday break.
Lion Dates to Remember:
Monday January 5th, will be our first meeting of the new year,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Monday January 19th, will be our second meeting of the month, with a special guest presentation about Farming & Food today.
I believe you will find it very interesting & informative... You really don’t want to miss this meeting!
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
January 10th - Dave Neelis & ????
(we still need one more volunteer, so if you are interested, please contact me)
Christmas Party
We had almost 80 in attendance at this year’s Christmas party, and as in years past we asked for items to be brought in & bid on for a silent auction. All of the money we raised from this event was to go to the local Food Pantry. I am very proud to announce that between the money raised from the Silent Auction, and the money raised from the raffle tickets for the centerpieces, we will be donating a total of $690.00.
Thank you very much to all of the members that brought in the wonderful items, and also to the members that bid so generously on the the donated items. Our food pantry will definitely be very grateful for this gift, and I am proud to be a member of a club that willingly gives so much to its community!
Spring Rose Sale
Even though the thermometer isn’t showing Spring weather, that doesn’t mean we won’t be getting ready for our next major fund raiser. Information about our annual “Spring Rose Sale” will be presented at one of our upcoming pull out your salesman hats, and get ready to start selling flowers!
New Lions in our Club
Over the past several months our club has added a few new members,
Here is a little background information about the newest additions to our “Pride”:
Mike Tuss - Mike graduated from UW Madison in 1978 and worked in Agricultural for 30 years as a Business Representative, he is now retired from BASF The Chemical Co., and is living in Waupaca. He has lived here since 1984 with his wife Sue (a retired registered nurse). They have a son named Justin and their daughter-in-law, Tiffany.
Some of his favorite things to do are golfing, curling, and hunting of deer, elk & upland birds and waterfowl. He also enjoys fishing, and loves the outdoors, spending a lot of time in the woods at their Cabin by Eagle River WI.
Mike also enjoys taking Special Needs Youth turkey hunting in the spring.
Tom Hotvedt - Tom & his wife Mary have lived in Waupaca for the past 18 years, they have two children, Kyle age 11 and Kendra age 7. He works for Sentry Insurance as a Business Analyst and has been with them for 13 years. When he is not at work, his time is centered around family which usually involves spending time in a gym (watching kids basketball), on a soccer field or a baseball field. Year round sports keep him & his family busy.
Some of Tom’s hobbies are working out, camping and taking family bike rides. Although occasionally he likes to put the bicycle away and go for a country ride, on his Harley! When the winter weather cooperates, the camping season is done, and the bikes are put away, he & his family like to enjoy getting outside and having fun in the snow. Tom is looking forward to working with all of you and being an active Lions member.
Rand Swenson - Rand wore many different hats through his working years. He spent the majority of his working life as a Respiratory Therapist, but after RT, he did stints driving propane for Farrell Gas, worked with Auto Glass Specialists, was in sales and service for a medical bed manufacturer named Kinetic Concepts Inc., and then spent a few years as a truck driver for NM Expedited.
He still drives truck occasionally, even though he has now been retired for the past 4 years. He prefers non-ball sports, like trap, curling, frisbee, hockey, cycling (motor and pedal), and photography.
Rand has been married to his wife Vicky for 35 years, they have one son, daughter-in-law, and grandchild in the Denver area. Rand & his wife go to the New London campus of Victory Church, Waupaca.
They originally lived in Neenah for about 18 years, but have been living south of Fremont for the past 15 years.
Well, that’s all I have for now,
Hope to see you at at the next meeting,
Lion Todd
December 2014 Newsletter:
Snow is on the ground, egg nog is in the fridge...
It must be time for our December Newsletter! (the last for 2014)
Lion Dates to Remember:
Monday December 15th, will be our annual Lions Club Christmas Party and it will also be the only time that we meet during the month of December. We passed a sign up sheet around at the last couple of meetings, so I am sure those of you that are planning on attending have already signed up, but just in case you missed the opportunity, I am giving you one last chance.
Here is a list of those who already said they were coming:
Sandy DeBeers
Wayne Much
Ken Dugenske
Rex Evchuk
Larry Gordon
Lee Poehlman
Lloyd Mathison
Al Kraeger
Dennis Daniels
Dale Matheson
Bill Dugenske
Michael Waldschmidt
Marvin Waldschmidt
Bob Draeger
John Edlebeck
George Scherb
Chuck Krueger
Brian Godfrey
Floyd Swan
Cas Borszowski
Chris Johnson
Sandy Penny
Fred Sanderson
Dave Rollins
Stu Holland
Dave Johnson
Tom Hotvedt
Vern Hanke
Robert Forseth
Deb & Arnie Abel
Phil Kirk
Andy Wendt
Dave Neelis
Steve Klismet
Don Gilles
Dave & Joan Pogrant
Ed Brolin
So if your name is not on the above list and you’re planning on attending the Christmas Party,
or if your name happens to be on this list & you can no longer attend,
please contact me as soon as possible so that we don’t have to pay for any extra meals.
And remember this is a social event, so you can leave your Lions vest at home...
Dinner will be served at 6:30 (with socializing & cocktails at the bar as early as you’d like)...
We will be having a White Elephant / Silent Auction Table,
so please bring something you feel might be of value to someone else for us to auction off...
And most important,
if you signed up to bring your significant other, don’t forget them at home!
Monday January 5th, will be our first meeting of the new year,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
December 13th - Larry Gordon & Chris Johnson
The Passing of One of Our Lions
It is with great sadness that I bring you the news of the death of our fellow Lion Wally Zimmerman. He had only been a Waupaca Lions Club member since 2012, but in that short time he was involved in many of our clubs activities, and was always nice to see his smiling face at our meetings.
He will be greatly missed!
A celebration of Life Service was held on November 15th at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Scandinavia
The Shopko Project Eyecare Program
Shopko Corporation has agreed to work with the Lions in their thirteen state sales territory with their Project Eyecare program. This program provides up to five eye exams and glasses for needy children or adults at each of their store locations. The Shopko doctors donate the eye exam and Shopko optical centers provide the glasses free of charge to the patient. This program has been in operation since 1999 and previously was worked through the Salvation Army, but now they are reaching out to the Lions Club. The program will begin in early Spring.
Roadside Signs Get a Facelift
Both of our Waupaca Lions club roadside signs now have more
detailed information about our club. Not only do they mention
when & where we meet, but they also provide our Waupaca
Lions Club Website address.
That’s all I have for now,
Hope to see you at at the Christmas party,
Lion Todd
November 2014 Newsletter:
The leaves are almost completely off the trees and our clocks have all fallen back an hour...
so it must be time for our November Newsletter!
Lion Dates to Remember:
Monday November 3rd, will be our first meeting of the month,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Monday November 17th, will be our second meeting of the month,
with a special guest presentation from the Larson/Winchester Lions Club.
You will be amazed to see what they are up to... You really don’t want to miss this meeting!
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
November 8th - Don Gilles & Mike Waldschmidt
Highway Clean-Up
On October 20th a group of our lions did their part in keeping our section of Highway 49 clean.
Thanks to Lions Chris Johnson, Don Westley, Bob Draeger, Art O Keefe, Dave & Joan Pogrant, Phil Kirk, Cas Borszowski, Todd Mallasch, Larry Gordon, and Ed Brolin (our Highway Cleanup Chairman) for another job well done.
Club Christmas Party
Our club Christmas party is scheduled to take place on Monday December 15th at Simpson's Restaurant.
As in years past, your spouse or significant other is welcome to join you at this event,
and you are not required to wear your Lions vest.
The bar area will be open for cocktails & socializing starting at 5:30, with dinner being served at 6:30.
Once again, we will have a silent auction White Elephant table to help cover extra club expenses,
so if you have any items you would like to donate, please bring them to the Party.
It can be any new (or almost new) item that you feel one of our members might like to own...
Some members in years past have even put together baskets with multiple goodies.
Whatever you can bring will be appreciated, whether it's large or small, it'll go on the “Auction” table.
SPOT Vision Screenings
Last week our Lions Club Vision team, together with the Waupaca Lionesses, were checking student’s vision with our SPOT camera at the Chain Elementary School. And this coming Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we will be screening students at the Waupaca Learning Center.
If you are interested in helping out with this service, or would just like to see this amazing piece of equipment in action, please contact me, and I will let you know the exact times for the screenings.
District Convention
It’s District Convention time once again. This year’s convention is set for November 7th and 8th, and is being held at the Rock Garden Conference Center in Green Bay, WI. This event is open for any of our Lions Club Members that are interested in finding out information beyond what we learn at our monthly meetings.
You can see all the information about the convention by going to this site:
And, if you are interested in going,
please let Lion Denny know so that he can have a delegate card registered for you.
Another Donation to Our Club
The Roloff family has donated another $50 to our Lions Club, in memory of Everette Roloff.
Thanks to their family for continuing to support our club.
Big/Lucky Buck Contest
Lion Bill Dugenske is putting together a Lucky Buck contest to all the deer hunters in our club.
If you are interested, please contact Lion Bill, and get him your $5 entrance fee.
Salvation Army Needs Bell Ringers
Our local Salvation Army has contacted our club looking for volunteers to help ring bells & raise money at various business locations. This community service will be happening every Friday-Sunday starting the day after Thanksgiving. If you are interested in working a two hour shift, please contact Jerry Peskie at 258-5012.
Facebook Giveaway
Last month we gave away another free gift certificate for Schueller's Great Exspechtations to one of our Facebook followers.
This time it went to: Valerie Fay!
Congrats to Valerie, and very big thank you to Schueller's for their continuing generosity to our club!
Remember to let your friends know how easy it is to win free stuff just for "like" -ing us on Facebook.
That’s all I have for now,
See you at our next club meeting,
Lion Todd
October 2014 Newsletter:
The trees are in full color, and the nights are getting longer... So it must be time for our October Newsletter!
Lion Dates to Remember:
Monday October 6th, will be our first meeting of the month, with a little bit of after dinner entertainment provided by some local musicians.
There will also be a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting
(we will be going over our 2014-15 budget)
Monday October 20th, will be our second meeting of the month, with a special guest presentation by Jim Noll from the Brussels Lions Club talking to us about the new Ask-1 Initiative.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
At this time, no one is signed up to work at the Recycling Center on the 11th of October.
There will be a sign-up sheet going around at the next meeting to hopefully fill this vacant spot.
Highway Clean-Up
October 6th is our next scheduled highway clean up. As usual, we will meet at 4:00 in the parking lot of Westley Heating, and as always refreshments will be served after the roads are clean.
Lion Ed passed a sign-up sheet around at our last meeting, so if you signed up, then this is your reminder,
and if you didn’t sign up, but would like to help out, you can always call Lion Ed at (715) 256-9956.
Candy Days for Camp
With over a dozen of our club members helping out, we raised over $1000 with this year’s Candy Days for Camp. A complete review & financial breakdown of this fundraiser is attached to this Newsletter.
Thank you to all of those that helped make this another successful year,
and also a big thank you to Lion John for organizing it so well again this year!
Eye Bank Run
There were two cornea transports since our last Newsletter...
On September 17th, Lion Sandy DeBeers safely transported one from Plover to Waupaca,
and on October 1st Lion Brian Godfrey transported another one. Thanks guys for the good work!
That is all I have for now,
See you at our next club meeting on October 6th,
Lion Todd
September 2014 Newsletter:
Well, our many 2014 summer activities have been successfully completed...
And according to the calendar Fall will be starting soon, so it must be time for our September Newsletter!
Lion Dates to Remember:
(Please take note: Due to the Labor Day Holiday & the month of September having 5 Mondays,
our September Lions Club Meetings will be held on the 2nd & 4th Mondays,
and will go back to our regular meeting days after this first odd month)
Monday September 8th, will be our first meeting of the month, with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Monday September 22nd, will be our second meeting of the month, with a special guest presentation
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
At this time, no one is signed up to work at the Recycling Center on the 13th of September.
There will be a sign-up sheet going around at the next meeting to hopefully fill this vacant spot,
and also the subsequent months that follow.
September 12th & 13th - Candy Days for Camp
Raising money for the Lions Camp in Rosholt & getting people to know more information about the Camp, are the main reasons that that we ask our members to help out with this fundraiser.
Lion John Edlebeck is once again in charge of lining up our volunteers.
The shifts & times are as follows:
Friday Sept 12 (12-2pm and 2-4pm shifts) and Saturday Sept 13 (10-12noon shifts)
To sign up for a shift --- Contact Lion John @ 715-496-3080.
Another way to help is to give a donation to defray costs of the purchase of the 2 cases of mints.
They are $125 per case and we purchase 2 of them...Donations to pay for partial cases would be great as well.
A Donation to Our Club
I am saddened to report that last month Everette Roloff passsed away.
Ev was a member of our Lions Club years ago, and served as our Club president in 1980-81.
In his memory, the Roloff family has donated $500 to our Lions Club.
Thanks to the family & to Everette for his time of service.
Waupaca Triathlon
Thanks to the many volunteers that came out to help make the Triathlon run so smoothly.
We appreciate all of your help,
and will report at our next meeting how much money this event raised for our club.
Rod & Classic Car Show
Even though the weather may not have been the best, we still had approximately 170 entries, and many of the participants raved about how much they enjoy this car show.
A great big thank you goes out to the many club members that helped make our first year running this show a success! We will have a full report at our next meeting.
Eye Bank Run
On August 21st, Lion Brian Godfrey safely transported an eye cornea from Plover to Waupaca for surgery by Dr Larson. Thanks Lion Brian for the good work!
Sausages anyone?
Believe it or not, we still have some sausages leftover from our pancake breakfast. They are still frozen & have not been thawed yet, so they will be as tasty as the day we served them. They are available, have been stored in 10 pound bags, and are $3.50/pound. Please contact me if you are interested.
Tail Twister
I am happy to inform you that I approached Lion Dale Matheson to fill the position as Tail Twister for our Lions Club, and he has graciously accepted this position.
Knowing Lion Dale, I would say that all of our members should be ready for some fun,
because fines may be flying at our meetings this next year!
Video Spoof on a Pancake Breakfast
The monthly Lions Magazine made note of a funny video spoofing Lions pancake breakfasts. It featured performers from a famed Chicago troupe. It was made by Lions Club International in hopes to go viral and spread the message that Lions have fun doing service.
In case you missed it ... here’s a link to the video on Youtube:
That is all I have for now,
See you at our next club meeting,
Which is on the 8th of September!
Lion Todd
August 2014 Newsletter:
Even though the calendar says that summer is almost over...
Our Waupaca Lions Club still has a lot of social & fundraising events going on this month!
We had quite a few sign up sheets being passed around at our Steak-fry in July, so in case you missed the opportunity to sign up for the Lions Camp Steak Fry in Rosholt on the 11th of August,
I am giving you one more chance.
Here is a list of those who already have their steaks waiting for them:
Dave Johnson
Chuck Krueger
Bob Draeger
Art O'Keefe
Don Westley
Wayne Much
Marvin Waldschmidt
Michael Waldschmidt
John Edlebeck
Bill Dugenske
Lee Poehlman
Chris Johnson
Ed Brolin
Todd Mallasch
Stu Holland
Stu Duchow
Dave Neelis
Dale Matheson
Vern Hanke
Ken Dugenske
Dennis Daniels
Ken Dugenske
Arnie & Deb Abel
Dave & Joan Pogrant
Betty Roman
Beverly Dugenske
Peggy Tiedt
Rex Evchuk
Chad Cloutier
Don Gilles
So if your name is not on the above list and you are planning on attending this event, please contact Dave Johnson at 715-258-7440 by Thursday August 7th. Otherwise we won't have a steak reserved for you & your guest. Also, if your name happens to be on this list and you can no longer attend the event, please let Dave know this too, so that we don't waste our club funds on unnecessary food.
The Steak Fry at the Lions camp is an event that is combined with several other area Lions clubs, and District Governor Fred Sanderson will be on hand to say a few words to our group. It is definitely a social event, as there will be plenty of food and drink available, but as it always is at our steak fry’s, you will still need to bring; plates, silverware, napkins, placemat or tablecloth, fork & seasoning for your steak.
If you have never been to our Lions Camp, this is really a great way to see first hand, how our Lions Club money is making a personal impact on young children’s lives. And if you have been there before, it is the perfect opportunity to bring someone that might be interested in becoming a Lion. Our club will cover the cost for their meal, just please let Dave know you are bringing someone.
The coals for the steaks should be hot by 6pm, but cock-tailing will be going on for about an hour beforehand. This year’s steak fry will have personalized walking tours of the camp, which will give you an up close look at the lake, new totem pole, and even one of the cabins. Tours will start just before 5pm, so try to come a little early, if you want to take a walk around the camp.
Directions to the camp can be found by clicking here
Important Dates to Remember:
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Saturday August 9th - Floyd Swan is the only one signed up...
please contact me if you would be able to help Lion Floyd out at the Recycling center this Saturday.
August 16th - Waupaca Triathlon
This early morning event has our members helping with parking cars. If you are interested in helping out with this event and haven’t already signed up for it, please contact Lion Dave Pogrant.
Bethany Pig Roast
Bethany Home is having a Pig Roast on August 16th, and they were wondering if any of our club members might have an old car or two that they would like to show off at their event. I think it would be a great opportunity to get the word out about our car show which is the following weekend, plus they will also provide free meal tickets for those helping out. The event goes from 11am - 2pm, please contact me if you have a vehicle that you could bring to this event.
August 23rd - Rod & Classic Car Show
This is the first year that we are taking this fundraiser on by ourselves, so we can use all the volunteers we can get. Please contact Lion Art O’Keefe if you would be able to help out with this event,
Candy Days for Camp
Passing out candy for donations and telling people about our Lions camp is scheduled for September 12th & 13th. Lion John Edlebeck will be looking for volunteers for this fundraiser, so please contact him if you are interested in helping out.
Iola Car Show Parking
We had a great turn out for this event...Thanks to Lion Floyd for organizing the schedules,
and all of the club members that helped make it another year of incident free parking of old cars in Iola.
Highway Clean-Up
On July 21st, Lion Ed Brolin lead his team of refuse retrievers along our stretch of Highway 49. Helping Ed that day were Lions Bob Draeger, Don Westley, Cas Borszowski, Larry Gordon, Dave Pogrant & Joan Pogrant. Thanks for a job well done!
No More Blood Driving
Last month there was another scheduling mix up with the Blood Run, and as a result, Lion Ed Brolin & his wife were not able to attend our steak fry last month, because they spent the evening waiting for their blood transport pick up to arrive. The Blood Bank was able to get one of their paid curriers to swing by and pick up the blood, but by then, it was nearly 8:00pm. When I spoke with our contact for this community service project, she couldn’t guarantee this wouldn’t happen again. So after a long discussion with the local area Blood Bank, the decision was made to no longer continue our service as a transporter of their donated blood.
Our volunteering may have saved some money to the bottom line cost of the blood, but this is not something we should worry about possibly losing members over, especially when they have paid staff already transporting their blood. Thank you to all of our members that have helped with this service!
I hope to see you at the steak fry next week,
or one of our many other August events,
Lion Todd
July 2014 Newsletter:
Sunshine, Picnics, and a Patriotic must be time for the July Newsletter!
July 7th is our annual summer steak-fry/meeting.
For our new members who have never been to our steak fry, here is a little more information about the evening:
No need to wear your vests. Spouses/ significant others are invited.
The meal, catered by Niemuth’s, includes steaks (you will cook your own), baked taters, slaw, etc.
Beverages (almost anything you could want) are provided, too.
Festivities start around 5:30, we will start cooking somewhere near 6:00 - 6:30, or whenever the fire is ready.
You will need to bring: plates, silverware, napkins, placemat or tablecloth, fork & seasoning for your steak.
This is a social evening, so be prepared to enjoy yourselves!
If you did not sign up for the steak fry & are still planning on attending,
please call Deb or Arnie Abel at 715-258-2232 ASAP, because our final count needed to be in by June 30th.
It is imperative you let the Abels know you plan on attending, so we have enough food for everyone!
July 21st There will be a Board of Directors meeting at 6:30pm in the lounge area next to the bar at Simpson’s Restaurant. In addition to our normal club discussion we will be doing a post Fly-In review. So if you are on the Fly-In committee, or have some issues you would like to discuss about the Fly-In, please join our board members at this meeting.
Lion Dates to Remember:
Blood Run Schedule
July 7th - Ed Brolin July 21st - Don Westley August 4th - Lloyd Mathison
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Saturday July 12th - Cas Borszowski & Judge Phil Kirk
Fly-In Pancake Breakfast
The weather was a bit iffy, but that didn’t seem to keep people away from this annual event. We had over 550 tickets sold, and much more money was made through our raffle. Speaking of our raffle...A special thank you needs to go out to Lion Larry Gordon for donating his $100 winning raffle ticket money back to our Lions Club. A complete list of all the raffle winners are on our Facebook page, and we should have a more accurate total to report at the steak-fry/meeting in July. Thanks to all of our club members that showed up to make this year’s Pancake Fly-In Breakfast another success.
Facebook Give Away & Fly-In Pictures
You really should check out our Lions Club’s Facebook page. We have many pictures from the Fly-In posted in an album, plus our latest club photo is now being used as our cover picture. We also gave away two tickets to our Fly-In Breakfast to another one of of FB followers. Those free tickets went to Rikki Young.
Please remember to let all of your friends know to “like” us on Facebook to find out what we are up to, and to be eligible to win one of our many give aways!
Saying Good Bye to a Dedicated Lion
Last month we lost one of our most loyal & dedicated Lions Club Members. On June 10th, 2014, Lion Bob Penney past away. Many of you knew him as our Tail Twister, but he was much more than that. Bob had been a member of our club since 1982 & served as our club president in 1990. He was also very active in as many club events as he could possibly be. The Lions Club meant a lot to him. I am glad to say that our Lions Club was able to show his family how much he meant to us, by having over thirty of our club members come to his visitation at Holly’s Funeral home. Six of our Lions club members also served as pallbearers at the funeral. And in lieu of flowers, the family had requested that donations were to be made to our Waupaca Lions Club.
You will be greatly missed Bob!
July 10-13 Iola Car Show Parking
For the past several years our club has helped with the parking of cars at the Iola Car Show. Lion Floyd Swan is the person in charge of organizing this fundraising activity. By now you should have received your information packet, please contact him if you haven’t and are still interested in helping out with this event.
Waupaca Foundry Picnic
The Foundry Picnic is scheduled for Saturday, August 2nd at Swan Park. Our duties will remain close to what they have been in the past, but we still have not been told exactly what is expected of us. There will be a signup sheet at the July 7th steak fry.
August 11th - Steak Fry at Lions Camp in Rosholt
This summer steak fry is a great way to see first hand where a large portion of our money goes. It is held at the Lions Camp in Rosholt, and is the perfect opportunity to invite a friend that might be interested in becoming a Lion. They will be offering a wagon tour of the whole camp, and also shorter walking tours will be available. If you have any questions about this event, please give me a call (715-281-9330). A sign up sheet & more information will be available at the July Steak Fry.
August 16th - Waupaca Triathlon
This early morning event has our members helping with parking cars. If you are interested in helping out with this event, please contact Lion Dave Pogrant. A sign-up sheet will be available at the July steak fry.
August 23rd - Rod & Classic Car Show
Remember to mark you calendars for this event. We can use help from all of our members on this one. If you are interested in helping, please contact Lion Art O’Keefe with any questions. Job details should be available at the July steak fry.
New Membership Booklets
The 2014-15 Membership booklets are ready & will be available for pick up at any of our next meetings.
I hope to see you at one of our many upcoming summer events,
Lion Todd
June 2014 Newsletter:
Well it is finally getting hot outside, and our summer calendars are already filling up fast,
so it must be time for the June Newsletter!
June 2nd is our annual officer installation dinner.
It will be at Simpson’s restaurant with social at 6:00-ish and our dinner meeting starting at 6:30.
Dean Haas will be in attendance to install our new slate of officers.
Lion Dates to Remember:
Blood Run Schedule
June 9th - (vacant - need someone) June 23rd - John Edlebeck July 7th - Ed Brolin
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Saturday June 14th - Dave Neelis & Bob Draeger
Scholarship Awards
Every year our Lions Club awards $500 scholarships to four well deserved high school seniors. Those students that received these scholarships for this year were; Jacob Hobson, James Camann, Meghan Czerwinski, & Bryce Neidert...Nice job & Congratulations college-bound graduates!
Highway Cleanup
Our Spring highway cleanup was cancelled last month, due to rainy weather, so our faithful highway crew leader, Lion Ed Brolin has rescheduled it for the 9th of June at 4:00pm. As always we will be meeting in the Westley Heating parking lot on Hwy 49 north of Waupaca. A sign up sheet was passed around at the last meeting, but if you didn’t get a chance to sign it, but are still interested in helping out, please contact Lion Ed.
Facebook Givaway
We will be giving away a pair of free tickets to our Fly-in Breakfast to some lucky follower of our Lions Club Facebook Page. So please let all of your FB friends know to “like” us on Facebook to be eligible to win some more free stuff!
Summer Events & Activities
Summertime is busy for all of us, and especially if you are a Lion. We have many annual activities & events, and considering we don’t have monthly meetings during the summer, I thought I would give you a quick reminder (and lowdown) of all that we have lined up for the 2014 Lions Club Summer:
June 15th - Fly-In Pancake Breakfast
This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, and getting it done takes help from almost every member of our club. The breakfast is from 7am-noon, but everyone needs to be there much earlier than that. Individual work assignments were sent out last month. Please contact Lion Todd or Lion Dennis if you have any questions. Also, there will be a group photo of our Waupaca Lions club taken at 6:45am, so no matter what time you are supposed to get there, please make sure you are there before the click of the camera!
July 7th - Brainard’s Park Steak Fry
This is our first steak fry of the summer, and it will be at Brainard’s Park again this year. The grill will start firing up at about 5pm, and should be red hot by 6:00-6:30. As always spouses (& significant others) are welcome to come to this event. Food & drink is provided, but you do need to bring utensils!
Please make sure you have signed up ahead of time so that you know you will have a steak waiting for you!
The contact Lions for this Steak Fry are Deb & Arnie Able.
July 10-13 - Iola Car Show Parking
For the past several years our club has helped with the parking of cars at the Iola Car Show. Lion Floyd Swan is the person in charge of organizing this fundraising activity. Please contact him if you are interested in helping out with this event.
August 2nd - Waupaca Foundry Picnic
Every year our Lions Club helps out with the Waupaca Foundry’s Annual Picnic, and in exchange we are compensated very nicely for this service. We do everything from driving guests in golf carts to calling numbers for Bingo. If you are interested in helping out with this event, please contact Lion Dale.
August 11th - Steak Fry at Lions Camp in Rosholt
This is our other summer steak fry, and it is held at the Lions Camp in Rosholt. This is a great chance to see first hand where a lot of our Lions Club money goes. They will have a wagon tour of the whole camp, and shorter walking tours available. This is a great event to invite someone that you think might be interested in becoming a Lion. More information & a sign up sheet will going around via email later this summer.
August 16th - Waupaca Triathlon
This early morning fundraiser has our members helping with parking cars for the athletes. If you are interested in helping out with this event, please contact Lion Dave Pogrant.
August 23rd - Rod & Classic Car Show
This year is our first year as sponsors for this event, and we can use help from all of our members on this one. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Lion Art O’Keefe.
I hope to see you at one of our many events over the summer,
Lion Todd
May 2014 Newsletter:
Well the grass is beginning to turn green & the flowers are starting to peek their heads through the dirt,
so it must be time for our May Newsletter!
Lion Dates to Remember:
Monday May 5th, will be our first meeting of the month,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Monday May 19th, will be our second meeting of the month.
It will also be our last regular meeting before we have our summer break & we may have a guest speaker at this meeting as well if scheduling allows it to happen.
Blood Run Schedule
May 12th - Dave Pogrant May 26th - Joan Pogrant June 9th - (vacant - need someone)
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Saturday May 10th - Chad Cloutier & Dave Pogrant
Election of Club Officers
At our April 21st meeting our annual election of officers was held.
And, as you will notice, not much has changed for the next year...
Our 2014-2015 slate of officers, unanimously elected, is:
President - Todd Mallasch 1st VP - Ken Dugenske 2nd VP - Chris Johnson
Lion Tamer - Lloyd Mathison Tail Twister - Bob Penney
Secretary - Dennis Daniels Treasurer - Don Gilles
Chaplain - Chuck Krueger Past President & Member Chair -Cas Borszowski
One Year Directors: Mike Tenant & Ed Brolin
Two Year Directors: Steve Klismet & Mike Waldschmidt
Installation of Officers Dinner
Our last Lions club get together at Simpsons before the summer break is our Lions Club Installation Dinner. As it has always been, member’s and their significant others are encouraged to attend this event. It is scheduled for the 2nd of June, with cocktails at 6pm, and dinner at 6:30pm. Due to the larger number of people at this meeting, we need to let Simpsons know how many will be attending. There will be a sign-up sheet available at the next couple of meetings.
Highway Cleanup
Now that the snow has finally melted and we can see see all the trash along our adopted section of Hwy 49,
we will be doing our Spring trash pick up on Monday May 19th, at 4:00.
A sign up sheet will be available at our next meeting.
Roses for Spring
All the roses were delivered, and many of the people had commented on how nicely they had bloomed for them. Thanks to all of the members that came out to help with the delivery, and a special thanks to Lion Dave Johnson & his wife Janet for making sure we got the flowers delivered to the places they were supposed to go.
Summer Steak Fry
Mark your calendars for the 7th of July for our annual summer steak fry. We have reserved the shelter at Brainard’s Bridge Park again for this year, because it is still not known if the South Park shelter will be finished in time for our summertime event. We will have a sign-up sheet going around at one of our next meetings.
Rod & Classic Car Show
As of the printing of this Newsletter, I still don’t have the job list for all of the positions we will need filled for our newest end of summer fundraiser, but I do know that we will need every available Lion that we can get, so please make sure that you have your calendar marked for August 23. I will keep everyone up to date by email over the next several months, as to what decisions are made with the Waupaca Lion’s Sponsored Rod & Classic Car Show.
Spot Vision Screening
The high tech vision screening has begun, and the new Spot Vision camera works as easily & impressively as promised. We screened almost 200 children from the Sunny Day Childcare facility last week, with some of those children being as young as 6 months old. This is something we never would have been able to accurately accomplish with the old eye chart. Using this Spot Vision camera gives us the ability to diagnose vision problems where we would would have never dreamed possible. And with these early diagnoses, we may significantly improved the lives of many young children in our community!
And the Winner was...
Well in case you missed the Food Pantry Contest held at last month’s meeting, let me give you the quick low down: Many of our members did bring in a lot of food, and it seemed as if our Lions could easily win the contest with the Lionesses, but that was until we took a look at the amount of food those ladies brought in. Thankfully Lion Lloyd had donated $100 with a 3 to 1 matching grant from his company, and the Lionesses agreed to call it a draw, and it was decided we should both donate the additional $50. So with what started as a fun competitive contest between our two clubs, in the end, the big winner of the day was the Waupaca Food Pantry! They received a total of $500, plus 563lbs of food!!!
Making your Life Clutter-free
Have you ever won a raffle prize and thought, "What am I going to do with this piece of junk?"
Do you have something laying around the house that's in almost new condition, but you'll never use and it's too good to throw in the trash? Well, here’s a deal for you!! At this months state convention, District B-2 will hold their last cabinet meeting for the year. Region 5 (that's us) is responsible for this meetings raffle prizes.
If you have something you would like to unload..umm, donate for a raffle prize. Please get it to Lion Dale by May 14th
Facebook Givaway Update
Schueller's Great Exspechtations gave our club another gift certificate to their restaurant, and so we gave away another free gift to one of our Facebook followers, this month it went to: Debbie Jorgensen Anderson!
Congrats to Debbie, and very big thank you to Schueller's for their continuing generosity to our club!
Well that’s about all for this month...See you at our next meeting on the 5th,
Lion Todd
April 2014 Newsletter:
Even though the snow isn’t completely gone yet, baseball season has officially begun,
so it must be Spring and time for our April Newsletter!
Lion Dates to Remember this Month:
Monday April 7th, will be our first meeting of the month,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Monday April 21st, will be our second meeting of the month.
We will hold our election of club officers at this meeting, and also, if time permits,
we may have a guest speaker at this meeting as well.
Blood Run Schedule
April 14th - Dennis Daniels April 28th - Sandy Debeers May 12th - Dave Pogrant
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Saturday April 12th - Dennis Daniels & Don Gilles
Rod & Classic Car Show
As many of you know, for the past several years, our Lions club has served the food at the Waupaca Rod & Classic Car Show. This year, the car club that usually sponsors this event, is no longer doing so.
Lion Bill Dugenske has recommended our Lions club become the sponsor for this car show.
This past week some of our Lions Club members that are familiar with this car show met to discuss the details of taking on this task. It was decided that in order for us to run this event successfully, we will need help from many of our club members, both before & on the day of the event. The event is scheduled for August 23.
So bottom line is, we need to know how many of you will be able to help before we can fully commit,
and I’d like to have that answer before our next meeting on April 7th.
Please check your schedule & let me know as soon as possible if we can count on you for this event.
Either call (715-281-9330) or email me ( with your availability.
Help Deliver the Roses
Once again our club has sold over 700 dozen roses! Thanks to all of our members for pushing the petals again this year ... But just because the flowers are sold, doesn’t mean our work is done!
A truckload of roses will be coming to Waupaca later this month, and we will need all the help we can get delivering them to their rightful homes. So if you can spare some of your time, please stop by the Tower Mobil gas station to give us a hand. We are scheduled to deliver them to businesses on April 11th starting at 10:30am, and to residential locations on April 12th starting at 9:00am. Call Lion Dave Johnson with any questions.
Election of Club Officers
Our nominating committee consisting of the past three presidents have compiled their nominations, and we will be holding our election during our regular club meeting on the 21st of April.
As of this time, we do not have a 3rd-Vice-President on the ballot, so if you are interested in filling this position, please contact one of the members of the nominating committee (Lion Cas, Lion Dale or Lion Wayne)
Fly-In Raffle Tickets
The raffle tickets for our Father’s Day Fly-In will be ready for you to pick up at our next meeting. You will be given two booklets to start with, but can always pick up more from Lion Mike at I&I Printing. This raffle really helps generate some additional money from our pancake breakfast. So please get out there and start selling tickets to everyone you know.
Anything They Can Do...We Can Do Better!
On the 21st of April, we are holding a joint meeting with the Waupaca Lionesses, and to make the evening a little more interesting, they have challenged us to a food drive competition!
Both clubs will be asking their members to bring in non-perishable food items for the local Food Pantry,
and the club that brings in fewer items, will have to purchase & donate an additional $50 gift card.
So please try to remember to clean out your pantry and bring everything you’ve got, to our second meeting of the month on the 21st of April.
Facebook Givaway Update
Nikki Novak won the $15 gift certificate to Schueller’s Great Exspechtations last month, just for following our Lions Club’s Facebook page. Remember to tell your friends to like our Waupaca Lions Club Facebook page, and they could be our next winner!
Waupaca Lions Club Clothing
Wearing your Lions Club vest throughout all of our summer events & outings can get to be a little warm. So if you’re looking for some new Lions Club apparel, see Lion Dale.
Check It Once, Check It Twice
The new membership booklets will be going in for printing soon, so please check over last year’s booklet to see if all of the information listed for yourself is correct. Also, let me know if there is any particular committee positions that you might be interested in.
Well that’s about all for this month,
See you at our next meeting on the 7th,
Lion Todd
March 2014 Newsletter:
College Basketball Finals, Saint Paddy’s Day, & sub-zero weather from the Polar Vortex...
It must be March in Wisconsin, and time for another Newsletter!
Lion Dates to Remember this Month:
Monday March 3rd, will be our first meeting of the month,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Monday March 17th, will be our second meeting of the month.
As usual, we will have a guest speaker at this meeting, but unfortunately at this time, it is not confirmed exactly who that will be, so you’ll just have to show up to find out!
Blood Run Schedule
March 3rd - Wayne Much March 17th - Mike Tenant March 31st - Stu Duchow Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Saturday March 8th - Brian Godfrey & Larry Gordon
Roses, Roses, Roses
Hopefully by now you have sold flowers to all of your friends & neighbors, but with the March 20th deadline to sell roses fast approaching, it’s time to start approaching strangers & anyone you may come across throughout your busy day. This is a great fundraiser for our club, and every extra rose sale helps.If you need more invoices or posters, please see Lion Cas at the Piggly Wiggly liquor store.
Also, please return your money & completed invoices to Dave Johnson as soon as you can, so that he isn’t buried in paperwork on the last couple of days.
Waupaca Lions School Scholarships
As we have done for many years in the past, our Waupaca Lions club will again be awarding 4 scholarships to local high school seniors. Two scholarships for a 4 year college & two scholarships for a 2 year technical college. Applications for these & various other scholarships can be found on the School District of Waupaca website, or by clicking this hyperlink for their scholarship information page
All applications must be submitted by April 2, 2014, no later than 3:30 pm.
Nomination of Club Officers
Our nominating committee consisting of the past three presidents will be gathering together the names of our club members that will be looking to be our 2014-15 Club Officers. If you are interested in seeking any of our officer positions, please talk to to either Lion Cas, Lion Dale, or Lion Wayne.
Another New Member in our Pride
Well, your little orange member’s booklet needs another up-date, as we installed the latest new member into our Lions Club at our last month:
Chad Cloutier
N2074 Old Hwy 22
(920) 475-3951
Chad is originally from New London, graduating in 1996. From there he went on to UW-Platteville where he majored in Biology with minors in biotechnology and chemistry, graduating in Dec of 2000. He then went on to Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, MN, graduating in July 2005. Once schooling was over, he then worked as an associate doctor for 3 years, and then opened Chain O' Lakes Chiropractic in the fall of 2008.
He was exposed to community service through his father and step-mother’s participation in the New London Jaycees, and his father’s involvement in various other community service organizations. Chad joined the Waupaca Jaycees in 2008, and served three terms as president, with the last term being 2013.
His interests include anything outdoors, especially with his two kids. He fishes with them, hikes in the woods with them (well actually they hike for only about 50 yards, then he carries them), and plays sports with them. Chad plays softball, volleyball, most recently began to curl, and is eagerly awaiting his yearly Canada fishing trip. He looks forward to the community service and camaraderie that our Lions Club has to offer!
The Gauntlet Has Been Dropped
Our second club meeting during the month of April, will be a combined meeting with the Waupaca Lionesses, and they have proposed a challenge to our Lions club. They would like to have a food drive competition, where the club that brings in fewer food items for the local Food Pantry, will have to purchase & donate an additional $50 gift card along with their food items. This is our chance to show how strong our club can be, so start stockpiling your non-perishables now in preparation for our landslide victory.
Facebook Givaway Update
Last month, not only did Schueller’s Great Exspechtations donate a $15 gift certificate for their restaurant to our club for us to give away to one of our Facebook followers, they also agreed to do this as an ongoing monthly donation. So if you happen to be dining at Schueller’s, please let them know how much we appreciate the gift. Also, make sure to let your friends know that the Waupaca Lions Club has a Facebook page, and if they “like” us, they may be saving some money at Shueller’s next month!
Our winner this month was ... Marcie Cook.
The Lions Learning Center
Are you interested in improving your communication & leadership skills?
Did you know that Lions Club International provides FREE on-line leadership skills training to any Lions Club member. The Courses are categorized by four key skills: Leadership, Managing Others, Achieving Results and Communication, and they typically take 30 to 60 minutes to complete. You can find more information about all the courses they offer by clicking on this hyperlink: Lions International Training Courses
If you don’t know your Lions Club member identification number, contact our faithful secretary Lion Dennis.
Well that’s about all for this month,
See you at our meeting on the 3rd,
Lion Todd
February 2014 Newsletter:
Well, It’s official;
Winter will go on for another six weeks!
Yes...Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his burrow and saw his shadow.
Although, if you follow his track record, he’s actually much less accurate than our weathermen, coming in at only 39% correct with his predictions.
So maybe Spring is a little closer than the rodent believes it will be!
Lion Dates to Remember this Month:
Monday February 3rd, will be our first meeting of the month,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Wednesday February 12th, there will be a zone meeting at the Cedar Springs Golf course in Manawa,
the dinner starts at 6:30. This meeting is mainly for club officers, but is open to all club members.
If you want to get caught up on Lions activities & information outside our own club,
this would be a meeting for you to attend!
Monday February 17th, will be our second meeting of the month. As usual, we will have a guest speaker at this meeting, but unfortunately at this time, it is not confirmed exactly who that will be, so you’ll just have to show up to find out!
Blood Run Schedule
February 3rd - Chris Johnson February 17th - Phil Kirk March 3rd - Wayne Much Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
February 8th - Verne Hanke & Dennis Daniels March 8th - Dave Johnson & Dave Neelis
Roses, Roses, Roses
It is that time of year again when we need to put on our salesman hats, and start hawking flowers to everyone we know. We can sell the Roses up until March 20th, and will be delivering them on April 12th (and on April 11th for Businesses). They are still only $15 for a dozen hand delivered roses.
If you didn’t get your order form at the last meeting (or need more, cause you already ran out),
you can pick them up from Lion Cas at the Piggly Wiggly Liquor store. He also has posters too!
SPOT Vision Camera
Good News! Ten SPOT Vision cameras have been ordered for our district. The check to pay for them was sent in, and as soon as it is received by the SPOT people, our cameras will be shipped out. Remember, having the cameras in hand is only the first step of getting this vision screening program started. Training is the next step; The district will begin training immediately after the cameras are here, and will be on a zone by zone basis. We happen to be one of the few zones that seem to almost have all of our "ducks in a row", so training may begin as soon as next month for our club.
If you are interested in being a part of this revolutionary vision screening program, please talk to Lion Dale.
Vision Therapy
Several months ago a family contacted our club to see if we might be able to help them cover some vision related costs for their child. Their daughter was having difficulties with her sight, and it was highly recommended that she partake in a 20 week Vision Therapy Program. This type of vision assistance is not covered by insurance plans, and is very costly. We sent an application to the Sturm Humanitarian Foundation, along with a donation from our club, and the family was given the funds to cover the entire program.
Because of this money, this girl has been able to have this Vision Therapy, and possibly avoid severe eye problems in her adult life. I feel honored to be a part of a club can make a difference in a child’s life like that!
Rod & Custom Car Show
At our last meeting, it was brought to our attention that the Rod & Custom Car club was no longer planning on holding their annual car show, and Lion Bill made a motion for our Lions club to look into taking charge of running this event. This car show is typically held at South park at the end of August. It has the potential for being a large fundraising opportunity for our club, but will also require a lot of help from many of our club members. The motion was seconded, and we are in the process of getting all of the details together. If this moves forward, we will need a very strong committee for this project.
I will send out a separate email, as soon as we have more details about this new opportunity.
New Billing Statements
We recently started using Quickbooks for all of our club’s financial record keeping, so you may have noticed a slight change in the format of your membership billing statements. The membership invoices will list your running balance due at the bottom. Your membership dues can still be paid quarterly or semi-annually, but if you don’t want to see a balance due when you receive your invoice, then pay them annually, and you will be covered for the year. If you have any questions about the new billing system, or any money questions in general, please contact our club’s bean counter, Lion Don.
Facebook Giveaway
Almost every month we give one of our Facebook followers a donation from a local business.
Last month Rhythm & Brews donated a gift certificate to enjoy some delicious expresso drinks from their coffeehouse on Fulton Street. Our winner this month was ... Carmen Miller.
Please remember to let your friends know that the Waupaca Lions Club has a Facebook page,
and that if they “like” us, they may be our next winner!
Well that’s about all for this month,
See you at our meeting on the 3rd,
Lion Todd
January 2014 Newsletter:
Talk about coming in like a Lion...
I think the weather for this New Year has definitely done just that!
Remember to bundle up, and keep in mind that in just 6 short months,
we will wish our air conditioners could produce a temperature of 14* below zero!
Lion Dates to Remember this Month:
Monday January 20th, will be our only meeting of the month,
with a Board of Directors meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Unfortunately due to extremely cold weather, our meeting on January 6th
(along with almost everything else in Waupaca) was cancelled.
It was the first time we had to cancel a meeting because of cold weather,
but keeping our members from freezing seemed to be a higher priority, than holding a monthly meeting!
Blood Run Schedule
January 6th - Bob Draeger January 20th - Bill Dugenske February 3rd - Chris Johnson
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Christmas Party & Silent Auction
Last month we had nearly 80 people come to our annual Christmas party at Simpsons. In addition to the delicious meal, we were serenaded with some holiday music by the Stevens Point Barber Shoppers.
We also raised over $225 for our local Food Pantry with a silent auction of “White Elephant” gifts.
Thanks to the Christmas Party committee for organizing & making this such wonderful evening!
Recycling Volunteers Needed
You may have noticed that we don’t have any volunteers signed up for this month’s Recycling Center Work Day. This service project not only helps our community Recycling Center, but it also brings in additional money for our club. We typically have two club members helping out at the Recycling center from 9am - noon on the 2nd Saturday of the month.
Please contact me as soon as possible if you are able to help out with this service on the 11th of January.
Cornea Transportation Continues
There are times that we don’t have Cornea transportation opportunities for long periods of time,
but within the past 30 days we have been asked to help out with 4 such deliveries.
Thanks to Lions: Dick Helbach, Stu Holland & Brian Godfrey for going the extra mile.
State Curling Bonspiel
The 2014 Wisconsin Lions Club State Bonspiel is scheduled to take place next weekend (January 10-12) in Medford Wi. Our Waupaca Lions club is scheduled to have 3 teams competing this year.
Good luck guys, represent us well, and bring back the gold!
Membership Booklet Correction
Recently I tried contacting our District Governor Peter Andre, and realized that the email address listed in our membership booklets is wrong, it should be:
When you make this correction in your booklet, could you also please look over your own membership listing, and let me know if all of your information is correct & up to date.
Spring Rose Sale
Even though the thermometer isn’t showing Spring weather, that doesn’t mean we won’t be getting ready for our next major fund raiser. Information about our annual “Spring Rose Sale” will be presented at one of our upcoming pull out your salesman hats, and get ready to start selling flowers!
New Community Service & Event Ideas
I have been asking our club members to suggest new Lions service & event ideas to help our local community. Here is information about two recent suggestions:
- In keeping with our Lions tradition of helping people with vision related problems, it was suggested that we check into a Vision Assistance Program that several other Wisconsin Lions Clubs have been providing. The programs consist of purchasing electronic magnifiers, and loaning them out to people of their community who have been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. You can find more information about the products these other Lions clubs have been purchasing by going to
- Another suggestion was for a Lions Club sponsored screening of “The Happy Movie”, and although this isn’t a vision related project, it does seem like an interesting idea. It also might provide us a great way to promote what we do as a club, and a roundabout way of increasing our membership. You can find out more information about the movie by going to
I plan to open this up for discussion at our next meeting, but I thought it would be good to provide you with some information about them. Please take a few minutes to look at the above links beforehand.
Facebook Awareness
Facebook has become an incredible way to keep in touch with the people of our community.
Our Club’s FB Page following continues to steadily grow, and as of today, we have approximately 165 “likes”.
Please remember to let your friends know that the Waupaca Lions Club has a Facebook page,
and that if they “like” us, they will be eligible to win free gift certificates to local businesses,
almost every month!
Well that’s about all for this month,
See you at our meeting on the 20th,
Lion Todd
December 2013 Newsletter:
Well here it is...
The last Waupaca Lions Club Newsletter for 2013!
Lion Dates to Remember this Month:
Monday December 2nd will be our annual Lions Club Christmas Party and will also be our only regular meeting of the month. For those of you that are new to the club (or in case you might like a refresher),
here is some information about our Club Christmas Party:
This is a social event, so you can leave your Lions vest at home...Dinner will be served at 6:30 (with socializing & cocktails at the bar as early as you’d like)...We will be having a White Elephant / Silent Auction Table, so please bring something you feel might be of value to someone else for us to auction off...And most important, if you signed up to bring your significant other, don’t forget them at home!
Monday December 16th, there will be a Board of Directors Meeting in the reserved area near the front bar of Simpson’s Restaurant at 6:30. I realize this is a busy time of year, but we do need to discuss a few things,
so if you are an officer or on the Board, please let me know if you won’t be able to attend this meeting.
Blood Run Schedule
December 9th - Bill Dugenske December 23rd - Chris Johnson January 6th - Bob Draeger Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
December 14th - Bob Draeger & Don Gilles
Timely Transportion
On November 20th, Lion Brian Godfrey received a call for cornea transport. Brian then called Lion Sandy DeBeers at 3:45, and the cornea was safely transported from Plover to Waupaca Riverside for surgery in Waupaca, by 7:30 that same evening. Thanks to our team of Cornea Transport volunteers for being such an integral part of this process. I believe this is Lion Sandy's second transport since volunteering.
Community Service Outside our Club
During this Holiday season, the VFW is looking for “Bell Ringers” at various locations throughout Waupaca. If you find you have some free time over the upcoming weekends, and feel that you would like to help serve this good cause, then please contact Jerry Peskie at 715-258-5012 for all the details.
New Member in our Pride
Well, your little orange member’s booklet may need an up-date, as we installed a new member into our Lions Club at our last meeting:
Robert Forseth
N4522 Oakland Drive
(715) 281-9014
Robert is an estate planning attorney with Werner, Johnson, & Hendrickson in New London. He was born and raised in Waupaca. He received his undergraduate in Stevens Point with Majors in Political Science and Social Science, and he went to Law School at Thomas Cooley Law School in Grand Rapids, MI. He volunteers as a Waupaca high school wrestling coach, and is the wrestling coach for Waupaca Middle School. He is also the President of Badger's Den Brewing Club.
Facebook Giveaway
Last month we gave away another free gift to one of our Facebook followers...
This time it was a $25 gift certificate to The Woods Restaurant, and our winner was, Katie Filippini. Remember to let your friends know how easy it is to win free stuff just for "like" -ing us on Facebook.
Big Buck Contest & Deer Hides
Thanks to Lion Bill Dugenske for organizing our Big Buck Contest, which not only adds money to one of our member’s pockets, it also raises some money for our club with its 50/50 split of the pot.
And speaking of raising money for our organization through hunting...Did you know that the deer hides from your hunting harvest can help raise money for our Lions camp in Rosholt?
Last year, the district collected 955 hides, with a state total of 8,324. Sales of last year’s hides brought in $72,200 for the camp, which hosted almost 1,500 children.
Please contact Lion Dick Helbach at (920) 572-7947 for information about pick up & drop off locations.
Helping those in Need
During this time of year, it is very important that we try to remember those who are less fortunate then us. With that in mind, we have scheduled a food drive for our local Food Pantry for our first meeting of the 2014 year on January 6th. Please remember to bring in cans & non-perishable food items to this meeting, so we can help them keep their shelves filled during the long winter season.
Also, it was brought up at our last meeting that we should try to help those in need with warm clothing items. And after some research on this subject, I found a local program called “The Big Bundle Up”.
The Big Bundle Up is an annual charity drive that collects warm winter items for those in need across Wisconsin, now through Jan. 3, 2014. They will accept new or gently used mittens, hats, scarves, earmuffs, hats, coats, sweaters, jackets, snow pants, and other warm clothing items. Simply bring them to the Waupaca Chamber of Commerce office or call them with any questions regarding this program.
Well that’s about all for this month,
Hope to see you at the Christmas Party,
Lion Todd
November 2013 Newsletter:
Trick or Treating is done & turkeys are it must be time for our November Newsletter!
Lion Dates to Remember this Month:
Monday November 4th will be the first meeting of the month, with a Board of Directors meeting to be held after the regular meeting, but I promise it will be a short Board meeting so that you don’t miss your Packers Monday Night Football game.
Monday November 18th is our second meeting of the month.
And during this meeting, Peg Burington from the Waupaca Public Library will put on an interactive presentation about what our local library has to offer, and how it has grown through the years.
Blood Run Schedule
November 11th - Ed Brolin November 25th - Bob Draeger December 9th - Bill Dugenske
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
November 9th - Chris Johnson & Dave Neelis
City Park & Recreation Assessment
The city Park & Rec Department has contacted our Lions club in hopes to get a better idea of how well they are meeting our community needs. They asked for approximately 8-10 members from our club to provide feedback in a meeting with them on Monday November 11th at 6:30.
Please let me know if you could assist with this great opportunity to help improve our community services.
Highway Clean Up
Before our last meeting, some of our Lions helped with our Highway cleanup.
It was cold, but our stretch of highway 49 is clean once again.
Thanks to lions: Sandy Debeers, Stu Duchow, Dave Pogrant, Judge Phil Kirk, Cas Borszowski, Bob Draeger, Art O'Keefe, Don Westley, Don Gilles, myself, and of course to Ed Brolin for organizing.
Curling Bonspiel
The 2014 Wisconsin Lions Club State Bonspiel is scheduled to take place in Medford Wi, on January 10-14.
If you are interested in forming a team and going to this event, please let one of our club officers know,
and we will provide you with the registration form. This event is always a good time, and a great way to meet members from other Lions Clubs throughout the state.
If you go, travel, food, & drink are your responsibility, but our Lions club will cover your team entrance fee.
Club Christmas Party
The Christmas party is scheduled to take place on Monday December 2nd at Simpson's Restaurant.
As in years past, your spouse or significant other is welcome to join you at this event event,
and Lions vests are not required.
The bar area will be open for cocktails & socializing starting as early as 5:30, with dinner being served at 6:30. This year we will have a silent auction White Elephant table to help cover extra club expenses,
so if you have any items you would like to donate, please bring them to the Party.
It can be basically any new (or almost new) item that you feel one of our members might like to own.
Whatever you can bring will be appreciated, whether it's large or small, it'll go on the display table.
Treasurer Don
Our nomination committee made up of our three most recent presidents (Dale Matheson, Wayne Much, &
Cas Borszowski) have presented us with a candidate for our vacant Treasurer Position.
According to our bi-laws, it is not required to have a full club vote on this nomination,
so I am please to officially announce the appointment of Lion Don Gilles as the new Treasurer of our club.
He will be installed to this position at one of our next meetings.
I'd like to welcome Lion Don to the officers circle, & thank Lion Brian for filling in for the past several months.
Blood Run Position Filled
A big thank you to Lion Steve Klismet for offering to take control of the Blood Run.
As of now, our scheduled slots are filled through the end of the year, but we will have a sign up sheet for 2014 going around at the next couple of meetings.
If you are interested in volunteering for a blood run, please either sign up, or contact Lion Steve.
Facebook Giveaway
Last month we gave away another free gift to one of our Facebook followers...
This time it was a $25 gift certificate to Little Fat Gretchen's, and our winner was, Faye Klismet.
Remember to let your friends know how easy it is to win free stuff just for "like" -ing us on Facebook.
SPOT Vision Camera
We were approved with a grant from the Lions Foundation for the SPOT Vision Camera, so the camera may cost our club as little as $250. We were hoping to have placed the camera order by now, but unfortunately we won’t get the grant money until ALL of the clubs in our district that are receiving grants have their club money together, so there may be a slight delay in getting the camera working for our club.
As soon as we get the camera, there will be some training for our members involved with it’s use, so if you are interested in being a part of the SPOT Vision Committee, please contact Lion Dale.
Big/Lucky Buck Contest
Lion Bill Dugenske is putting together a Lucky Buck contest to all of those deer hunters in our club.
If you are interested, please get your $5 to Lion Bill.
Newsletters Via Internet
Thanks to all of our club members that agreed to get this Newsletter electronically by providing me with an email address. It is great to know that you are all so willing to help cut this unnecessary postal cost.
I appreciate it!
Well that’s about all for this month,
See you at the next meeting,
Lion Todd
October 2013 Newsletter:
Well, September has come & gone, and the leaves are changing colors & dropping,
so it must be time for our October Newsletter!
Lion Dates to Remember this Month:
Monday October 7th will be the first meeting of the month,
with a Board of Directors meeting to be held after the regular meeting.
Monday October 21st is our second meeting of the month.
And during this meeting, someone from the Department of Natural Resources will be on hand to provide a short presentation & also answer any hunting questions you may have.
Blood Run Schedule
October 14th - Larry Gordon October 28th - Vern Hanke November 11th - Ed Brolin
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
October 12th - Cas Borszowski & Judge Phil Kirk
Highway Clean Up
October 21st is our next scheduled highway clean up. As usual, we will meet at 4:00 in the parking lot of Westley Heating, and as always refreshments will be served after the roads are clean.
Lion Ed will have a sign up sheet going around at our next meeting if you would like to help out,
and if you won’t be at the next meeting, you can always call him at (715) 256-9956.
District Convention
It’s District Convention time once again. This year’s convention is set for November 1 and 2, and being held at the Meadows/Country Inn and Suites in Green Bay, WI. This event is open for any of our Lions Club Members that are interested in finding out information beyond what we learn at our monthly meetings.
You can see the entire 2 day schedule by going to this webpage:
If you are interested in attending this meeting, you can download the registration form from this webpage:
And if you are going, please let Lion Denny know so that he can have a delegate card registered for you.
Candy Day Report
Our Candy Days Fundraising was another big success. We collected nearly $800 from the public, plus the donations to cover our candy costs from John Edlebeck, Brian Godfrey & Ed Brolin, gave us the ability to increase our club bank account by nearly $500, even after a generous donation to the Lions Camp in Rosholt.
Thank you to the following Lions for helping out; Marv Waldschmidt, Stu Holland, Ed Brolin, Dave Rollins, Vern Hanke, John Edlebeck, Dale Matheson, Denny Daniels, Chris Johnson, Bob Draeger, and Don Gilles.
Hope for Speedy Recovery
In case you weren’t aware of it, Lion Wally Zimmerman has been facing some tough health issues lately,
but with his positive attitude and help from his team of doctors at the Marshfield Clinic, he is on the mend. Hopefully we will see his smiling face back at our meeting real soon!
Christmas Party
Mark you calendar! Yes, even though it is not yet Halloween, I am already talking Christmas. We do need to start thinking about it, because believe it or not, winter is just around the corner.
Our Lion’s Club Christmas party is scheduled for Dec 2, with the meal starting at 6:30pm, and cocktails starting as early as you can get there.
A sign up sheet will be going around at the next couple of meetings.
Facebook Giveaway
Every month we try to give away something special to one of our Lions Club followers on Facebook. This month it was a free gift certificate to Cronies Cafe, and it went to Debbie Townsend.
Congratulations to Debbie, and a big thank you to Cronies.
Remember to let your friends know that all they have to do is “like” us on Facebook,
and they might be our next winner.
Membership Growth Awards
To encourage clubs to start & end the year strong, Lions Club International has deemed October & April as New Membership Growth Awards Months. Which means, if you bring in a new member to the club during these months, you will receive a special award pin for your vest, plus an award patch for the club.
So if there is anyone you are thinking about inviting to one of our meetings, October might be a great time to extend that invitation.
Saving Money for Our Club
Our club has always hired a local accountant to prepare & submit our IRS 990 form.
This year, Keith Murie has volunteered to do this task for our club. Thank you very much to Lion Keith for helping save our club this extra expense. We appreciate your help!
Joke of the Day
Recently, we have been giving a chance for other members to get involved in our monthly meetings by allowing them to tell a joke at our meetings.
So if you think you have what it takes to make our Lions laugh,
please let me know, and I will be glad to add your name in lights to the marquee.
Well that’s about all for this month,
See you at the next meeting,
Lion Todd
September 2013 Newsletter:
Well, after a busy summer, September is finally here,
and that means it is time to get back to our regular Lions Club Monthly meetings again.
Due to the Labor Day Holiday, our meetings this month are being held on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month
Lion Dates to Remember this Month:
Monday Sept. 9th will be the first meeting of the month, with a Board of Directors meeting to be held after the regular meeting. As it has always has been, the meeting/dinner will start at 6:30 PM at Simpsons Restaurant, but you can always come in a bit early for a drink & some socializing at the bar.
Wednesday Sept. 11th will be the first zone meeting for our area. The dinner/meeting (at Simpsons) will start at 6:30 PM, with a cost of $12.00 for the meal. This is open to any of our club members, and is a great way to find out what is happening with all of the Lions Clubs in our area.
If you are interested in attending this, please contact Lion Dale before Monday the 9th.
September 13th and 14th is our Candy for Camp days. Once again Lion John is organizing this fundraiser. He will soon be contacting his “regulars” for help with this event, but if you are interested in taking on a shift at one of our local businesses, please contact him at 715-496-3080.
Monday Sept. 23rd is our second meeting of the month. Lion Ed Brolin will provide a short presentation in which he will share his summer experience with the Panama Lions Club.
Blood Run Schedule
September 3rd - Lloyd Mathison
September 16th - Floyd Swan
September 30th - Dale Matheson
The Passing of One of Our Lions
It is with great sadness & deepest sympathy that I bring you the news of the death of Lion Don Andersen. He had been battling a Staff infection & recently contacted Pneumonia, Blastomycosis, and Pulmonary Fibrosis. On August 30th, his system couldn't overcome the terrible assault on his lungs and body.
Don had only been a Waupaca Lions Club member since 2010, but in that short time he was very involved in many of our clubs activities, and was a wonderful friend
to all who knew him. He will be greatly missed!
A memorial service will be held at the Shepherd of the Lakes Church on Saturday, September 14, 2013 at 1:00 PM, with a visitation from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM.
Tater Toot
Last month on July 26th, we had several of our Waupaca Lions Club members help the Almond Lions with their annual Tater Toot. This extra act of kindness from our club helped put another $150 in our bank account. Thanks to all of you that helped with this event!
Foundry Picnic
August 3rd was the annual foundry picnic, and it was again held at Swan Park. We were responsible for many chores, some of which were: Driving attendees in golf carts to and from the parking lot, running the bingo game, keeping the beverages flowing, dunk tank, refereeing kickball fields, running the scoreboards, helping with mini golf, etc. In all, we had over 20 Lions (some Lionesses & even some grandchildren) helping out with this event. When it was all said and done, we made $1200.00 for the day.
Rosholt Steak Fry
August 12th was the steak fry in Rosholt. Members from the Manawa, Clintonville, Weyauwega / Fremont and Waupaca Lions clubs were in attendance at this event. Many thanks go to Dave Johnson & his wife Janet for their part in coordinating this evening. There was over 100 people from all four clubs attending. The steaks were great and it was a good chance to meet fellow Lions from the other clubs.
Breakfast in the Park
August 13th was our third annual Wisconsin Veterans Home breakfast. Due to the cooler weather, the residents were served their meals inside the Veterans Home. There was only about 60 meals served, but our service was highly appreciated by those who came. Thanks to the following people for helping with this event: Don Andersen, Lloyd Matheson, Don Westley, Ed Roland, Stu Duchow, Stu Holland, Dave and Joan Pogrant, Vern Hanke, Lee Poehlman, Dave Neelis, Dennie Daniels, myself, & Lionesses Jan Hanke & Pat Daniels.
Waupaca Triathlon
August 16th & 17th was the Waupaca Triathlon. This year, because of city restrictions, we provided the Triathlon participants enclosed transportation from the parking lot to the race area. And, according to Lion Dave Pogrant, everything went as it should for the day. It will take some time before we will know what our take will be for the day. Thanks to Dave and Joan for coordinating this event.
Waupaca Rod and Custom Show
August 28th was the Waupaca Rod and Custom show. This year, due to the lack of shelter at South Park, the car show was held at Swan Park. Being that the food area was so far away from the show cars, we didn’t serve as many meals as we have in the past, but this event did generate money for our club. We will have the final numbers soon. Thanks to all our members that helped make this another job well done!
Well that’s about all for this month,
Hope to see you at the meeting on the 9th,
Lion Todd
August 2013 Newsletter:
Even though the calendar says that summer is almost over...
Our Waupaca Lions Club still has a lot of social & fundraising events going on this month!
We had quite a few sign up sheets being passed around at our Steak-fry in July, so in case you missed the opportunity to sign up for the Lions Camp Steak Fry in Rosholt on the 12th of August,
I am giving you one more chance.
Here is a list of those who already have their steaks waiting for them:
Art O'Keefe
Wally Zimmerman
Sandy DeBeers
Wayne Much
Ken Dugenske
Rex Evchuk
Larry Gordon
Lee Poehlman
Don Andersen
Lloyd Mathison
Charles Posnanski
Al Kraeger
Dennis Daniels
Bob Penny
Dale Matheson
Bill Dugenske
Michael Waldschmidt
Marvin Waldschmidt
Bob Draeger
Ed Brolin
Cas Borszowski
Don Westley
So if your name is not on the above list and you are planning on attending this event, please contact Dave Johnson at 715-258-7440 by Thursday August 8th. Otherwise we won't have a steak reserved for you & your guest. Also, if your name happens to be on this list and you can no longer attend the event, please let Dave know, so that we don't waste our club funds on unnecessary food.
If you have never been to our Lions Camp, this is really a great way to see first hand, how our Lions Club money is making a personal impact on young children’s lives.
And if this is your first time going out to the camp, don't worry, I will send out a separate email next week explaining the schedule of events for the Steak-Fry, along with a map of how to get there.
We also had a sign up sheet for the Recycling Center going around at our last get together, that didn't see a lot of signatures, so if you are interested in helping volunteer at the Recycling Center for our club, please contact me at 715-281-9330.
Foundry Picnic
August 3rd is the Waupaca Foundry Picnic, so by the time you get this newsletter, if you had volunteered to help out with this event, you should have received an email explaining your time & duties. If you have any questions, please contact Lion Dale.
Breakfast in the Park
August 13th is our pancake breakfast at the King Veteran Home, if you are interested in helping serve the men & women that served our country so proudly, please contact Lion Denny at 715-258-8732.
Rod & Classic Car Show
On August 24th, we are once again scheduled to serve breakfast & lunch to all the hot rod car buffs at the Rod & Classic Car Show which will be at Swan Park this year.
We need about 10-12 volunteers for this fundraiser,
so if you are interested, please contact Lion Dale at 715-258-7833.
Waupaca Triathlon
August 16th & 17th is the Waupaca Area Triathlon, and there are a lot of you that have signed up to help out with this event. Later this month, I will be sending a reminder email to all of you volunteers, providing you with the times & duties you are assigned to work.
If you have any questions, please contact Dave Pogrant at at 715-256-4096.
Blood Run Schedule
August 5th - John Edlebeck August 19th - Don Westley September 3rd - Lloyd Mathison
Highway Clean Up
We have a new man in charge of keeping our roads clean. Lion Ed Brolin is now our trash pick up leader. On July 22nd we had a great turn out, and thanks to Ed & his crew, our highway is clean once again. Thanks to Ed & the following Lions for this community service: Don Westley, Art O’Keefe, Judge Phil Kirk, Don Gilles, Sandy DeBeers, Vern Hanke, Larry Gordon & myself.
Facebook Giveaway
I'm not sure if you were aware of this, but every so often (almost monthly) we giveaway a gift certificate to an area business, to one of our followers on Facebook.
This month's winner was Pat Fletcher. She received two boat cruise tickets from the Clearwater Harbor. Congratulations to Pat!
So please let anyone you know with a computer that they should "like" The Waupaca Lions Club on Facebook, and maybe they will be our next lucky winner.
A Special Thank You
For many years now, our Lions Club has been helping with parking cars at the Iola car show, and I would like to thank all of our members that were able to donate some of their time to help raise money for our club. But along with that thank you, I would also like to say a special thanks to Lion Floyd Swan, for all the hours he puts in organizing and running this task.
Thank you Lion Floyd...we appreciate your hard work!
Well that about covers the month of August.
Due to the Labor Day holiday, our first regular meeting at Simpsons Restaurant will not be on the first Monday of the month, it will be on the second Monday, September 9th.
Hope to see you there,
Enjoy the rest of the summer,
Lion Todd
July 2013 Newsletter:
First of all, I would like to thank you for allowing me to serve as your new Lions Club President.
I will do my best to represent our club with all the honor & dignity that being a Lions Club Member holds, plus I plan on having a good time doing it!
If you ever have any questions, comments suggestions for improvements, please feel free to contact me either by e-mail ( or by phone (715-281-9330). Thanks!
Well, on with the Newsletter...
Another year, and another successful Fly-In Pancake Breakfast!
Thanks to all of the club members that were able to help.
Without your extra hours & hard work, this event truly wouldn’t be possible.
After reviewing the preliminary numbers, it looks like we served over 700 people,
but our food sales were down slightly from last year. Although, our broom sales & raffle sales were up!
We will try to have a full report at our next meeting.
And speaking of our next meeting...
It will be held informally at our annual July Steak-Fry, which will be at Brainard’s Bridge on
July 15th, also we will have a short Board of Directors meeting after we have all eaten our meals.
For those either new to the club or those of you that have forgotten,
Here’s a little information about our Summer Steak Fry:
- No need to wear your vests.
- Spouses/ significant others are invited.
- The food is ordered through Niemuth’s
includes steaks (you will cook your own), baked taters, slaw, etc.
- Beverages (almost anything you could want) are provided
- Festivities start around 5:00, (start cooking 6:00 - 6:30,or whenever the fire is ready)
- You will need to bring your own; plates, silverware, napkins, placemat or tablecloth,
spatula or fork for turning your steak and any seasoning you wish for your steak.
- This is a social evening, be prepared to enjoy yourselves!
If you have not had a chance to sign up for the steak fry,
please contact Deb or Arnie Abel at 715-258-2232.
It is important that you call and let the Abel’s know if you plan on attending.
otherwise we will not have anything for you to grill up & eat!
Please call them before July 10th.
Iola Car Show Parking
If you signed up to help park cars at the Iola Car Show, you should have received your information packet in the mail. If you haven’t gotten anything yet, please contact Lion Floyd.
Highway Clean Up
The Iola Car Show really seems to bring extra traffic to highway 49, along with a lot of trash, so we will be having our next highway clean up on July 22nd at 4:00. As usual, we will meet in the parking lot of Westley Heating & refreshments will be available once the roads are clean. Ed Brolin has agreed to take on the challenge of organizing & leading our “Trash Troop”.
If you are interested in helping out, he will have a sign-up sheet at the Steak Fry.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Unfortunately the sign-up sheet for recycling was never passed around at our last meeting, so we don’t have anyone scheduled for the 13th of July. We always help out on the 2nd Saturday of the month, and I will have a year-long recycling schedule sign-up sheet available at the Steak Fry...but for now,
please contact me if you would be interested in helping out at the recycling center on the 13th,
we need two volunteers for this job.
Blood Run Schedule
July 8th - Keith Murie July 22nd - Don Andersen August 5th - John Edelbeck
The Almond “Tater Toot”
On Saturday, July 27th, the Almond Lions have a food stand set up in the fire barn serving attendees of the "toot". This year Lion Doug Eskritt has asked if we, the Waupaca Lions could help out in the serving line from around 1:00 to 3:30-ish and possibly help out with some of the clean-up afterwards. (He mentioned something about "beer" afterward too) We would need about 7 people for those 2.5 hrs.
(This would be a good opportunity to pay back Doug for his hours of volunteer work he has done for us in the kitchen at the last two bonspiels we have held)
If you are willing to help out in this small project, please let Lion Dale know.
Important Dates & Events for Next Month:
Saturday, August 3rd is the foundry picnic. We usually need at least 20 people to help out with bingo, driving golf carts, scorekeeping for kickball tourney, keeping the beer taps going,dunk tank, etc. As of this time, we do not have any specific info from regarding the picnic.
Please keep this date open if you can. I will have a sign up sheet at the steak fry.
Monday, August 12th is our annual Lions Camp Steak Fry in Rosholdt. This year we will be having another Lions Club at our cookout. More information about that will be in our next Newsletter.
Tuesday, August 13th we will be making breakfast for the vets in King.
Early morning, very quick event..but greatly appreciated. Contact Lion Denny if you are interested.
August 17th. Waupaca Area Triathlon. Our duties are parking cars early Saturday morning.
Lions Dave or Joan Pogrant will be in touch to schedule for your help.
August 24th is the Waupaca Rod and Custom show, and it is always a great way to help out the club & check out some awesome autos. We will need about 8 guys again this year.
See you at the Steak Fry
Lion Todd
June 2013 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
June 3rd is our annual officer installation dinner.
It will be at Simpson’s restaurant with social at 6:00-ish and our dinner meeting starting at 6:30. DGE Peter Andre will be in attendance to install our new slate of officers.
If you did not have a chance to sign up at one of our last two meetings, and wish to attend the installation dinner, please call (715) 281-4482 and leave a message.
Sunday June, 16th is Father’s Day and that means it’s fly-in breakfast time.
Everyone's help is needed. Last newsletter I enclosed a separate sheet with everyone's responsibilities listed. If you need another copy, you can find it on our web site:
Our biggest challenges for the fly-in are getting the tables and chairs unloaded and set up, AND at the end of the day everything that was loaded in the trucks and trailers has to get loaded back into said trucks and trailers.
Even if your name is not listed for set up or tear down, your help would be appreciated.
Blood Transfer Schedule
June 10th - Dennis Daniels June 24th - Joan Pogrant
July 8th - Keith Murie July 22nd - Ed Brolin
Aug. 5th - John Edelbeck Aug 19th - Don Westley
Sept. 3rd Lloyd Mathison Sept 16th - Floyd Swan Sept 30th - Dale Matheson
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15. If you wish to become one of our volunteer drivers, have any questions or scheduling conflicts, please call Lion Don Andersen @ 258-7492
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
June 8th - Judge Kirk & Cas Borszowski
Our weekend is the 2nd Sat. of the month. If you would like to volunteer contact Lion Cas
May 20th was the latest date of our roadside clean up. If you did not know, we are responsible for about a 2 mile section of Hwy. 49 north of Waupaca. Besides myself, the Lions cleaning up the highway that evening were; Todd Mallasch, Don Westley, Bob Draeger, Dave & Joan Pogrant, Art O’Keefe, Ed Brolin, & Sandy Debeers. Thanks guys!
Piggy Wiggly Piggy Bank
Remember to save your receipts from the Pig during the summer. You can hand them in at the next regular meeting in September.
Our membership directories should be ready & available at our next meeting,
but just in case they are not, here is a list of the activities scheduled for this summer:
Monday July 8th is our annual summer steak fry. This year it will be at Brainard’s Bridge Park.
In case you aren’t familiar with how to get to this new location, Lion Todd will be sending a mapquest attachment via the internet sometime before the event.
The Iola Old Car show is July 11th-14th we will be parking cars there. Lion Floyd has all the details. Please contact him if you can help.
Saturday August 3rd is the foundry picnic at Swan Park. Our duties will basically be the same as last year. Typically we need 20-25 people to help out with everything we do there.
Monday August 12th is the annual steak fry at the Lions Camp in Rosholt. This is a three club event, with the Manawa Lions and Weyauwega / Fremont Lions being the other two clubs. There will be tours of the camp this evening. If you have never been to the camp, this is a must attend night. You will be able to see what this wonderful camp is all about.
Tuesday August 13th is the date for one of the newest community services that we provide. It id our “Breakfast in the Park” at the Veteran’s Home in King. We usually need about a half dozen Lions for this event, and we are typically done serving by 9:30 am. Contact Lion Denny if you are interested in helping out.
Saturday August 17th is the Triathlon. Our duties are parking cars. Lions Dave & Joan Pogrant and Arnie & Deb Abel will be in touch to schedule our workers for the day.
Saturday August 24th is the Rod and Custom show at Swan Park. Our duties are cooking breakfast and lunch. Eight to ten Lions are needed for this day.
September 13th & 14th is our annual Candy for Camp days. Lion John Edlebeck moved the date to September this year, to try to not overload our membership duties during the summer. John will be in touch to set up a shift at one of our various locations around town.
Remember, our web site is:
This is a good source for what’s going on in our club. All newsletters from the last 2 years are archived there. There are links there to get you to LCI’s and other Lions web pages. You can also navigate to our facebook page from there. If you get to that page, make sure you click the “like” button to receive updates to the page.
Well...This is my last Newsletter as your Lions Club President.
First of all, I would like to thank all of you for making my year truly great.
A special thanks to all committee chairmen for the projects & services you coordinated.
And last but not least, I’d like to thank my editors;
Dale Matheson (for the first 9 months) & Todd Mallasch (for the final 3 months).
I hope you all were satisfied with my leadership this past year
Again, Thank You Waupaca Lions Club,
Lion President Cas
May 2013 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
May 6th will be our first meeting of the month. Board meeting to follow.
May 20th is the date for our second meeting of the month.
June 3rd is our annual officer installation dinner.
It will be at Simpson’s restaurant with social at 6:00ish and our dinner meeting starting at 6:30.
DGE Pete Andre will be in attendance to install our newest slate of officer.
There will be a sign up sheet at the next two meetings.
If for some reason you cannot make either of these meetings,
and wish to be at the installation, please call me. (715) 281-4482
Sunday June, 16th is Father’s Day and that means it’s fly-in breakfast time.
Everyone's help is needed. Work Assignments are included along with this Newsletter.
Also, while we are talking about the Fly-in, here are a few other thoughts to think about:
Do we want to display some of our member’s old cars / hot rods again this year?
And, we are not planning on having the Lion’s Float at the Airport, but would anyone want to volunteer to set up the Lion Statue from the float to be displayed in the hanger during the fly-in?
Blood Transfer Schedule
May 13th - Dave Pogrant May 28th - Sandy DeBeers
June 10th -Dennis Daniels June 24th - Joan Pogrant
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15. If you wish to become one of our volunteer drivers, have any questions or scheduling conflicts, please call Lion Don Andersen @ 258-7492
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
May 11th - Dave Neelis & John Snider
Our weekend is the 2nd Sat. of the month. If you would like to volunteer contact Lion Cas
Highway Clean Up
Now that the snow has finally melted, and we can see see all the trash along our adopted section of Hwy 49, we will be doing our Spring trash pick up on May 20th, at 4:00.
A sign up sheet will be available at our next meeting.
Our rose sale is over and by all counts, this one was another success.
Once again, we sold over 700 dozen roses.
Lions Brian and Dave will have final reports to present at the next meeting.
Annual Election of Officers!
At our April 15th meeting our annual election of officers was held.
Next years slate of officers, unanimously elected, is:
President - Todd Mallasch 1st VP - Ken Dugenske
2nd VP - Tom Olmsted 3rd VP - Chris Johnson
Lion Tamer - Lloyd Mathison Tail Twister - Bob Penney
Secretary - Dennis Daniels Treasurer - Don Andersen
Chaplain - Chuck Krueger
One Year Directors: Two Year Term Directors:
Al Kraeger, Floyd Swan Mike Tenant, Ed Brolin
Past President & Member Chair -Cas Borszowski
If anyone needs/wants a new Waupaca Lions Club Golf shirt,
please contact Lion Dale (715- 258-7833).
Price, including tax, is $15.00.
Lion Floyd Swan is once again organizing the parking of cars at the Iola Old Car Show.
Floyd needs names and addresses for everyone that can help.
Call Floyd at 258- 9193.
Monday, April 29th was the annual officer training session in New London. This evening is for Presidents, V.P.’s, Secretaries, Treasurers, Tail Twisters, and Membership Chairs.
Waupaca was well represented with close to 100% attendance of our officers.
Remember, our web site is:
This is a good source for what’s going on in our club. All newsletters from the last several years are archived there. There are links there to get you to LCI’s and other Lions web pages.
You can also navigate to the Facebook page to get up to the minute club updates.
and if you click the “like” button you’ll automatically get all our posts on your newsfeed.
Until next month
Lion Cas
Work Assignments for Fly-In:
(Things are very much as they have been in the past with only a few adjustments.
Look the over, and if your name is missing and/or you are assigned to a job that you really don’t want to be doing anymore, then please talk to Lion Todd, and he will see if you can be relocated to a job that will make you “whistle while you work!”)
Rex Evchuk, Wayne Much, Jim Da Walt, Lee Poehlman, Ken Dugenske, Bill Dugenske, Dale Matheson
Dave Neelis
Dennis Daniels
GROUNDS Fri Sat. Sun 5:30 AM
Dave Johnson, Dennis Daniels
Parking and Traffic Control 6:00 AM
Dick Helbach, Sandy DeBeers, Bob Draeger, Keith Murie
PUBLICITY (May throughout event)
George Scherb, John Edlebeck, Brian Godfrey, Mike Tenant
Bob Penney, Chuck Krueger, Mike Waldschmidt
Fran Vergauwen, Brian Godfrey, Don Andersen
Dave & Joan Pogrant , Vern Hanke, Arnie and Deb Abel,
Dennis Daniels
Lee Poehlman, Bill Dugenske, Phil Kirk, Cas Borszowski
EGGS Sun 5:30 AM
Mike Tenant, Tom Olmsted
Lee Solberg
SERVERS (Coffee, juice, milk, butter) SUN 6:00 AM
Andy Wendt, Chuck Posnanski, Al Kraeger, Art O’Keefe
Dave Johnson, Marv Waldschmidt, Larry Gordon
Stu Duchow, Wayne Much, Don Westley, Todd Mallasch, Ken Dugenske, Dale Matheson, Jim Da Walt
Wally Zimmerman, Al Kraeger
John Edlebeck, Chris Johnson
Dave Neelis, Don Gilles, Floyd Swan, Steve Klismet, Tim Goke, Ed Brolin, Dave Rollins, Lloyd Mathison
Rex Evchuk, Lee Solberg, Jim Da Walt, Ken Dugenske, Bill Dugenske,
And anyone else still available.
The flowers are blooming & the grass is getting green....No, wait a minute!!
It’s Springtime in Wisconsin, Snowplows, Shoveling, & Ice Fishing!!!
Lion Dates to remember:
April 1st will be our first meeting of the month. We will have our annual election of officers and board of directors on that night that night, with a board meeting to follow.
April 15th is the date for our second meeting of the month. This is an important meeting for everyone to attend, for several reasons;
1) We will be having a joint meeting with the Waupaca Lionesses
- We will be having a food drive for the Waupaca Food Pantry (so remember to bring in a food item to donate)
- The Immediate Past District Governor, Sue Doel will be our guest speaker for the evening
So, please make every effort to be present for for this meeting.
Monday, April 29th Region 5 will be holding their annual officer training program at Crystal Falls in New London. The evening program is for Presidents, VP’s, Secretaries, Treasurers, Tail Twisters, and Membership Chairs.
Meal is provided by the district. Meeting at 6:30 with breakout sessions for the individual officers.
Blood Transfer Schedule
April 1st - Mike Tenant
April 15th - Wally Zimmerman
April 29th - Stu Duchow
May 13th - Dave Pogrant
May 28th - Sandy DeBeers
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15. If you wish to become one of our volunteer drivers, have any questions or scheduling conflicts, please call Lion Don Andersen @ 258-7492
Recycling Center
Volunteer Schedule
April 13th
Don Andersen and Floyd Swan
By the time you receive this newsletter, the first phase of our annual rose sale will be over, all that’s left is the delivery phase. Friday April 12th (noon-???) and Saturday, April 13th (9AM-???) are our delivery days.
A sign-up sheet will be going around at the next meeting for rose delivery volunteers.
We need all the help we can get!
Our central location for picking up roses will be the Waupaca Mobile East. Lion Steve has once again allowed us to use his facilities for coordinating the deliveries. Thanks Lion Steve.
Thanks are also due to Lions Dave, Cas and Phil for their efforts in coordinating this years rose sale.
Annual Election of Officers Notice
We will be holding our annual elections at the second meeting in April.(the 15th) Our election committee has come up with the following slate of officers and Board of Directors. Nominations will also be taken from the floor the evening of our elections.
Our slate for the Lionistic year of 2113-2014 is:
President - Todd Mallasch
1st VP - Ken Dugenske
2nd VP - Tom Olmsted
3rd VP - Chris Johnson
Lion Tamer - Lloyd Mathison
Tail Twister - Bob Penney
Secretary - Dennis Daniels
Treasurer - Don Andersen
Past President & Member Chair -Cas Borszowski
Chaplain - Chuck Krueger
One year directors:
Al Kraeger
Floyd Swan
Two year term directors;
Mike Tenant
Ed Brolin
Other News
It is with sadness, I regret to inform you the passing of Carl Borcharts, one of our past Lions Club members. Carl was our club president in 1986-87 and also served as Zone Chairman for a short time. Funeral service will be 2:30PM on Thursday, March 28, 2013 at Valley Funeral Home, in Appleton Wisconsin.
In case you had any questions whether we were going to be serving breakfast at the Iola Car Show...We are 100% not going to be doing it this year, so you’ll have a little extra free time during the summer!
If you did not hand in the surveys from last months newsletter, you still can, but they must be returned by our next meeting. Please try to do this, so that we have a better idea of what committees you actually might be interested in.
Until next month,
March 2013 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
March 4th will be our first meeting of the month. Board meeting to follow.
March14 this the next scheduled Zone Meeting for our area.
It will be held at Glacier Wood in Iola.
Social starts around 6:00 with the dinner meeting at 6:30.
Cost for the meal is $11.00.
The guest speaker is Lion Mike Martin.
Mike is from Marinette and is speaking about vision screening.
He will be bringing the latest in vision screening equipment for us to see.
If you have an interest in vision screening or would like to learn more about it,
consider being a part of this evening. Contact Lion Dale for more information.
Remember, Zone Meetings are not just for club officers, everyone is welcome.
March 18th is the date for our second meeting of the month.
The Waupaca Lions Club Annual Elections will be held on Monday April 1st at our regular business meeting held at Simpson’s Restaurant.
The meeting will be called to order at 6:30 PM.
Positions up for election are; President, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Tail Twister, Lion Tamer, Past President, and Chaplain.
Also up for election are four Board of Directors.
Our rose sale is in full swing now.
This is our major fundraiser.
Get out there and sell.
Our last day we can sell roses is March 21st.
Delivery will be April 12th and 13th.
If you run out of order forms you can always get more from Lions Cas or Dave.
Lion Todd has been busy updating our web site.
Again this year, you can purchase roses from the Waupaca Lions online.
This cannot replace our person to person selling of roses,
but is another tool to use to increase our sales.
Let people know this is another way to buy roses.
You can direct people to to order online.
Thanks Todd!
Are you saving your Piggly Wiggly receipts?
Please do so and turn them in at our meetings (there is a jar to deposit them in at the head table).
We receive 1% of the gross receipts from the Piggy Bank program.
As of this writing, we still have heard nothing from the Iola Old Car Show people about the status of our cooking the pancake breakfast we have been discussing for the past few months.
Since they were going to contact us a little over a month ago, and they haven’t, we are considering this a dead issue.
Election Committee Notice!
We will be holding our annual elections the night of our first meeting in April. (the 1st)
Could the three immediate past presidents (Lions Mike, Wayne or Dale) have the slate of officersandboardofdirectorsreadybyaroundthe24thofMarch? Thiswillgivesufficienttime to publish them for the April newsletter. Thanks!
Speaking of elections, have you ever considered becoming a leader in our Lions Club? There will be openings for two Board of Directors and a 3rd Vice President. Being an officer can be a positive, fulfilling, gratifying experience. You will have the chance to meet other Lions from around the immediate area and also Lions from all over the State. If you think you would like to become a leader of our Lions Club, or would like more information about it, please contact any of the three immediate past presidents, Lions Mike, Wayne or Dale. You will not regret “moving up.”
While we are on the subject of Lions Officers, on Monday, April 29th, Region 5 will be holding their annual Lions Club Officer Training. It will be held at 6:30, Crystal Falls, New London. Dinner is paid for by the district. This training session is for Presidents, VP’s, Secretaries, Treasurers, Tail Twisters, and Membership Chairs. This is a very informative evening and will make your job as an officer go a little more smoothly. Please make an effort to keep this date open and attend this training seminar.
********************* Committee Survey
It’s that time of the year. Our next president has to start organizing our membership directory. VP Lion Todd has asked I include the same committee survey you filled out last year.
Todd would like to know what committee(s) YOU would like to serve on. In the past, Lions were just assigned to different committees based on where we needed someone, now you can express your desire to be on committee(s) of your choice. These MUST be handed in by the second meeting in March (the 18th). Give them to VP Lion Todd. For those receiving this via email, you will have to print the survey and hand it in. We have no means of being able to fill them out online.
And Lastly
With Pres. Lion Cas pretty much being computer challenged, most of you know he has asked me to produce his newsletters for the year. It has been my pleasure to continue putting the newsletters together, however this is going to be my last newsletter. The district has invited me to be part of another project and I have accepted. March and April, will be an extremely busy time for me and the thought of trying to get a timely newsletter out for April would be an impossibly. VP Todd has agreed to take over the duties for the last 3 months of this year. Thanks for taking over Lion Todd and tanks too every on elz four puting up witt my lousee riting skilz over doze lass tree yearz.
Lion Dale
February 2013 Newsletter:
It’s the dead of winter and cabin fever should be reaching it’s peak. Yesterday we had freezing rain and drizzle, tomorrow 5-8 inches is predicted. Ain’t Wisconsin grand??!!
Not to worry though, we have a few things going on to help you get thru this winter.
Lion Dates to remember:
February 4th will be our first meeting of the month.
Board meeting to follow.
February 18th is the second meeting of the month.
Our meeting dates for the month of March are the 4th and 18th.
Iola Old Car Show update
About all there is to update at this time is nothing. At our last meeting it was reported that the Old Car show people were balking at the price we have to charge to make the 6 days of working up there worth our time. (one day to haul equipment up there, one day to bring it all back and 4 days of cooking)
At our initial face to face meeting with them, they stipulated that we needed to get back in touch with them by mid January with a price. Doing so would give them time to give the previous pancake cooker due notice that his contract would not be renewed. That contact was made the first week of January and it seemed somewhat obvious they did not want to pay us what we considered a fair compensation for our services. During this second meeting with them via telephone, we were told they would contact us with their answer just after their next board of directors meeting (Jan. 16th). Here it is, the beginning of February and they have not made any contact with us. Remember, the first part of February was their imposed deadline to inform the other pancake vendor of his status. I’ll let you draw you own conclusions on what that may say.
However the good news is the commitment you guys (and gals) made to work at the Old Car show. All slots for cooking the four days were filled. It’s great to see that kind of participation from you. If the pancake deal falls through (likely, in my opinion), Lion Floyd has a good pool of Lions to help with parking cars. Lion Floyd will be in touch.
January 11th, 12th, and 13th was the 2013 installment of the annual State Lions Bonspiel. As youknowtheWaupacaLionshostedthisyearsevent. Fromallreportsthiswasagreatsuccess. Everyone had a great time and many of the curlers asked when we would host it again.
This weekend would not have been possible without the dedication and many, many hours Lion Keith put into it. Keith is owed our debt of gratitude for sure. Thank you Keith!
Others that need to be recognized are Lion Floyd for the really cool cast curling stones. They werethehitofthe‘spiel. Wheneverthepaddlerafflesslowed,wewouldincludeanextracurling stone and the wallets came back out.
Lions Tom Olmsted and Doug Eskritt (Doug is officially an Almond Lion but is a Waupaca Lion the weekend of the Lion bonspiels) for the hours spent in kitchen. If you did not have a chance to sample some of Tom’s smoked pork lions, you have missed a real treat. Doug was a master at getting everything done on time and served. If you went away hungry from the bonspiel, it was your own fault.
The Waupaca Lioness club was also a big part of the weekend too. Many of them brought cookies, cakes, etc. to serve. Their help in the kitchen freed others to do other chores around the curling club. Also, with some of the leftover boiled eggs, a huge bowl of delicious egg salad was made by Mary Mathwig and Larry Gordon.
Last, but certainly not least, everyone else that was there is owed a huge thank you. We had 30 plus Lions helping when they could for those 3 days. If not for you guys clearing tables, selling raffle tickets, hawking paddle raffles in that deafening noise, cleaning and prepping the ice, and running for whatever needed running for, etc. etc. we could not have pulled this weekend off.
Thank You!
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
As of now, we have no one to work the recycling center in Feb. Our weekend is the 2nd Sat. of the month. If you would like to volunteer for the Feb. 9th shift, contact Lion Cas.
March 9th
Brian Godfrey and Larry Gordon
April 13th
Don Andersen and Floyd Swan
Blood Transfer Schedule
Feb. 4th- 4:45PM Bill Dugenske
Feb. 18th- 4:45PM Chris Johnson
March 4th - 4:45 PM Phil Kirk
March 18th - 4:45 PM Wayne Much
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca.
The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
If you wish to become one of our volunteer drivers, have any questions or scheduling conflicts, please call Lion Don Andersen @ 258-7492
Unil next month,
Lion Cas
A North Dakota Highway Patrolman pulled a car over on I-94 about 40 miles east of Bismarck recently. When the Patrolman asked the driver why he was speeding, the driver answered that he was a Shrine Clown with a specialty as a magician and juggler and he was on his way to Fargo to do a show that night at the Shrine Hospital. He didn't want to be late.
The Patrolman told the driver he was fascinated by juggling, and if the driver would do a little juggling for him he wouldn't give him a ticket.
The driver told the Patrolman he had sent all of his equipment on ahead and didn't have anything to juggle.
The Patrolman told him that he had some flares in the trunk of his patrol car and asked if he could juggle them.
The juggler stated that he could, lit or unlit, so the Patrolman got three flares, lit them, and handed them to the juggler.
While the man was doing his juggling act, a car pulled in behind the patrol. A drunk good old boy from Velva, who had spent the day visiting various establishments on the way to Butte, got out and watched the performance briefly. He then went over to the patrol car, opened the rear door and got in.
The Patrolman observed him doing this and went over to the patrol car, opened the door and asked the rather "well oiled" fellow what he thought he was doing.
The drunk replied, "You might as well take me to jail, 'cuz there's no way in Hell I can pass that test."
January 2013 Newsletter:
Here’s hoping everyone had a very Merry Christmas and the New Year brings prosperity and good health to you and yours.
Lion Dates to remember:
January 7th will be our first meeting of the new year.
There is a lot of things to go over this evening: (Plus..a board meeting to follow)
*This will be our last chance to discuss final plans for the bonspiel held the following weekend. Lion Keith has provided a bonspiel work assignment sheet and information update. Please be sure to read it.
*Also, the Old Car Show breakfast committee has met a couple of times. Details of these meetings will be presented January 7th.
*The money we would earn in parking cars and cooking breakfast would total approximately $7000.00. This weekend would become our largest fundraiser surpassing even the rose sale. However, the Old Car show people need a commitment from us. This commitment is due to them mid January and before we can make this commitment, we need you to commit to working those 4 days of the Old Car Show.
* At the January 7th meeting we will be asking you to sign up and work the pancake line OR to park cars. If we cannot get enough Lions to work the breakfast and park cars, the opportunity to cook breakfasts will have to be turned down.
Please make every effort to attend this meeting.
If you cannot attend Jan. 7th meeting, but would like to work any of the 4 days at Iola, either parking cars or cooking breakfast, call me (Dale 258-7833) and let me know your intentions.
January 11th, 12th, and 13th is the annual Lions Bonspiel.
January 21st is our second meeting of the month with guest speaker.
February 6th and 20th will be our meeting dates in February.
More on that in the next newsletter.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
As of now, we have no one to work the recycling center in Jan. or Feb.
Our weekend is the 2nd Sat. of the month.
If you would like to voluntee for either of these 2 Saturdays, contack Lion Cas.
Big Buck Contest
Our winner of the 3rd annual “Big Buck Contest” was determined at our annual Christmas party. Lion Brent Parker harvested a large 8 point buck which was by far the largest of the year.
If you were not able to attend this years party you missed our awards presentation. We had the good fortune to be able to award 2 of our Lions with a Nights of the Blind fellowship.
Thesefellowships were presented to Lions Bob Draeger and Andy Wendt.
Congratulations Lions, it is well deserved!!
Blood Transfer Schedule
Jan. 7th - 4:45PM Don Andersen
Jan 21st- 4:45PM Bob Draeger
Feb 4th- 4:45PM Bill Dugenske
Feb 18th- 4:45PM Chris Johnson
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca.
The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15. If you wish to become one of our volunteer drivers, have any questions or scheduling conflicts, please call Lion Don Andersen @ 258-7492
Unil next month, Lion Cas
Lion Keith’s info update from 12/14/12
The 2013 State Lions Bonspiel (Jan 11 – 13, 2013) is rounding into shape quite nicely. We nowhave 29 paid entries and two verbal commitments.
It would be appreciated if you could read and copy this material as necessary.
Everyone should have a copy of the work assignments. Please make note of what you have signed up for, and please let me know if something comes up that will interfere. A number of you have indicated that you will be there more often, which is great, but we need to make sure we have the minimum necessary to keep things on track.
If you are not on the list and would like to volunteer, please let me know.
The banquet will be at the Best Western and is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Saturday, January 12th, with cocktails at 6:30 pm. However, if the Packers are playing that evening, we will move the banquet to 5:00 pm, with cocktails at 4:30 pm so everyone can watch the game.
We need at least four people to collect banquet tickets, hand out drink tickets and sell tickets for the banquet raffle at the Best Western on Saturday.
Please let me know if you would like to attend the banquet. I need to let the Best Western know how many we will have a week before. If you are volunteering your time at the bonspiel, your banquet ticket is free. If you are unable to volunteer, but would like to attend, the cost is $15.00, which includes two drink tickets.
Alternatively, you can sign up to clean the club on Saturday during the banquet hours. We will bring food into the club for those volunteers and there will be liquid refreshments available. I need to know how much food to order, so please let me know if you plan to do that.
We would greatly appreciate donations of baked goods of any description. Just bring them to the curling club any time during the weekend. If you bring a non-disposable plate or dish, it would be a good idea to put your name on it so it doesn’t get put away with the club dishes.
Finally, we need your help on the raffle to be held during the banquet. Waupaca Lions will be purchasing two guns as major prizes, but we need a LOT of smaller items to fill up the prize table and encourage ticket sales. Please try to donate at least one prize. It can be a new or like new item you have around and aren’t using, a donation from your employer or merchants you frequent, liquor, wine or beer, a craft item you make as a hobby, a collectible you own and can part with or even an item you might purchase. The possibilities are endless, and the more crowded the table the faster the tickets will sell.
You can bring these items to our January meeting, to the curling club during the spiel or you can let me know and I will pick them up. If you wish, include a card reading "donated by____"
Thanks again to everyone for stepping forward. The response has been terrific and I really appreciate it.
Lion Keith
December 2012 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
Christmas Party Information
Our annual Christmas Party is scheduled for Monday, December 3rd at Simpson’s.
Social starts around 6:00 (or earlier) our dinner and program starts at 6:30.
If you have not had a chance to sign up to attend this evening, you may still do so.
Contact Lion Pres. Cas at 715-281-4482.
Remember, our only regular meeting scheduled for December is the Christmas Party.
There is no meeting scheduled for the 17th.
December Board of Directors meeting
There will be a Board meeting in December.
It is scheduled for Monday the 10th at Simpson’s. (6:30 in the bar area)
Besides the typical stuff we do at board meetings, this will be our discussion on the bonspiel we are hosting on January 11, 12, and 13.
If you are working at the bonspiel and would like to participate in this informative meeting, please make time to attend.
January 7th will be our first meeting of the new year.
Board meeting to follow.
January 21st is the date for our second meeting of the month.
There is a guest speaker scheduled for the evening.
Volunteer for the Salvation Army
Anyone shopping in the Waupaca area this time of the year will see volunteers “ringing the bell” for the Salvation Army. I’m sure everyone knows about all the good things the Salvation Army does with money raised in this Red Kettle campaign. The Waupaca VFW coordinates this worthwhile project and is looking for volunteers to take shifts at the various locations in our city.
To volunteer for a shift please contact Gerry Peske at 715-258-5012.
Your help will be accepted and appreciated!
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule Saturday, December 10th
Bob Draeger and Chuck Krueger
If you have any questions or need a substitute, contact Lion Cas
Blood Transfer Schedule
Dec. 10th - 4:45PM Ed Brolin
Jan. 7th - 4:45PM Don Andersen
Jan 21st- 4:45PM Bob Draeger
Feb 4th- 4:45PM Bill Dugenske
Feb 18th- 4:45PM Chris Johnson
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca.
The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
If you wish to become one of our volunteer drivers, have any questions or scheduling conflicts, please call Lion Don Andersen @ 258-7492
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule Saturday, December 10th
Bob Draeger and Chuck Krueger
Fall 2012 Highway Cleanup was held in late October.
The usual section of highway was cleaned by Don Andersen, Sandy Debeers, Chris Johnson, Don Westley, Ed Brolin, Bob Draeger, Wally Zimmerman, Don Gilles, & Todd Mallasch. THANKS GUYS!
November means deer hunting and donating your deer hides to the Lions Camp. Since this project started 1991 the Wisconsin Lions Clubs have raised over $300,000+ for the camp. Lion Dick Helbach is the contact for donating hides in the Waupaca area. You can still drop your hides off at his house or contact him at 258-3366.
And speaking of deer hunting. our third annual “Big Buck Contest” is underway. The winner will be determined at the Christmas Party.
If you have a deer to enter, please be sure to measure the widest point of the antlers (outside dimensions) in case there are multiple deer entered.
Iola Old Car Show Breakfast. There is a group of us going up to Iola to meet with the Old Car Show people to get all the details of cooking a pancake and sausage breakfast for the four morningsoftheOldCarShow. We should be able to have an extensive information presentation to give to you at the first meeting of January. If this project comes to be, it will be a huge money making project for us.
Here’s wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lion Cas
Nekoosa Fire Department - One dark night in the small town in Pitsville, WI , a fire started inside the local sausage factory.
In a blink the building was engulfed in flames. The alarm went out to all the fire departments for miles around. When the first volunteer fire fighters appeared on the scene, the sausage company president rushed to the fire chief and said, "All of our secret sausage recipes are in the vault in the center of the plant. They have to be saved, so I will donate $50,000 to the fire company that brings them out and delivers them to me." But the roaring flames held the firefighters off.
Soon more fire departments had to be called in because the situation became desperate. As the firemen arrived, the president announced that the offer to extricate the secret recipes was now $100,000 to the fire department that could save them.
Suddenly from up the road, a lone siren was heard as another fire truck came into sight - it was the fire engine of the nearby Nekoosa , WI . The volunteer fire department there was composed mainly of Polish firefighters over the age of 65.
To everyone's amazement, the little run-down fire engine, operated by these Polish firefighters, passed fire engines parked outside the plant, and drove straight into the middle of the inferno.
Outside, the other firemen watched in amazement as the Polish old timers jumped off and began to fight the fire as if they were fighting to save their own lives. Within a short time, the Nekoosa old timers had extinguished the fire and saved the secret recipes.
The grateful sausage company president joyfully announced that for such a superhuman accomplishment he was raising the reward to $200,000, and walked over to personally thank each of the brave elderly Polish firefighters. Channel 9 TV news crew rushed in after capturing the event on film. The "on camera" reporter asked the Polish fire chief, "What are you going to do with all that money?"
"Wella," said Chief Wiznewski, the 70-year-old fire chief, "de fursta tinga wegonnna do isza fixa de brakes on dat fockinna truck"
November 2012 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
November 5th.
Regular meeting at Simpson’s.
DNR Warden Ted Dremel will be our speaker for the evening.
Ted was supposed to be at our October meeting, but due to a scheduling conflict, he graciously rescheduled for us.
There will be the usual board meeting to follow the business meeting.
November 19th.
Our second meeting of the month.
As of now, there is no guest speaker for this meeting.
Blood Transfer Schedule
Oct. 29th 4:45PM Floyd Swan
Nov. 12th 4:45PM Dale Matheson
Nov. 26th 4:45PM Vern Hanke
Dec. 10th 4:45PM Ed Brolin
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
If you wish to become one of our volunteer drivers, have any questions or scheduling conflicts, please call Lion Don Andersen @ 258-7492
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Saturday, November 10th
Dave Neelis, Polecat, and Steve Klismet
Saturday, December 10th
Bob Draeger and Chuck Krueger
It’s District Convention time once again.
This years district convention will be November 3rd and 4th in Shawano. If you wish to attend this year, and have not registered it is probably best to register at the convention. You will be on your own for meals though, the deadline for purchasing meals at the convention has passed.
Piggly Wiggly Piggy Bank;
if your family shops at “The Pig” please save your receipts and turn them in at our meetings. (there is a jar at the head table to put them in) For every dollar spent there we receive 1% of the receipt total. Over the course of a year, this could total up to a nice amount for us.
Fall 2012 Highway Cleanup
Monday October 29th at 4:00 PM
We will meet at Westley Heating Parking lot on Hwy. 49 north of Waupaca. If you would like to help, contact VP Lion Todd at 715-281-9330 (remember, there are refreshments served afterwards)
Our annual Christmas Party is Monday, December 3rd, at Simpson’s. Cocktails 5:30 - 6:30, meal to be served at 6:30.
Cas will have a sign-up sheet that will be passed at the next 2 meetings.
If you cannot attend either of these meetings but wish to attend the Christmas Party, call Pres. Cas and let him know. His number is 715-281-4482.
We are working on having the Waupaca High School Madrigal singers entertain us that evening. As of this writing, this is still unconfirmed.
November means deer hunting and donating your deer hides to the Lions Camp. Save your hides and urge your hunting buddies to do the same. Since this project started 1991 the Wisconsin Lions Clubs have raised over $300,000+ for the camp. Last year was a banner year for deer hides, lets do it again.
Lion Dick Helbach is the contact for donating hides in the Waupaca area. You can drop your hides off at his house or contact him at 258-3366.
And speaking of deer hunting. The last 2 years we had an intraclub “big buck contest”. Is there any interest for a 3rd Annual? Five dollar entry fee, largest rack wins (as measured at widest point of rack, outside dimensions) Deer must be harvested during the 9 day gun hunt.
Winner splits pot with the Waupaca Lions Club. Our next meeting will be the only opportunity to sign up.
For an October, this has been a fairly busy one for us, which is a good thing. Besides the usual blood transfers, working at the recycling center, and roadside clean up, The Waupaca Lions have also been involved in a service project and small fundraiser.
The service project was the building of a wheelchair ramp for one of Waupaca’s disabled and elderly. There was about 60 man hours put into this. Thanks to Lions Wayne, Stu, Todd, Mike, Dick, Ed, Art, Rex, Floyd, Cas, Don, and Polecat for getting this project completed.
Our fundraising project was a repeat of last springs pancake, sausage, and egg dinner we made for the Manawa Elementary school. Lions Dale, Todd, Ed, Polecat, Cas, Pogo, Denny and Lioness Pat were there to make this evening happen. I don’t have the exact number, but we should have cleared around 400.00. Treas. Brian will have more accurate numbers in his next report.
Lion Cas ---------------------
A Golfers Dilemma
You're playing for your club championship and the match is dead even at the end of 17 holes. You have the honors on 18 and hit your ball 280 yards to the middle of the fairway, leaving a simple wedge shot to the pin. Your opponent then hits his ball, lofting it deep into the woods to the right of the fairway.
Being the golfing gentleman that you are, you help your opponent look for his ball. Just before the permitted five minute search period ends, your opponent says: “Go ahead and hit your second shot and if I don’t find mine in time, I’ll concede the match.”
You hit your ball, landing it on the green, stopping about ten feet from the pin.
About the time your ball comes to rest, you hear your opponent exclaim from deep in the woods: “I found it!”. The second sound you hear is a click, the sound of a club striking a ball and the ball comes sailing out of the woods and lands on the green, stopping no more than six inches from the hole.
Here is your dilemma............ Do you pull the lying, cheating b****rd’s ball out of your pocket and confront him with it or do you keep your mouth shut?
October 2012 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
October 1st. Regular meeting at Simpson’s. Board meeting to follow.
October 15th is our second meeting of the month. Wisconsin DNR game warden Ted Dremel will be there to answer questions and give his presentation.
October 18th is our second visit to the Manawa Middle School to prepare a pancake, sausage, and egg meal for them. This will be identical to what we did for them last spring. The Waupaca Lions will provide the sausage, eggs, butter and pancakes. The school provides the beverages, syrup, plates, napkins, and silverware. We are charging $4.00 for students and $5.00 for adults. Serving starts at 5:30 and ends at 6:15 PM. Help to transport equipment and cook this meal is needed.
Blood Transfer Schedule
Oct. 1st 4:45PM John Edlebeck
Oct. 15th 4:45PM Don Westley
Oct. 29th 4:45PM Floyd Swan
Nov. 12th 4:45PM Dale Matheson
Nov. 26th 4:45PM Vern Hanke
Dec. 10th 4:45PM Ed Brolin
Remember, 4:45 is the time you should be leaving Waupaca. The blood arrives in Stevens Point at 5:15.
Please call Lion Don Andersen with questions or scheduling conflicts @ 258-7492
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Saturday, October 13th
Vern Hanke and Ed Brolin
Saturday, November 10th
Dave Neelis, Polecat, and Steve Klismet
Saturday, December 10th
Bob Draeger and Chuck Krueger
As some of you may already know, Lioness Deb Olmsted has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Deb was scheduled for surgery at one of the Appleton hospitals late last week. I have not received any news from her surgery. Please keep Lion Tom and Deb in your thoughts and prayers at this time.
It’s District Convention time once again. This years district convention will be November 2nd and 3rd and located Shawano. The Embarass River Lions are this years host club. If you wish to attend, reservation must be sent in by October 25th. You can find a reservation form in your September issue of The Wis. Lions newspaper, or online at:
If either of these options are not available to you, let me know and I can print one for you.
Piggly Wiggly is in the midst of sending out their piggy bank checks. Our last years receipts totaled a little over $10,800.00 thus earning us a check for $108.00 For those who saved their receipts over the past year, thanks. This is an effortless way to earn a few dollars for our projects. Anyone wishing to start saving theirs, keep them in an envelope and when you get a bunch of them you can turn them in at our meetings (Denny has a jar for it at the head table) or you can turn them in yourselves at The Pig. Just take them to the service counter and tell them they are for the Waupaca Lions.
Rosholt Workday: This was where I was going to announce the annual “Fall Workday” at the Rosholt Camp. After searching the internet for information I came upon the news that the traditional “workdays” at the camp are now a thing of the past. Apparently it was too difficult to coordinate that many volunteers and match them up with chores to be done. Volunteers are still welcome to help out with projects at the camp, it’s just done a little differently.
You can read more about it at:
In the pull down menu, under “events” is the explanation about the canceling of workdays.
Until next month
Lion Cas
September 2012 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
Monday Sept. 10th will be a Board of Director meeting only. It will be held in the bar area of Simpson’s at 6:30. This will be our annual budget meeting. Please try to attend this important meeting. There is no general business meeting this night.
Wednesday Sept. 14th will be the first zone meeting for our area. The dinner meeting (at Simpsons) will start at 6:30 If you are interested in attending this, please contact Lion Dale. The meal price will be $14.00.
Monday Sept. 17th is the night of our regular business meeting, Due to Labor Day Holiday this will be our only general business meeting for the month. Our budget will be the order of business with discussion and final approval to be voted on. Please try to attend.
August 10th and 11th was our Candy for Camp days. Once again Lion John has organized this fundraiser for us, thanks for all you do! Taking shifts at our local business’s were: Mike Waldschmidt, Vern Hanke, John Edlebeck, Bob Draeger, Art O’Keefe, Denny Daniels, Dave and Joan Pogrant, Larry Gordon, Chuck Posnanski, Chuck Krueger, Dale Matheson, Dave Johnson, Keith Murie, Todd Mallasch & kids, and John Snider.
This years candy donors were Brian Godfrey, Keith Murie, Tom Olmsted, and Ed Brolin. Thanks Guy! The donations received totaled $1204.00. A special thanks to Walgreens, The City of Waupaca, Piggly Wiggly, Waupaca Post Office, Chase Bank, K Mart, Pick ‘N Save and Kay Edlebeck.
If you have not already heard, it is with sadness to report the passing of Lion Darrel Dunbar. Lion Darrel passed on Sunday Aug, 26th. His funeral was on Thursday the 30th. His internment was at the cemetery in King.
Darrel had been a Lion since 1978 and held the office of Lion Tamer for many years. He will be greatly missed.
August 4th was the annual foundry picnic. Once again the picnic was held at Swan Park. We were responsible for many chores, some of which were: Driving attendees in golf carts to and from the parking lot, running the bingo game, keeping the beverages flowing, dunk tank, refereeing one of the kickball fields, running the scoreboards for the tourney, helping with the Sport Challenge game adapted for this years picnic, etc.
In all, we had over 20 Lions (and a few grandchildren) helping out. These Lions were Lions Dale Matheson, Stu Duchow, Dan Losby, Cas, Mike Tenant. Todd Mallasch, Polecat, Don Westley. Dave and Joan Pogrant (along with 4 relatives) Arnie Abel and grandchildren, Bob Draeger. Ed Brolin, and Denny Daniels, We also had Lioness’s Linda and Pat pitch in too. (I have tried to list everyone, if I missed someone, it was truly unintentional).
When it was all said and done, we made 1200.00 for the day.
Monday, August 8th was the steak fry in Rosholt. The Manawa and Weyauwega clubs were there too. Many thanks go to Dave Johnson, Todd Mallasch, Denny Daniels, and Bob Penny for coordinating this evening. There was close to 80 people from all three clubs attending. The steaks were great and it was a good chance to meet fellow Lions from the other clubs.
Monday August 15th was the latest edition of our roadside cleanups. Lions Todd Mallasch, Don Westley, Phil Kik, Bob Draeger, Ed Brolin, Chuck Posnanski, and Sandy DeBeers were the crew for the day.
Tuesday, August 14th was our second annual Wisconsin Veterans Home breakfast. Due to a miscommunication, the number of vets attending our breakfast was at about 50. That’s down from 80 meals served last year.
August 17th & 18th. Waupaca Triathlon. According to Lion Dave Pogrant, everything went as it should for the day. Nobody can park cars like the Waupaca Lions Club. It will take some time before we will know what our take will be for the day. Thanks to Dave and Joan for coordinating this event.
August 28th was the Waupaca Rod and Custom show. This year we did breakfast along with the regular noontime meal. Along with the regular noon meal we served a breakfast too. Our share of the profits were right around $920.00.
We had a good sized crew this year and everyone was needed. Thanks to Lions Tom Olmsted, Dick Helbach, Brian Godfrey, Ed Brolin, Dale Matheson, Cas, Don Westley, Wayne Much, Denny Daniels, Steve Klismet, and Dave Neelis. Along with helping out cooking, Lions Rex Evchuk, Polecat, and Jim DaWalt used their trucks to haul all the equipment to and from the park. Thanks everyone.
This year the Waupaca Lions Club is have a bit of a money crunch issue in our administrative account. Due to a couple of factors, funds in this account are running low. If you pay your dues by the quarter, could you please pay them at the beginning of the quarter instead of the end. Also, if you are behind in your dues, now would be a great time to get them caught up.
Lion President Cas
August 2012 Newsletter:
It’s August, our busiest month of the year. We have things going on almost every weekend. On to our hectic schedule.
Dates to remember:
August 10th and 11th will be our Candy for Camp days. Lion John Edlebeck is coordinating this fundraiser. Please, if you can spare a couple of hours on Friday or Saturday until noon, contact Lion John. If we cannot fill the schedule, we cannot raise the funds to help support the camp. To schedule a shift for Candy for Camp, give John a call at 256-3785. -------------------------------
August 4th is the foundry picnic.
We typically need about 25 people to help out. Our duties include changing empty beer kegs, bingo tent, scoring the kickball tourney, dunk tank, driving golf carts, etc. Our start time is around 11:00 AM. I know this is short notice, but if you can lend a hand that day, call Lion Cas at 715-281-4482
Monday, August 13th is the steak fry at the Rosholt camp. If you did not get a chance to sign up for this, don’t fret, there is still time. Please call Dave Johnson at 258-7440 to reserve a steak for you and your spouse, girlfriend, etc. by Thursday, August 9th to be included. This is a multi-club event. Manawa and Weyauwega/Fremont Lions will be there with us. It’s a great chance to meet Lions from other clubs.
To our new members: There are tours of the camp available this evening. If you have never
been to this 400+ acre camp, it’s well worth the trip. Tours start around 4:00 - 4:30 and we will start cooking our steaks somewhere around 5:30. Remember to bring your own plates, silverware, utensils, etc. (Just like the South Park steak fry).
To get to the camp, go to Rosholt via your favorite route. About one mile east of town, on Hwy. 66, take County Rd. A north. The camp is located about 1 1/2 miles north of Hwy. 66. You cannot miss it.
Due to the excessive heat Monday August 6th is the re-re-re-scheduled date for the highway cleanup. Meet at Westley’s Heating parking lot at 4:00. Questions? Call Lion Todd at 715-281- 9330
Also for August 6th is the monthly board meeting at Simpson’s. It will be in the bar area and starts at 6:30
Tuesday, August 14th, we are serving breakfast for the vets in King. Set up starts at 6:00. We start serving at 7:00 and finish around 10:00. Lion Denny is counting on everyone that was there last year to help again this year. If you were there last year and cannot make it this year, or you would like to help, Call Lion Denny (258-8732).
August 17th and 18th. Waupaca Triathlon. Our duties are parking cars Friday evening and Saturday morning. Lion Dave Pogrant is coordinating this project. If you have any questions about your assignment or wish to help, give Lion Dave a call at 256-4096, -------------------------------
Saturday, August 25th is the Waupaca Rod and Custom show. We will be doing as we did last year, including a repeat of breakfast. Eight to ten Lions are needed for the day. We will be doing pancakes, sausage, eggs in the morning and the standard fare of burgers, brats, for lunch. If you can help, please call Lion Cas at 715-281-4482
Old Car show weekend had a group of Lions parking cars at gate #3. Friday was brutally hot, and Saturday was a bit better with the sun blocked by a thin cloud cover. A partial list of workers there for the weekend were, Lions Floyd, Cas, Brett, Denny, Don Anderson, Lloyd, Don Gilles, Dale. To those I omitted, forgive me.
Lion Floyd put a lot of time (around 40 hrs.) and effort into this years car show. He deserves a big thank you from all of us.
Our annual steak fry was deemed another success. Last I heard, our attendance was around 95 people including our new district governor, Lion Sande Guinther and his wife, Lion Shirley.
For all their hard work in making this a special evening, Lion Cas would like to give special thanks to Arnie and Deb Abel, Dave Johnson and Himself for a job well done! -------------------------------
The Waupaca Nutrition Center has a real need for Meals on Wheels drivers. If you can spare a little time or for more information, call Joanne at 258-9598.
As you may be aware of, the Waupaca Lions has taken on a new service project. This is an ongoing project. We have committed to transferring blood from Stevens Point to Waupaca. This blood originates in Merrill and is taken to Point where we pick it up and deliver it to Waupaca. From Waupaca it is transferred by The Appleton Kiwanis to its final destination of the Community Blood Center in Appleton.
These blood drives are held every other Monday thru out the year. We have committed to the 5:15 PM run on these Mondays.
We have approx. 60 members in our Lions club and 26 runs in a year. If everyone signed up for one run, you would only have to go once every other year. Please consider making a run or two.
Lion Don Andersen is coordinating this project. Call him at 258-7492 to volunteer. Otherwise I’m sure Don will have a signup sheet at our first meeting in Sept.
Lion Don: Do you think we could get Mary Morse from the Community Blood Center to come and speak at one of our meetings??
Lion President Cas Borszowski
(typed, edited, and published by Lion Dale) (electronically distributed and archived by Lion Todd)
June 2012 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
June 4th is our annual officer installation dinner.
It will be at Simpson’s restaurant with social at 6:00ish and our dinner meeting starting at 6:30. DGE Sande Guinther will be in attendance to
install our new slate of officers.
If you did not have a chance to sign up at one of our last two meetings, and wish to attend the installation dinner, please call me at 258-7833 and leave a message.
Sunday June, 17th is Father’s Day and that means it’s fly-in breakfast time.
Everyone's help is needed. Last newsletter I enclosed a separate sheet with everyone's responsibilities listed. If you need another copy, let me know or you can find it at our web site.
Our biggest challenges for the fly-in are getting the tables and chairs unloaded and set up, AND at the end of the day everything that was loaded in the trucks and trailers has to get loaded back into said trucks and trailers.
Even if your name is not listed for set up or tear down, your help would be appreciated.
Until Lion Cas can get his membership directory out, here is a list of the activities scheduled for this summer.
Monday July 9th is our annual steak fry at South Park. I have been assured by the city that we will be able to get around the road construction and into the park that evening. You will most likely have to drive down Washington Street to get there though.
The Iola Old Car show is July 12-15 we will be parking cars there. Lion Floyd has all the details. Please contact him if you can help.
Saturday August 4th is the foundry picnic at Swan Park. Our duties will basically be the same as last year. Typically we need 20-25 people to help out with everything we do there.
August 10 and 11 is our annual Candy for Camp days. Lion John Edlebeck is the point man for this. John will be in touch to set up a shift at one of our various locations around town.
Monday August 13th is the annual steak fry at the Lions Camp in Rosholt. This is a three club event, with the Manawa Lions and Weyauwega / Fremont Lions being the other two clubs. There will be tours of the camp this evening. If you have never been to the camp, this is a must
attend night. You will be able to see what this wonderful camp is all about.
Saturday August 18 is the Triathlon. Our duties are parking cars. Lions Dave & Joan Pogrant and Arnie & Deb Abel will be in touch to schedule our workers for the day.
Saturday August 25 is the Rod and Custom show at South Park. Our duties are cooking breakfast and lunch. Eight to ten Lions are needed for this day.
On Thursday, April 26th we cooked a pancake supper for the Manawa Elementary School. This was done for their “Family Math Night”. This evening was such a success, they are going to schedule another math night. Look for it sometime in October.
May 7th was the latest date of our roadside clean up. If you did not know, we are responsible for about a 2 mile section of Hwy. 49 north of Waupaca. Lions cleaning up the highway thatevening were; Todd Mallasch, Don Westley, Art O’Keefe, Don Gilles, Ed Brolin, Sandy Debeers, And Chris Johnson. Thanks guys!
A couple of days ago I was talking to Lion Mike Waldschmidt. He informed me his father, Lion Marv is in the hospital. Marv had his gall bladder removed. Some complications set in and he is now at Appleton Memorial Hospital. Please keep Marv in your thoughts.
Remember, our web site is:
This is a good source for what’s going on in our club. All newsletters from the last 2 years arearchived there. There are links there to get you to LCI’s and other Lions web pages. You can also navigate to the facebook page Lion Todd has set up for us. If you get to that page, make sure you click the “like” button to receive updates to the page.
Piggy Wiggly Piggy Bank
Remember to save your receipts from the Pig during the summer. You can hand them in at the next regular meeting in September. My sister-in-law is the one that has to add the receipts up. I would love to aggravate her with a large box full of receipts to have to deal with.
Thursday May 24 Lion Cas went to Waupaca H.S. as our representative. He awarded the four recipients of our Lions Scholarship $500.00 each. This years recipients were: Alexis Klismet, Kevin Moe, Erin Rawson, and Karli Navin.
The Last Page
It’s hard to believe it’s been two years since becoming president. I’m down to my final article in my final newsletter and I’d like to share some thoughts with you.
Around 4 years ago, Lion Denny asked me to be the 3rd V.P. I reluctantly agreed and was thinking “What did I just get myself into?”.
Looking back now, what I “got myself into” was a very rewarding experience of which I have absolutely no regrets. It has been my distinct honor and privilege to serve the Waupaca Lions as your president and I would like to thank you for the opportunity you have given me.
I have learned the Waupaca Lions is a special organization. We have a diverse group of people all pulling for the common good. All willing to help and do what they can to achieve our goals as Lions.
This is something we can all be very proud of. I know I am.
Another privilege for me was being able to work closely with all of you. This gave me the opportunity to get to know all of you better.
I feel honored to be able to call all of you very good friends.
My one hope is that the Waupaca Lions are just a bit better off now than they were two years ago.
Thank You again,
Lion President Dale
May 2012 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
May 7th will be our first meeting of the month. Board meeting to follow.
This meeting will be a bit unusual as we will also be having our monthly presentation that night.
Lion Dean Haas will give his slide show from a recent trip to Russia.
May 21st is the date for our second meeting of the month.
June 4th is our annual officer installation dinner.
It will be at Simpson’s restaurant with social at 6:00ish and our dinner meeting starting at 6:30.
DGE Sande Guinther will be in attendance to install our newest slate of officer.
I will have a sign up sheet at the next two meetings.
If for some reason you cannot make either of these meetings, and wish to be at the installation, please call me. 258-7833.
Sunday June, 17th is Father’s Day and that means it’s fly-in breakfast time.
Everyone's help is needed.
Here Are the Work Assignments for Fly-Inn:
A few meetings ago, it was suggested some of you guys with old cars / hot rods bring yours to display. As of right now, we have about 4 cars scheduled to be there. The more the merrier. Our thoughts are to have them out front of the hanger.
Should we have someone designated to keep watch over the cars???
Thursday, April 26th we cooked a pancake supper for the Manawa Elementary School.
Approximately 150 people were served the pancakes, sausage, and egg meal.
On hand to help that Thursday were Lions Cas B., Lloyd Mathison, Bob Draeger, Ed Brolin, Mike Tenant, Dave Neelis, Polcat, Denny Daniels, Art O’Keefe, Todd Mallasch and myself.
The facilities were very good, we actually had a real kitchen to work out of. Thanks to all that helped make the day a success.
It looks like we will make about $450.00 for our efforts.
We had a few pancakes, a couple bags of eggs and plenty of sausages left over. All the leftovers were taken to King and given to the homeless vets. It was said by Denny that this donation was appreciated by the vets. The following morning I received an email from Jeni Mursau (the coordinator for the event).
The contents of it are below:
Dear Waupaca Lions,
We were VERY pleased with the pancake supper the the Waupaca Lions put on for us! I am continuing to hear this morning that the food was delicious! So kudos to your club! Clean up of the kitchen was superb! I enjoyed working with you, and we will contact you for future events that may happen here at Manawa Elementary School.
Jeni Merssau
Our rose sale is over and by all counts, this one was another success. We sold over 700 dozen roses.
Lions Brian and Dave will have final reports to present.
Annual Election of Officers!
At our April 16th meeting our annual election of officers was held.
Next years slate of officers, unanimously elected, is:
President - Cas Borszowski
1st VP - Todd Mallasch
2nd VP - Ken Dugenske
3rd VP - Tom Olmsted
Lion Tamer - Lloyd Mathison
Tail Twister - Bob Penney
Secretary - Dennis Daniels
Treasurer - Brian Godfrey
Past President - Dale Matheson
Chaplain - Chuck Krueger
One year term directors - Don Andersen and Bill Dugenske
Two year term directors - Floyd Swan and Al Kraeger
All golf shirts ordered with the Lions design will be able to be picked up at our next meeting (May 7th). Price, including tax, will be $15.00.
Lion Floyd Swan is organizing our newest project, parking cars at the Iola Old Car Show. Floyd needs names and addresses for everyone that can help. (the addresses are needed so your credentials, meal tickets, etc. can be mailed directly to you.) Call Floyd at 258- 9193.
The Annual Senior Health Fair at the Hendrickson Center was held a about a week ago. Lions Denny Daniels and Chuck Krueger we there to man the Lions booth.
Thanks guys!
Monday, April 30th was the annual officer training session in New London. This evening is for Presidents, V.P.’s, Secretaries, Treasurers, Tail Twisters, and Membership Chairs. Waupaca was well represented with close to 100% attendance of our officers.
Remember, our web site is:
This is a good source for what’s going on in our club. All newsletters from the last 2 years are archived there. There are links there to get you
to LCI’s and other Lions web pages. You can also navigate to the facebook page Lion Todd has set up for us.
If you get to that page, make sure you click the “like” button to receive updates to the page.
Until next month
Lion Dale
April 2012 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
April 2nd will be our first meeting of the month. Board meeting to follow.
April 16th is the date for our second meeting of the month. This is an important meeting for everyone to attend.
Our annual election of officers and board of directors will be held that night.
Please make every effort to be present for for this meeting.
Thursday, April 26th is our evening to cook pancakes, sausages and eggs for the Manawa Elementary School. We will be serving approx. 150 students and parents. There will be a sign up sheet at our next meetings.
Monday, April 30th Region 5 will be holding their annual officer training program at Crystal Falls in New London. The evening program is for Presidents, VP’s, Secretaries, Treasurers, Tail Twisters, and Membership Chairs.
Dinner is provided and paid for by the district.
By the time you receive this, the first phase of our annual rose sale will be over, all that’s left is the delivery phase. Friday April 13th and Saturday, April 14th are our delivery days. Our central location for picking up roses will be the Waupaca Truck Stop. Lion Steve has once again allowed us to use his facilities for coordinating the deliveries. Thanks Lion Steve.
Thanks are also due to Lions Cas and Dave for their efforts in coordinating this years rose sale. Also, Lion Todd has spent the time to get our rose sales up and running on the internet. This has given us another tool to sell roses. Thanks Todd.
For the second month in a row, we have a new member in our ranks.
Lion Chris Johnson hasjoinedtheWaupacaLions. LionChriswassponsoredbyLionDonAndersen.
Welcomeaboard Lion Chris!
Annual Election of Officers Notice!
We will be holding our annual elections at the second meeting in April.(the 16th) Our election committee has come up with the following slate of officers and Board of Directors. Nominations will also be taken from the floor the evening of our elections. Our slate for the Lionistic year of 2112-2013 is:
President - Cas Borszowski
1st VP - Todd Mallasch
2nd VP - Ken Dugenske
3rd VP - Tom Olmsted
Lion Tamer - Darrel Dunbar
Tail Twister - Bob Penney
Secretary - Dennis Daniels
Treasurer - Brian Godfrey
Past President - Dale Matheson
Chaplain - Chuck Krueger
One year term directors - Don Andersen and Bill Dugenske
(Lion Bill will take over the one year remaining on Lion Tom Olmsted’s Board of Director term)
Two year term directors ?????????????
At the time of this writing, we are in need of two nominee’s for these board of director positions. This is not a time consuming or hard position. Our board meetings are held the first meeting of the month. Your voice as a board member will help guide us in future decisions and activities.
If you would like to serve on our board of directors, please contact Lion Mike Tenant at 715- 513-0002 or myself at 715-258-7833 home or 715-258-3832 work.
Lion Todd is our club CEP Representative. Last Saturday, March 24th, the second installment of this program was held. Lion Todd, Lion Denny and myself were in attendance. A few very good ideas came from this program. Todd will be giving an in-depth report on this at one of our April meetings (due to work, he may not be able to attend the April 2nd meeting.)
I’m leaving this in our newsletter for another month. Let me know if this is something that’s feasible to do.
We have a fair amount of our Lions that collect, restore, and display really cool old cars, hot rods, etc. It was suggested that maybe some of you might be interested in running a few of your machines out to the fly in breakfast for the people to see. Whadayathink?
If you did not hand in the surveys from last months newsletter, you still can, but they must be returned by our next meeting.
At our last meeting the possibility of getting shirts with our Lions design printed on them was brought up. The thought was a golf shirt is much cooler at workdays and cleaning is easier. I will be bringing some samples for you to look at. Approx. cost for the golf shirt, with printing will be $14.00 to $16.00.
Lion Denny handed me a flier from the Red Cross. On April 14th there is an Open House at the local office. At the open house there will information pertaining to the opportunities to become a disaster volunteer.
There is also a CPR course available. How many of you have been trained in CPR? If given the opportunity, would you take the CPR course? It would be nice to know about CPR in the event that someday you might need it. I’ll look into that and report back.
19 Reasons to not have kids
1. A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2,000 sq. foot house 4 inches deep.
2. If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and run over them with roller blades, they can ignite.
3. If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 42 pound boy wearing Batman underwear and a Superman cape. It is strong enough, however, to spread paint on all four walls of a 20X20 foot room.
4. You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on. When using the ceiling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times before you get a “hit”. A ceiling fan can hit a baseball a long way.
5. The glass in windows (even double pane) doesn't stop a baseball hit by a ceiling fan.
6. When you hear the toilet flush and the words, "Uh-oh", it's already too late.
7. Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke, and lots of it.
8. Certain Lego's will pass through the digestive tract of a four-year-old.
9. Play Dough and Microwave should never be used in the same sentence.
10. Super glue is forever.
11. No matter how much Jell-O you put in a swimming pool, you still can't walk on water.
12. Pool filters do not like Jell-O.
13 . VCR's do not eject PB&J sandwiches even though TV commercials show they do.
14. Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.
15. Marbles in gas tanks make lots of noise when driving.
16. You probably do not want to know what that odor is.
17. Always look in the oven before you turn it on. Plastic toys do not like ovens.
18. The fire department in Waupaca has a 5 minute response time.
19. The spin cycle on the washing machine does not make earth worms dizzy. It will, however, make cats dizzy, and cats throw up twice their body weight when dizzy.
Till Next Month
Lion Dale
March 2012 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
March 5th will be our first meeting of the month. Board meeting to follow.
March 19th is the date for our second meeting of the month. This will be a joint meeting our Lioness club. Our guest speaker will be Lion Dean Haas. Dean will be sharing his experience from his recent trip to Russia with a slide show.
March 24th is the second CEP gathering at Cedar Springs in Manawa. At the initial meeting we had 3 Lions from Waupaca there. We will now need 5-7 Waupaca Lions attending this meeting. If you have the desire to help out on this program and would like to attend, please contact Lion Todd Mallasch or myself. This is opportunity is open to anyone with the interest to improve the level of service we provide to our community.
Along with the CEP program, the next District Cabinet Meeting will be held on March 24th as well. It is to be held at Cedar Springs immediately following the CEP. If you wish to attend both, you may. If you wish to attend the CEP and not stay for the cabinet meeting you will be able to leave prior to the start of the cabinet meeting.
Our rose sale is in full swing now. This is our major fundraiser. Get out there and sell.
Remember, our last day we can sell roses is March 22nd.
We have a new member in our ranks. Lion Ed Brolin has joined the Waupaca Lions. Ed had been a member of the Lions when he was living in Illinois.
Welcome aboard Lion Ed!
At our last meeting, Lion George Sherb mentioned the very real shortage of volunteers to deliver meals on wheels. If you could possibly spare a little time and help out in the worthwhile
cause, or if you would like more information about this please contact Lion George.
Due to a conflict, our pancake supper we are cooking at the Manawa School has been pushed back a week from Thursday, April 19th to Thursday, April 26th. More information on that as
the date nears.
Are you saving your Piggly Wiggly receipts? Please do so and turn them in at our meetings (there is a jar to deposit them in at the head table). We receive 1% of the gross receipts from the
Piggy Bank program.
Election Committee Notice!
We will be holding our annual elections the night of our second meeting in April. (the16th) Could the 3 of you have the slate of officers and board of directors ready by around the 24th of
March? This will give me time to publish them in the April newsletter. Thanks!
Speaking of elections, have you ever considered becoming a leader in the Lions Club? There will be openings for two Board of Directors and a 3rd Vice President. From my perspective,
being in an officer position has been a positive, fulfilling, gratifying experience. I have had the chance to meet a lot of wonderful people that I would not have met otherwise.
If you think you would like to become a leader of our Lions Club, please let us know. You will not regret the decision.
While we are on the subject of Lions Officers, on Monday, April 30th, region 5 will be holding their annual Lions Club Officer Training. It will be held at 6:30, Crystal Falls, New London.
Dinner will be on the district. This training session is for Presidents, VP’s, Secretaries, Treasurers, Tail Twisters, and Membership Chairs. Please make an effort to keep this date
At our last meeting Lion Todd handed out a survey from the Club Excellence Program. Those of you who took them home to fill out must have them completed to hand in the night of March 5th. Those of you who were not at the last meeting and would like to participate in the survey can do so that night. You have to fill out the forms that night so we can get them sent in.
We have a fair amount of our Lions that collect, restore, and display really cool old cars, hot rods, etc. I was suggested that maybe some of you guys might be interested in running a few of
your machines out to the fly in breakfast for the people to see. Whadayathink?
Lion Todd has been busy with our web site. You can now purchase roses from the Waupaca Lions online. This cannot replace our person to person selling of roses, but is another tool to use to increase our sales. Let people know this is another way to buy roses. You can direct people to to order online. Thanks Todd! We have also been in contact with WDUX and there will be about 20 public service announcements about our rose sale.
Last Friday Lion Floyd Swan had surgery to repair vertebrate in his neck. As of Sunday all is well and Floyd is home resting. Good news indeed. His pain in the neck should be all better.
What a sec...... Floyd Swan.......pain in the neck........there’s a joke in there somewhere........must resist!!!...walk away from the keyboard!..... leave it alone!....Oh hell, I can’t....
You know, maybe instead of surgery on his neck, maybe they should have performed surgery a little further south on his anatomy!!!
Floyd, you know we love ya, get well soon!
Lion Dale
February 2012 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
February 6th will be our first meeting of the month. Board meeting to follow.
Saturday, February 11th, is the first session of the CEP program.
It is being hosted in Manawa at Cedar Springs. Things get going at 9:00 AM and will go until around lunch time. Lunch will be served.
As of right now we have 3 Lions attending. Lions Todd, Don, and Denny will be representing the Waupaca Lions.
The Manawa and Clintonville Lions will be there too.
This is a great opportunity to learn how to improve our club and ability to serve our community. If you wish to attend please let me know ASAP so you can be included, or if you have any questions about the CEP, give me a call.
February 20th is the date for our second meeting of the month.
Our guest speaker will be Arden Adamson. Arden is involved with the EAA and the Young Eagle program which will be held in conjunction with our Fathers Day fly in. The Young Eagles is an EAA sponsored program to promote an interest in aviation in our youth. They will draw people to the airport, as will we with our breakfast. Holding both events the same day should benefit the Young Eagles and our Lions club.
March 5th and 19th will be our meeting dates in March.
More on that in the next newsletter.
It’s that time of the year again. Everyone should have gotten their order forms so you can go out and sell roses.
If you did not get yours yet, please contact Lions Cas or Dave
(I have heard Lion Chuck has already used up his first book of order blanks and has had to resupply)
Remember, this rose sale is our biggest fund raiser.
Without the money from this sale, our ability to serve our community and the various
Lion projects is severely hampered.
We have a new member in our ranks.
Lion Keith Murie has transferred from the Iola Lions to grace our roster.
Welcome aboard Lion Keith, we look forward to the contributions you will make.
Stuff We Do
Once again I am going to forgo our “Stuff We Do” article and instead I want to share a letter I received from DG Lion Sue.
This is a must read for every Lion and every Lion must be part of the solution to this problem.
Greetings Lion leaders
Tonight I was working on gathering some information for officer training, playing around on the LCI website. Any given day, I can go on the LCI ( website and get a running total of membership in our district. Today, year-to-date (7/1/11 to 1/27/12) we have dropped 131 members (including deceased members) and added 90 new members, for a net of -41. Campers - we have a problem! We have 46 clubs that have submitted reports for drops, there have been 112 drops - 63 of them were "Resigned in Good Standing". WHY? Why are so many members resigning? How many would we have if every club reported? We have 5 clubs that have not reported any membership yet this Lions year - another 4 that haven't reported since November. So again, how many drops / adds would we have if every club reported?
This a huge concern for me as your District Governor. It must be a concern for others. We all work so hard at getting people to join our wonderful association; what can we do to keep our members? When we have a new member induction ceremony, we pledge to give our members a proper orientation session - but do we? Do we explain the ins and outs of our clubs? Do we sit with them? Do we include them in conversation? Do we share with our new members our goals? Do we share our passion about Lions? Do we involve them in committees? Do we respect their ideas? Do we encourage them to get involved? Do we snuff out their enthusiasm by saying "we tried that and it didn't work (how many years ago)? We don't have a choice about the death of our members. We have far too many that drop because of non-payment of dues - why are they
not paying their dues? How are we failing the members that drop in good standing?
LCI has created a wonderful program called CEP - Club Excellence Program. I have attached a description. We are going to start CEP with Manawa, Clintonville and Waupaca on February 11th. I am of the opinion that every club in this district that has lost a member because of nonpayment
of dues or resigned in good standing needs to participate in this program! We need to better understand who we are as Lions, how we can better serve our community and our fellow members, in order to stop this dramatic decrease in membership. We can do CEP on a club-byclub basis or with two or three clubs working together. It is a couple of hours that will make a difference in the life of your club! PCC Lion Dean Haas, DGE Sande Guinther, VDG Peter Andre and I are all trained CEP facilitators. We can get the ball rolling to turn this around. I however can't want it for you or your club - I can only make the four of us available to help you!
Don't wait any longer - call me, email me, send me a post card!
When is the last time your club has visited Lions Camp in Rosholt? I absolutely believe, if you bring your members to camp - see the kids' lives we are impacting, it will make a difference in your membership. You need to schedule a visit for this summer - do it now!!
When is the last time you did a hands-on service project - collected eye glasses, donated blood,
donated dictionaries, served food at a homeless shelter - those service projects keep a club connected!
It is far too easy to just write a check. When you go visit camp, bring your check! As a club, collect the eye glasses and hearing aids, and bring them to camp! Collected canned goods and bring them to the food shelter!! Have a soup supper - invite the community to join you at no charge!!
One of my goals this year was to add one new member per club, above any losses. That means, in the next five months, we have to add a minimum of 113 members to reach my goal (72 clubs at +1, plus an additional 41 to make up for the losses so far this year).
What can the leadership in this district do to help you and your club? Too many people out there are counting on the Lions of 27-B2 for us to not respond to their needs? Please let me know how I / we can help!!
Lion Sue Doell
27-B2 District Governor
H - 920-734-9662
C - 920-716-2302
January 2012 Newsletter:
Here’s hoping everyone had a very Merry Christmas and the New Year brings prosperity and good health to you and yours.
Lion Dates to remember:
January 2nd will be our first meeting of the new year. Board meeting to follow.
January 13th, 14th, and 15th is the annual Lions Bonspiel in Madison. We again have 3 teams competing this year.
January 14th is the next District Council meeting. It will be held in Cecil.
January 16th is the date for our second meeting of the month. There is a guest speaker scheduled for the evening.
February 6th and 20th will be our meeting dates in February. More on that in the next newsletter.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Saturday January 14th Dave Neelis and Paul Hagen
If you have any questions or need a substitute, contact Lion Cas.
Our Annual Christmas party was finally held after rescheduling a couple of times. The wait was worth it though. The meal was great and being together with each other is always enjoyable. However our entertainment we had scheduled for the 12th could not make it on 19th. Thanks to Lion John Edlebeck, we became our own entertainment with John leading us in song. If memory serves, we sang 5-6 Christmas Carols. Judging from the volume of our voices I would guess allapproved. Heck, even Lion Cas joined in the fun.
Our winner of the 2nd annual “Big Buck Contest” was crowned. Lion Dave Pogrant led the field of ALL the deer entered in the contest. Lion Bill Dugenske came in a close second. I believe the bucks entered in this years contest was double of last year. Way to go Dave!
If you were not able to attend this years party you missed our awards presentation. We had the great fortune to able to award 2 of our Lions with the Birch Sturm Fellowship. Lions Rex Evchuck and Wayne Much have been inducted as a Birch Sturm Fellow. Congratulations Lions, it is well deserved!!
Lion Mike Tenant was scheduled to receive this fellowship too, but was unable to attend our Christmas Party due to the Larry McCarren Locker Room show. ($1.00 fine?) Mike has said he will be at next Mondays meeting and we will present it to him then. *********************
Mike has no idea he is getting this. Please keep it quiet. I will be editing out the award stuff in his copy of our newsletter.
(Below is from our last newsletter. I’m leaving it in this months edition as a reminder. Please read and bring an opinion or questions to our next meeting)
The Club Excellence Process (CEP)
There is a new program to help local clubs become better clubs. It is called The Club Excellence Process (CEP). The CEP is a 4 step workshop process dedicated to club improvement. Participating clubs will 1) examine their community’s needs, 2) Analyze their membership experience, 3) Locate resources, 4) Develop an action plan to implement
After completion of CEP each participating club should have ideas on how they can better serve their community and improve their club.
Manawa has decided to do this and the first session is scheduled to be held in Manawa on Saturday February 11. Other clubs from our zone are invited to participate too. The first session is expected to last the morning (about 4 hrs). The second session will be scheduled at a later date (sometime in spring).
What say you Waupaca Lions? Is there enough interest to get involved in this? Are there other ways to better serve our community? Would we like to find out? At our January meeting we will discuss this and see if there’s enough interest to get involved with this.
About a month ago in the first installment of “Things We Do” I reported that we, The Waupaca Lions, purchase glasses for students who cannot get them as most children do. At the request of the school nurse we have recently assisted two local students (families) with the purchase of glasses.
In the December issue of The Wisconsin Lion newsletter, Waupaca was one of the featured clubs on the B-2 page. There were photos from the morning we served breakfast at the vets home in King.
The January issue has a photo of us from last June when we were installing the wheelchair ramp.
As per usual our trusted bean counter, Lion Treas. Brian has given me your annual dues notice to insert in this months newsletter. You know what to do with it! No, don’t throw it in your “ignore-these-bills-until-I-get-Christmas-paid-for” drawer.
Stuff We Do
Sorry, running out of time this month for “stuff we do”. It’s been a hectic December for me at work and Linda and I are still trying to catch up.
Do you know of someone who would be interested in becoming a Lion?? We (Lions in general) are losing members at a faster rate than we are replacing them. In your everyday travels, you certainly must meet up with friends or acquaintances that might become a Lion. Tell them about what we do, invite them to one of our meetings. Please!
Till next newsletter
Lion Dale
December 2011 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
Christmas Party Information
Due to a scheduling problem at Simpson’s we had to move our annual Christmas Party from the 12th to the 19th. Our meal will be at 6:30, social starts whenever you get there.
There are 3 Lions that had signed up for the party and have not gotten back to me to let me know if they can attend on our new date. Lions Stu Duchow, Ken Dugenske, and Mike Waldschmidt, you need to contact me if you are, or are not planning on attending the party on this new date.
Also, anyone who has not signed up for the party and wishes to attend, please let me know by December 11th.
You can call me at work (258-3832) or at home (258-7833).
Remember, in December we will meet only one evening and that is our X-mas party on the 19th. Do not show up for a meeting on the 5th as there is none scheduled.
January 2nd will be our first meeting of the new year. Board meeting to follow.
January 16th is the date for our second meeting of the month. There is a guest speaker
scheduled for the evening.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
Saturday December 10th Deb and Arnie Abel
Saturday January 14th Dave Neelis and Paul Hagen
If you have any questions or need a substitute, contact Lion Cas
November means deer hunting and donating your deer hides to the Lions Camp. Since this project started 1991 the Wisconsin Lions Clubs have raised over $300,000+ for the camp. Lion Dick Helbach is the contact for donating hides in the Waupaca area. You can drop your hides off at his house or contact him at 258-3366.
Also, Lions Poehlcat and Steve Klismet have been soliciting deer hides at the Waupaca Mobil Truck Stop. According to Lion Steve the truck stop will register up to 2000 deer the week of hunting. With luck maybe we can pick up a bunch of hides for camp. Thanks Steve and Poehlcat for your effort!
And speaking of deer hunting. our second annual “Big Buck Contest” is underway. We have at least one successful hunter with a qualifying deer. (no, once again not me). The winner will be determined at the Christmas Party.
If you have a deer to enter, please be sure to measure the widest point of the antlers (outside dimensions) in case there are multiple deer entered.
It’s with great sadness to report to you the passing of Lion Dr. Robert “Knobby” Nelson. He unexpectedly passed away in late October. Knobby had been a Lion the last 42 years. His contributions to Lionism and ever present smile will be greatly missed.
November 7th was the latest roadside cleanup effort. Todd Mallasch, Robert Draeger, Don Westley, Don Andersen, Judge Phil Kirk, Sandy DeBeers and Stu Duchow were the seven Lions that helped keep our section of Hwy. 49 free from garbage.
The Club Excellence Process (CEP)
There is a new program to help local clubs become better clubs. It is called The Club Excellence Process (CEP). The CEP is a 4 step workshop process dedicated to club improvement. Participating clubs will 1) examine their community’s needs, 2) Analyze their membership experience, 3) Locate resources, 4) Develop an action plan to implement
After completion of CEP each participating club should have ideas on how they can better serve their community and improve their club.
Manawa has decided to do this and the first session is scheduled to be held in Manawa on Saturday February 11. Other clubs from our zone are invited to participate too. The first session is expected to last the morning (about 4 hrs). The second session will be scheduled at a later date (sometime in spring).
What say you Waupaca Lions? Is there enough interest to get involved in this? Are there other ways to better serve our community? Would we like to find out? At our January meeting we will discuss this and see if there’s enough interest to get involved with this.
Stuff We Do
The second installment of “Stuff We Do”.
For years longer than I have been a member of the Lions, we have donated money to the Waupaca Public Library. The library uses this money to purchase large print books for the elderly and others who have trouble reading the smaller print typically found in books.
Recently I found out the library will take a large selection of these large print, along with normal size print books, and take them to local nursing homes and assisted living centers. These books are rotated between the library and the nursing homes / assisted living centers giving the residents a constant fresh supply of reading material.
Other ways we have supported our local library is through the purchase of walkers and wheel chairs to aid in mobility at the library.
Till next newsletter
Lion Dale
November 2011 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
November 7th. Regular meeting at Simpson’s.Board meeting to follow.
November 21st. Our second meeting of the month with a guest speaker.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
November 12th - Jerry Lyons and Dave Neelis
Call or contact Lion Cas if a substitute is needed.
Membership in Lions Clubs is on the decline. In our zone (which includes 6 Lions clubs) membership is down 4 members due to resignation or death. This is not a new trend as overall membership has been going down for some time now. Obviously, Lions Clubs cannot survive if membership is constantly declining. I urge all of you to keep this in mind when out and about and invite a prospective new member to one of our meetings. These new members are the future of the Lions.
It’s District Convention time once again. This years district convention will be November 4th and 5th in Green Bay. If you wish to attend this year, and have not registered it is probably best to register at the convention. You will be on your own for meals though, the deadline for purchasing meals at the convention has passed.
Last month I reported that Piggly Wiggly was sending out their piggy bank checks. The Waupaca Lions received a little over $100.00 for the receipts we turned in. This got me to thinking, there was only about 4 of us saving “Pig” receipts. There HAS to be more of us shopping at Piggly Wiggly. Please save your receipts. If everyone of you would participate in this I would bet we (Waupaca Lions) could receive $500.00 annually just by turning in our Piggly Wiggly receipts. This is free money! We have a jar at our meetings you can deposit your receipts in.
It doesn’t get any easier than that.
Fall 2011 Highway Cleanup
Monday November 7th at 4:00 PM
(meet at Westley Heating Parking lot on Hwy 49) Two more volunteers are needed to give us the perfect number of helpers. If you can help that afternoon please call Lion Todd. 715-281- 9330 (remember that there are refreshments served afterwards)
Our annual Christmas Party is Monday, December 12th, at Simpson’s. Cocktails 5:30 - 6:30, meal to be served at 6:30. I have a signup sheet that will be passed at the next 2 meetings. If you cannot attend either of these meetings but wish to attend the Christmas Party, give me a call at 258-7833. Leave a message if I’m not there.
November means deer hunting and donating your deer hides to the Lions Camp. Since this project started 1991 the Wisconsin Lions Clubs have raised over $300,000+ for the camp. Lion Dick Helbach is the contact for donating hides in the Waupaca area. You can drop your hides off at his house or contact him at 258-3366.
And speaking of deer hunting. Last year we had an intraclub “big buck contest”. Is there any interest for a 2nd Annual? Five dollar entry fee, largest rack wins (as measured at widest point of rack, outside dimensions) Deer must be harvested during the 9 day gun hunt. Winner splits pot with the Waupaca Lions Club. Our next meeting will be the only opportunity to sign up. All entries submitted would be on “your honor” system.
A few weeks ago Lion Mike Tenant suggested I publish an article about the Waupaca Lions and our involvement with eye glasses. This was to be done to benefit the newest members of our ranks and help them understand some of what we do. After thinking about this a bit, such an article
is also a good review / reminder for ALL of our members. To take this idea one step further, if time and space allows, I am going to try to do a small bit on some of our smaller projects we are involved with. is the first monthly installment of the new article called. “Stuff We Do”. (I know, I know, you’re wondering how I came up with such a clever name, aren't’ you? It’s just another example of my pure genius!) Stuff We Do
In our annual budget, the Waupaca Lions designate money to purchase corrective eye glasses for students of the Waupaca School system. These students are discretely recommended to us by the school nurse. The criteria for students to qualify for these glassesis, when it appears the parents, for whatever reason cannot (or will not) get their child glasses; we see to it the child receives the needed glasses with no questions asked.
Also, you may have noticed collection pails for used eye glasses at various local business’s. Almost all Lions clubs in Wisconsin collect used glasses. These glasses are sent to a Wisconsin correctional facility where the prisoners sort and package the glasses by prescription. These glasses are then sent to missions worldwide where they are distributed to the needy. Glasses that cannot be recycled and reused have the frames melted down and the precious metals are harvested from them. The Wis. Lions recently sold a bunch of gold from these frames. I do not remember the value of this gold, but it was a lot of money.
Till next newsletter
Lion Dale
The Irish Funeral
A man was leaving a convenience store with his
morning coffee when he noticed a most unusual
funeral procession approaching the nearby
cemetery. A black hearse was followed by a
second black hearse about 50 feet behind the first
one. Behind the second hearse was a solitary
man walking a dog on a leash. Behind him, a
short distance back, were about 200 men walking
single file.
The man couldn't stand the curiosity. He
respectfully approached the man walking the dog
and said: "I am so sorry for your loss, and this
may be a bad time to disturb you, but I've never
seen a funeral like this. Whose funeral is it?"
"My wife's."
What happened to her?"
"She yelled at me and my dog attacked and killed
He inquired further, "But who is in the second
The man answered, "My mother-in-law. She was
trying to help my wife when the dog turned on
A very poignant and touching moment of
brotherhood and silence passed between the two
"Can I borrow the dog?"
The man replied, "Get in line."
October 2011 Newsletter:
Lion Dates to remember:
October 3rd. Regular meeting at Simpson’s. Board meeting to follow.
October 17th will be a special meeting for us. District Governor Lion Sue Doell will be our guest for the evening.
I urge all of you to make plans to attend this meeting so everyone will benefit from our District Governors message.
This will also be a joint meeting with the Weyauwega / Fremont Lions
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
October 8th - Vern Hanke and Art O’Keefe
November 12th - Jerry Lyons and Dave Neelis
At our last meeting, Lion Wayne Visentin informed me he will be moving to Port St. Lucie, Florida from Oct - June and returning to our northern climate for the summer months. But not to fear, Lion Wayne will remain a Waupaca Lion.
Good luck on your move and we wish you all the best on your relocation. winter when our temps dip below 0, do you have room for guests???
How about holding a meeting at your place?
It’s convention time once again. This years district convention will be in Green Bay. If you wish to attend this year, and have not registered, you still have time to do so.
Your last two Wis. Lion newsletters had the registration form in it, or Lion Denny or I have copies you can have.
You may register for the convention anytime (even at the door the weekend of the convention) however no meals can be purchased after October 15th.
The Waupaca Lioness club is using our mini storage unit to keep their nesco’s, etc. in.
Anything on our Lions float is theirs. Please keep this in mind if you are borrowing our chairs, tables, nesco’s etc.
Piggly Wiggly is in the midst of sending out their piggy bank checks. Our receipts totaled a little over $10,800.00 thus earning us a check for $108.00 For those who saved their receipts over the past year, thanks. This is an efforless way to earn a few dollars for our projects. Anyone wishing to start saving theirs, keep them in an envelope and when you get a bunch of them you can turn them into me and I’ll get them to the “Pig”.
The annual fall workday at the camp in Rosholt is scheduled for October 22nd. If you can spare a Saturday to help out with the dock removal, raking, and generally putting the camp to bed for the winter, call Dale Schroeder at 877-463-6953 or e-mail him at for more information. You must register for this workday before October 14th.
Lion Dale
September 2011 Newsletter:
August and the summer is almost over. Time to get back to our regular meeting schedule.
Lion Dates to remember:
Wednesday, Sept. 7th is the first Zone meeting of the year. It will be held at Cedar Springs golf course in Manawa. This meeting is not just for club officers, all Lions are welcome. If you wish to attend, please contact me before September 1st. Cost for the meal is 10.00. I will be RSVPing our attendees on Friday the 2nd.
Our regular monthly meetings will be held on the 2nd and 3rd Mondays of the month.
Monday, Sept. 12th Meeting at Simpson’s (Board Meeting to follow)
Monday, Sept. 19th. Meeting at Simpson’s Our guest speaker will be a representative from the Vets Home in King. Lion Cas, remember I will be gone that evening.
October 3rd. Regular meeting at Simpson’s. Board meeting to follow.
October 17th will be a special meeting for us. District Governor Lion Sue Doell will be our guest for the evening. I urge all of you to make plans to attend this meeting so everyone will benefit from our District Governors message. This will also be a joint meeting with the Weyauwega / Fremont Lions
August 5th and 6th was our Candy for Camp days. Once again Lion John has organized this fundraiser for us, thanks for all you do! Taking shifts at our local business’s were: Mike and Marv Waldschmidt, Vern Hanke, John Edlebeck, Nobby Nelson, Chuck Krueger, Dale Matheson, Dan Losby, Sandy DeBeers, Dave Johnson, Todd Malasch and John Snider. This years candy donors were Brian Godfrey and Dave and Joan Pogrant. Our donations received totaled $631.00. A special thanks to Walgreens, The City of Waupaca, Piggly Wiggly, Waupaca Post Office, Chase Bank, and K Mart for allowing us to conduct our fundraiser at their locations.
August 6th was the annual foundry picnic. Once again the picnic was held at Swan Park. We were responsible for many chores, some of which were: Driving attendees in golf carts to and from the parking lot, running the bingo game, keeping the beverages flowing, dunk tank, refereeing one of the kickball fields, running the scoreboards for the tourney, helping with the Sport Challenge game adapted for this years picnic, etc.
In all, we had over 20 Lions (and a few grandchildren) helping out. These Lions were Lions Lee Solberg, Floyd Swan, Bob Draeger, Mike Tenant, Stu Duchow, Darrel and Ruby Dunbar, Don Andersen, Pat and Denny Daniels, Dave and Joan Pogrant (along with two of their grandchildren and Dave’s brother and sister-in-law), Andy Wendt, Marv Waldschmidt, Poehlcat, Phil Kirk, Dale Matheson, Arnie Abel, Larry Gordon, Dick Helbach, Tom Olmsted, and Cas. (I have tried to list everyone, if I missed someone, it was truly unintentional).
When it was all said and done, we made 1200.00 for the day.
Monday, August 8th was the steak fry in Rosholt. The Manawa and Weyauwega clubs were there too. Many thanks go to Dave Johnson for coordinating this evening. There was close to 80 people from all three clubs attending. The steaks were great and it was a good chance to meet fellow Lions from the other clubs.
Monday August 15th was one of our roadside cleanups. Lions Todd, Bob, Stu, and Don were
the crew for the day.
Tuesday, August 16th was our first annual Wisconsin Veterans Home breakfast. Looks like we have a new service project on our hands. Below is the report from Lion Denny:
Great weather, great food and the Veterans really enjoyed themselves at this breakfast served at the Vets Home Park.
According to some of the Vets, this was “The best breakfast they had ever had at the home.” Around 80 vets were able to attend the breakfast and the leftover food was delivered to the Displaced American Veterans that live in one of the buildings at the home. A follow up call from the activity director stated we are “The talk of the town” in King and the most asked question was “When will they (Waupaca Lions) be back??
Our cost for the day was about 100.00 and the benefits were immeasurable. A great thanks to all that volunteered for this great service project. There was a compliment of Lions and Lioness’s helping this day. They were: Dave and Joan Pogrant, Vern and Jan Hanke, Pat and Dennie Daniels, Darrel Dunbar, Don Andersen, Bob Draeger, Stu Duchow, Todd Mallasch, Don Westley, and Lee Poehlman. Lion Denny
August 20th. Waupaca Triathlon. According to Lion Dave Pogrant, everything went as it should for the day. Nobody can park cars like the Waupaca Lions Club. It will take some time before we will know what our take will be for the day.
August 28th was the Waupaca Rod and Custom show. This year we did breakfast along with the regular noontime meal. Breakfast went over well enough to make it a part of next years menu. I believe the final count for breakfasts served was 103. Now that the attendees know breakfast will be available next year should be even better. Our share of the profits were right around $1000.00.
We had a good sized crew this year and everyone was needed. Thanks to Lions Cas, Denny, Ken, Brian, Larry, Todd, Dale, Wayne, and Don. Along with helping out cooking, Lions Rex, Poehlcat, and Jim used their trucks to haul all the equipment to and from the park. Thanks everyone.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
September 10th- Dave and Joan Pogrant
See you September 12th.
Lion Dale
August 2011 Newsletter:
It’s August, our busiest month of the year. We have things going on almost every weekend.
On to our hectic schedule.
Dates to remember:
August 5th and 6th will be our Candy for Camp days. Lion John Edlebeck has informed me
about 1/2 of the shifts have not been filled. Please, if you can spare a couple of hours on Friday
or Saturday, contact Lion John. If we cannot fill the schedule, we cannot raise the funds to help
support the camp. To schedule a shift for Candy for Camp, give John a call at 256-3785.
August 6th is the foundry picnic. At the South Park steak fry I had passed a sign-up sheet for
the picnic. We did quite well getting people assigned to the many jobs we have to do. However,
we are in desperate need of about 5 more people to help.
This year the foundry has added a third field, (as apposed to two like last year) to the Kickball
tournament in order to speed the tournament up. There is a need for one more Lion to sit in a
scoring tower and run one of the scoreboards for the kickball tournament. This is an easy job.
You will sit in the scoring tower and watch a kickball game and keep track of runs, outs, and
innings. In between games there is plenty of time to refill the cold beverage you are enjoying.
The foundry has brought a new game to the picnic. It’s called the “Sport Challenge”. We are in
need of 2 Lions to help with this. I do not know a lot of the details of this new game, but Gordy
Barth assured me that all we have to do is run a stop watch and record the participants times for
this game.
Also, it would be great if we could have a couple of extras. There is always something to be
done. Occasionally, someone has to leave early and an extra could fill in. If nothing else, these
extras can give someone a break from their job.
Please give me a call if you can help out. My home number is 258-7833, Leave a message if no
one is home.
Monday, August 8th is the steak fry at the Rosholt camp. I forgot to get this announcement in
the July newsletter. (My apologies, and I should be fired for this omission). If you did not get a
chance to sign up for this, don’t fret, there is still time. Please give me a call (258-7833) to
reserve a steak for you and your spouse, girlfriend, etc. by Thursday, August 4th. This is a
multi club event. Manawa and Weyauwega/Fremont Lions will be there with us.
It’s a great chance to meet Lions from other clubs.
For our new (and old) members: There are tours of the camp available this evening. If you have
never been to this 400+ acre camp, it’s well worth the trip. Tours start around 4:00 - 4:30 and
we will start cooking our steaks somewhere around 5:30. Remember to bring your own plates,
silverware, utensils, etc.
To get to the camp, go to the intersection of Hwy. 66 and County Rd. “A”, approx. one mile
east of Rosholt. Take County Rd. “A” north. The camp is located about 1 miles north of Hwy.
66. You cannot miss it.
Monday August 15th is scheduled for the highway cleanup. Meet at Westley’s Heating
parking lot at 4:00. Questions? Call Lion Todd at 715-281-9330
Tuesday, August 16th, we are serving breakfast for the vets in King. Set up starts at 6:00. We
start serving at 7:00 and finish around 10:00. There is a need for about 10 people to make
pancakes, cook sausage on the “super weenie machine” and serve breakfast to the remarkable
people that served our country. Call Lion Denny (258-8732) to volunteer to help in any way
you can.
Equipment needed for this day will be one pancake machine, and the “super weenie machine”,
along with all the utensils, mixer, etc.
August 20th. Waupaca Triathlon. Our duties are parking cars Saturday morning. Lions Dave
Pogrant is coordinating this project. If you have any questions about your assignment or wish to
help, give Lion Dave a call at 256-4096,
August 28th is the Waupaca Rod and Custom show. We will need about 8 guys again. This
year we will be doing a breakfast meal as well as the burger, brat, hot dog lunch thing we have
done in the past.
Breakfast will be served at 7:00 and running until it’s gone, or around 9:30. Immediately after
breakfast we will start cooking lunch.
Equipment needed for this day will be one pancake machine, the egg cooker, Lion Jim DaWalts (I
hope) gas grill, and the “super
weenie machine”, along with all the utensils, mixer, etc.
September meeting dates!
Due to the Labor Day holiday our regular meetings will be held on the 2nd and 3rd Mondays of
the month.
Monday, Sept. 12th (Board Meeting to follow)
Monday, Sept. 19th. Lion Cas, remember I will be gone that evening. Idaho streams and trout
are beckoning.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
August 13th - Paul Hagen and Larry Gordon.
September 10th- Dave and Joan Pogrant
For all of you that have embraced the internet and the latest technology, remember you can save
our club money (and save me a lot of time) by getting this newsletter electronically through your
e-mail account, AND you can always get information about our club by going to our website at:
And now....We can be found on facebook too!
"Like" our facebook page & you will automatically get the latest pictures and club updates sent
right to your facebook account.
If you have any questions of how to do any of this, please contact Lion Todd at 715-281-9330.
To receive our newsletters electronically, please drop me an email at;
Last Saturday, the 23rd was the Birch/Sturm golf outing held at Glacier Woods in Iola. There
was 40 foursomes from around the state. Waupaca was well represented with 3 groups
The Lioness Club had a team there with Linda Kassera, Marge Nelson, Miralee Much and one
other in their group.
The Waupaca Lions had 2 foursomes in attendance. One group consisted of Lions Dave and
Joan Pogrant, and Joan’s sister and her significant other. They shot a score of 10 under par.
Good enough for around 12th place. If memory serves, I think the winning foursome was -17.
Our second groups golfers were Lions Don Anderson, Floyd Swan, Vern Hanke, and yours truly.
Lion Floyd spent a great deal of the day searching for his golf balls in the woods left of the
fairways, while I spent most of the day perfecting my slice which put me in the woods on the
right side of the fairways. I think I found more golf balls than I lost. A victory, for me, of sorts.
Unlike myself and Floyd, Lion Vern was no stranger to the fairways and spent most of the day
there, waiting. I remember on about our 12th hole peering through the branches and underbrush
seeing Vern standing in the fareway. A 150 yards distant, on the other side of Vern was Floyd
thrashing about, breaking branches and causing quite a ruckus. Vern’s arms were crossed and he
had a look of minor irritation about him. My assumption was Floyd had said something
unsavory to him. But Vern kept his composure throughout the day and golfed well. Vern also
sank a couple of really long putts, both for birdies I believe.
Lion Don’s golf game is boring. Not once did we scour the woods for an errant shot of his. He
was able to hit long, straight drives from the tee box. His irons were consistently able to find the
greens. His chipping game usually ended with the ball a close putt for birdie. I guess you could
say Don contributed too. Not quite perfect, but pretty darn close! My guess is, he has played
this game before.
We also finished our round with a score of 10 under, but more importantly, it was a great day for
a round of golf with a great group of guys and a lot of money was raised for Lions Camp,
Hearing, Diabetes Awareness, Children's Vision Screening, and Youth Projects.
Until September.
Lion Dale
July 2011 Newsletter:
The big news is we have another fly-in / drivein breakfast under our belts
and this year the weather was not on our side. The rain seemed to have kept
people away as our attendance numbers were down a bit. We served approx.
550 people. Considering the weather, I thought it was a pretty good turnout,
as did everyone I talked to.
Right after the first gully washer hit, I ventured beyond the comfort, safety,
and dryness of the hanger to see how the eggs and sausage crews were faring.
The first thing I see is a new class 2 white water stream raging past the large door
of the hanger. Lion Bill’s pants were wet half way to his knee.
Lion Cas is cowering under an umbrella held by a very wet looking Lion Phil.
It was then I realized the cooking crews had set up their equipment in the absolute
lowest part of the tarmac. EVERYTHING (possibly from the entire airport)
drained right where they were trying to cook. A glance towards Lion Mike
and the egg cookers revealed Mike trying to stay as dry as possible by standing
on a wooden pallet while the angry waters raged below.
Not remembering seeing any pallets in the area earlier that day,
one was left to assume the pallet was caught up in the flash flood
and deposited at the base of the egg cookers. (Cas was jealous of Mike’s pallet.)
After a few inches of rain fell, Lion Steve contacted his wife Carol.
She delivered a pop up shelter to put around the super weenie machine.
Due to Lion Steve’s quick thinking and resourcefulness we will not have to test
the Lions Clubs International life insurance policy.
Thanks Steve and Carol.
It might be prudent that we put 4 personal floatation devices on the shopping list
for next year, Coast Guard approved of course.
Would you guys like the old type PFD
or a new style type that auto-inflates when you fall in?
The good news is it appears we will do all right in the profit and loss department,
although all the numbers are not in as of this writing.
Many thanks are due:
First to the Waupaca Community for showing up on a cold rainy Sunday.
Without their support not only at our fly-in, but at all of our activities,
the Waupaca Lions Club would not be the club it is today.
Secondly, a huge thanks to all of you.
I cannot believe this breakfast goes off as smoothly as it does.
Any issues of last Sunday were relatively minor and fixed quickly.
Thank you to all the people that hauled stuff, set up stuff,
sold stuff, cooked stuff, served stuff and at the end of the day, cleaned stuff.
We did a lot of stuff!
This could not happen without all of your teamwork and cooperation.
A special Thank You goes out to our Lions that were parking cars.
Lions Dick, Sandy, Lloyd and Bob are owed a HUGE thanks
(and some dry clothes) for standing out in that weather.
Thanks guys!!!
Dates to remember:
Monday, July 11th - Our annual steak fry at South Park.
For our new members who have never been to our steak fry,
here is a little more information about the evening:
No need to wear your vests.
Spouses/ significant others are invited.
The meal, catered by Niemuth’s, includes steaks (you will cook your own),
baked taters, slaw, etc.
Beverages (almost anything you could want) are provided, too.
Festivities start around 5:30,
we will start cooking somewhere near 6:00 - 6:30,
or whenever the fire is ready.
You will need to bring:
plates, silverware, napkins, placemat or tablecloth,
spatula or fork for turning your steak and any seasoning you wish for your steak.
This is a social evening, be prepared to enjoy yourselves!
If you have not had a chance to sign up for the steak fry,
please contact Deb or Arnie Abel at 715-258-2232.
It is imperitive you call and let the Abel’s know you plan on attending.
Last year we had ordered 10 extra steaks.
We ran out of steaks and some people that had signed up did not get to eat.
Please call them before July 7th.
August 5th and 6th will be our candy for camp days.
Lion John Edlebeck will be in contact to set up your two hour shift,
or if you have a shift and location you desire,
give John a call to reserve it.
Info for Candy for Camp will be in the last page of this newsletter,
and here on the website.
August 6th is the foundry picnic.
We will need at least 20 people to help out with bingo,
driving golf carts, scorekeeping for kickball tourney, keeping the beer taps going,
dunk tank, etc.
As of this time I have not had a chance to contact the foundry to get specific
info from regarding the picnic.
Please keep this date open if you can.
I will have a sign up sheet at the steak fry.
Tuesday, August 16th we will be making breakfast for the vets in King.
More info later.
August 20th. Waupaca Triathlon.
Our duties are parking cars Saturday morning.
Lions Dave or Joan Pogrant will be in touch to schedule your help.
August 28th is the Waupaca Rod and Custom show.
We will need about 8 guys again.
This year we will be doing a breakfast meal as well as the burger,
brat, hot dog lunch thing we have done in the past.
Last Wednesday, I attended a meeting with the County Line Trailblazers
(we work with them at the Rod and Custom show, they serve the food and we cook it).
Our breakfast will be a duplication of the fly in breakfast.
Pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs.
We will need one pancake cooker and one egg cooker in addition to our usual kitchen set-up.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
July 9th Phil Kirk and John Edlebeck
The 4th of July is almost upon us, and with it is the parade in downtown Waupaca.
We have a Lions float for such a holiday.
Would anyone care to volunteer to ride on the float?
You could be a hero to your kids or grandkids and invite them to ride along.
Let me know if you are interested.
Our brat stand project has hit a snag.
We need someone to head the project.
This is not going to be a labor intensive ordeal.
All you will need to do is set a date, order food
and get help from the 15 people that signed up
to work the brat stand. There are plenty of us
with trucks to haul equipment to the site.
If you are interested in heading this committee,
please contact me.
Otherwise, it will be scrapped.
Linda Radtke, from the “Make a Wish” foundation has been in contact with me
about helping to grant a wish for Jessica Reickhoss.
Jessica is a 6 year old from Waupaca with a brain tumor, epilepsy,
and other major health concerns.
Her wish is two fold;
One part her wish is a trip Disney,
and that is being taken care of by the “Make a Wish” people.
The second part of Jessica’s wish is to have a wheelchair ramp
so her parents can get her in and out of their house easily.
That’s where we come in.
Last Monday night we got together at Lion Rex’s shop.
Construction of Jessica’s ramp began with the crew of Lions Wayne Much,
Rex Evchuck, Ken and Bill Dugenske, Tom Olmsted, Poehlcat, Floyd Swan
and John Edlebeck.
The 3 sections needed for her ramp were completed
and Monday, June 27th plans are to install the ramp at her house.
As expected, young Jessica is very excited about getting her new ramp.
But in this excitement she is also worried about making sure the people
that are going to bring her the new ramp are properly fed.
Being that Jessica’s favorite establishment of fine dining is McDonalds,
at her insistance we will be served a Happy Meal,
possibly delivered by non other than Ronald McDonald himself.
Our efforts will be making a little girl very happy.
See you at the steak fry
Lion Dale
June 2011 Newsletter:
Dates to remember:
Monday, June 6th is our annual officer installation dinner.
District Governor Elect Lion Sue Doell will install our slate of officers
and board members for the 2011-2012 year.
We will also have three new members to install.
If you did not get to sign up for the installation dinner and wish to attend,
you must call me by June 2nd. My home phone number is 715-258-7833.
If there is nobody there, please leave a message.
Sunday, June 19th is the date of the Fly-in Breakfast at the Waupaca Municipal Airport.
Please keep this date open, we need all the help we can get for this event.
Monday, July 11th - Our annual steak fry at South Park.
For our new members who have never been to our steak fry,
here is a little more information about the evening: Spouses / significant others are invited.
The meal is catered by Niemuth’s includes steaks (you cook your own), baked
taters, slaw, etc. Beverages (almost anything you could want) are provided, too.
Festivities start around 5:30, we will start cooking somewhere near 6:00 - 6:30,
or whenever the fire is ready.
You will need to bring: plates, silverware, napkins, spatula or fork for turning your steak and any
seasoning you wish for your steak.
This is a social evening, be prepared to enjoy yourselves!
August 5th and 6th will be our candy for camp days.
Lion John Edlebeck will be in contact to set up your 2 hour shift.
August 6th is the foundry picnic.
I have been contacted by the foundry and our services are requested again.
We will need at least 20 people to help out with bingo, driving golf carts,
scorekeeping for kickball tourny, keeping the beer taps going, dunk tank, etc.
More info will be available next newsletter.
Tuesday, August 16th we will be making breakfast for the vets out in King.
More info later.
August 20th. Waupaca Triathlon.
Lions Dave or Joan Pogrant will be in touch to solicit your help.
August 28th is the Waupaca Rod and Custom show.
More info to follow.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
June 11th Larry Gordon and Chuck Posnanski
July 9th Phil Kirk and John Edlebeck
Thanks go out to Lions Cas and Todd.
Todd will take over scheduling the roadside pickup and
Lion Cas will handle the scheduling for the recycling center.
Thanks guys!
Please remember that we still are participating in the Piggly Wiggly Piggy Bank program.
The piggy banks that were in the entrance of “The Pig” have been taken down.
We now have to save our receipts and hand them in to the service counter.
Our annual scholarship program was changed a bit this year.
We normally give $2000.00 to up to 4 students.
This year we had 5 qualified students, to not omit anyone, the board approved
$2500.00 to be divided equally between the 5 students.
See you June 6th.
Lion Dale
May 2011 Newsletter:
Dates to remember:
Monday, May 2nd is our first meeting of the month. We will have a board meeting immediately
following our regular meeting. There will be quite a bit to get through during the board meeting.
Lots of fly-in things to hash over. Please make an effort to be there as your imput is important.
Monday, May 16th will be the second meeting of the month. Our speaker this night will be one
of our own, Lion John Edlebeck.
May 19th - 21st is the Lions State Convention held at the Paper Valley in Appleton. If you
wish to go and have not yet registered, you may do so by sending in your reservation. There was
a registration form in one of the latest issues of Wisconsin Lion, or you can download one from
the internet. I believe that Lion Denny may have one also.
Monday, June 6th is our annual officer installation dinner. District Governor Elect Lion Sue
Doell will install our next years slate of officers and board members. I will have a sign up sheet
for this evening starting on Monday, May 2nd.
Sunday, June 19th is the date for the Fly-in Breakfast at the Waupaca Municipal Airport.
Please keep this date open, we need all the help we can get for this event.
Other dates to be covered in future issues of our newsletter;
Monday, July 11th - Our annual steak fry at South Park
August 5th and 6th will be our candy for camp days. This might conflict with the foundry
picnic, assuming we are asked to work there again. I’m sure we can get enough of us to fill the
work schedules for both of these functions.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
May 14th - Dave Rollins and John Snider
June ?????
Adopt a Highway. Our first scheduled pick-up will be held on May 2nd at 4:00 PM. We will
meet at Westley’s Heating, located on Hwy 49 north of Waupaca.
And speaking of the recycling center and adopt-a-highway schedule. Lion Vern Hanke has
decided to step down as the chair of both of those committees. I am not sure how long Vern has
scheduled our recycling and highway clean up, but it has been quite a while. Thank you Vern,
your efforts are greatly appreciated. We now need a replacement for him on both committees. I will
be looking for volunteers on Monday.
Please remember that we still are participating in the Piggly Wiggly Piggy Bank program. The
piggy banks that were in the entrance of “The Pig” have been taken down. We now have to save
our receipts and hand them in to the service counter.
If you missed our last meeting, we have a new Lion. He is Brent Parker. If you have not had the
chance, make sure you introduce yourself and welcome him to the Lions. I believe this makes 5
new Lions for this year. Good news indeed.
Roses, Roses, Roses; another year is in the books. We sold a little over 700 dozen and made
about $5000.00 for our efforts. To everyone that sold roses, you did good. You may give yourself
a pat on the back, but do not wrench your shoulder doing so.
We had 22 Lions help out with delivery on April 8th and 9th. Lions Cas, Daniels, Draeger,
Duchow, Dunbar, Evchuck, Gilles, Godfrey, Gordon, Hanke, Heier, Kirk, Krueger, Mallasch,
Matheson, Much, Nelson, Penny, Poehlman, Scherb, Wendt, and Scherb were there to deliver. If
anyone was missed, I apologize.
Once again Lion Dave Johnson (with the help of Cas) did an outstanding job of organizing this
event. Dave has been doing this for some time and his attention to detail is second to none. The
Waupaca Lions salute you, Dave. Thanks for all you do!
Wisconsin Lions Foundation car and truck plates are now available. To learn more please go to
The work assignments for the fly-in breakfast will go out with the June newsletter (it’s getting
late and my typing is getting worse every second). Basically, whatever you were assigned to last
year will be what you are assigned to this year. I will have to get our new members plugged into
wherever they are needed.
And speaking of the fly-in are raffle ticket sales going. If you are running low,
Lion Mike says we can always print more.
Navaho Wisdom
Sally was driving home from one of her business trips in northern Arizona when she saw an elderly
Navajo woman walking on the side of the road. As the trip was a long and quiet one, she stopped
the car and asked the Navajo woman if she would like a ride. With a silent nod of thanks, the
woman got into the car.
Resuming the journey, Sally tried in vain to make a bit of small talk with the Navajo woman. The
old Woman just sat silently, looking intently at everything she saw, studying every little detail, until
she noticed a brown bag on the seat next to Sally 'What in bag?' asked the old woman.
Sally looked down at the brown bag and said, It's a bottle of wine. I got it for my husband.'
The Navajo woman was silent for another moment or two. Then speaking with the quiet wisdom of
an elder, she said: 'Good trade.'
Lion Dale
April 2011 Newsletter:
It’s springtime. There’s no other place on earth I would rather be than central Wisconsin during
this time of the year. I love waking up to temps in the single digits. Our lovely white snow piles
seem to be getting bigger (‘cause they are). The sleet, rain, snow and other indescribable
precipitation freezes into a solid blob on the sidewalks and driveways. Time to invest in a salt mine.
BAH HUMBUG, bring on June!
Dates to remember:
Monday, April 4th will be our next regular meeting.
There will be a board meeting immediately following the regular meeting.
I will not be able to be at the next meeting
and will leave the evenings agenda in the capable hands of VP Cas.
(There are a couple of fish along Florida’s gulf shore that I have not yet caught
and I plan on remedying this situation)
Friday & Saturday, April 8th & 9th are the delivery dates for our annual rose sale.
Help will be needed to deliver roses throughout the area.
Please make plans to help out on either of these 2 days.
Headquarters for the rose delivery is at East Side Mobil,
across from the Ford Garage.
Contact Lions Cas or Dave for more information.
Monday, April 18th is the date for our second meeting of the month.
This meeting will be held as a joint meeting with the Lioness Club.
The Lioness Club will give a report on what they have been doing in the past and
what is scheduled for them in the future.
Lion Denny will be doing the same from the Lions perspective.
After these reports, Lion Dick Helbach will give a presentation on what’s new at the Lions Eye Bank.
We will then break into separate meetings with the Lioness Club moving to the other side of the room partition.
The Lioness Club will be holding a food drive that evening.
All items will be donated to one of the local food banks.
It seems appropriate for us to do the same.
Please bring nonperishable food items to contribute.
Lion Jim Noll was scheduled to be our speaker for this evening.
Jim will be rescheduled for sometime next fall.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
April 9th - Don Andersen and Vern Hanke
May 14th - Dave Rollins and John Snider
Call Lion Vern Hanke (715-258-7180) if a substitute is needed.
A reminder:
Monthly newsletters are available via e-mail to anyone who would prefer receiving
it that way. Sending newsletters via e-mail saves time, paper, envelopes, and postage. If you
wish to get your newsletters via e-mail please send me an e-mail and let me know.
My address is:
Elections were held last meeting.
Many thanks to Lions Mike Tenant, Rex Evchuck, and Wayne Much, our nomination committee.
The slate of officers and directors for next year are:
President - Dale Matheson
1st VP - Cas Borszowski
2nd VP - Todd Mallasch
3rd VP - Ken Dugenske
Lion Tamer - Darrel Dunbar
Tail Twister - Bob Penney
Secretary - Dennis Daniels
Treasurer - Brian Godfrey
Past President - Wayne Much
Chaplain - Chuck Krueger
One year directors - Arnie Abel and Debra Abel
Two year directors - Don Anderson and Tom Olmsted
Please remember to bring nonperishable food items to the April 18th meeting.
Do you remember this from the August newsletter?:
Since I have a little room left on this page, here’s a partial news story. Today, 7/20/10 I received
a phone call from Pam Mohr at Lions International. Seems we are going to have a national,
(opps, correction) a world wide celebrity on our hands This Lion will be having his/her picture
published the Lion magazine. Some questions come to mind with this news. Will this Lion let
stardom go to his/her head? Is it proper and appropriate to levy a quarter fine because of their
newly found fame ??? A dollar??? In honor of having his/her picture published in the Lion
Magazine, I would like to take this opportunity to be the first to congratulate Lion ..........
This article was to be published in one of this winters editions of the Lion Magazine. I contacted
Pam not too long ago and the publishing date has been pushed back to sometime this summer.
Stay tuned.
Lion Dale
March 2011 Newsletter:
Dates to remember:
Monday, March 7th will be our next regular meeting.
There will be a board meeting immediately following the regular meeting.
Monday, March 21st is the date for our second meeting of the month.
We have Peter Gephart from the Lions Camp scheduled as our guest speaker.
Monday, April 4th is our regular business meeting with a board meeting to follow.
Friday & Saturday, April 8th & 9th are our delivery dates for the annual rose sale. Help
will be needed to deliver roses throughout the area.
Monday, April 18th, is our second meeting of the month.
Lion Jim Noll will be our guest speaker.
Jim is from Brussels and is the 27B2 district Orientation/Retention chairman.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
March 12th-Robert Nelson and Wayne Visetin
April 9th - Don Andersen and Vern Hanke
Call Lion Vern Hanke (715-258-7180)
if a substitute is needed.
How are your rose sales going?
We only have a few shorts weeks to go before the last day of
sale (March 17th) is upon us.
Go out there and sell, sell, sell.
Lions Denny has suggested we look into a new fundraising activity for the summer.
Running a brat / hot dog stand for a few hours either on Friday or Saturday.
We might be welcome to do this at Gary’s Piggly Wiggly.
There could also be the possibility of setting
up for some of the festivities held downtown.
(Friday night concerts for example)
Some things that need to be discussed are:
1). What would our approximate start up costs be?
2). Do we have enough Lions willing to cook and sell the brats?
3). Could we make any money at it?
4). Will we have to be licensed and inspected by the local health dept?
5). Storage and transportation of the stand?
Please mull this around and help figure out if this is a feasible project.
I would like to discuss this at our next meeting.
Maybe appointing a committee to look into this is the way to go.
Lion Dale
February 2011 Newsletter:
It’s February and we are in the stuck middle of another long winter. Seems as though it will be
eternity before springtime and warmer temps arrive. I’m sick of snow, cold, wind and dressing like
an eskimo. I long to be able to look through my car windows for more than 3 minutes before some
inconsiderate driver purposely splatters it with slush and salt again. (Could I be suffering from
Cabin Fever?) Could some of you snowbirds send us some warm weather??? Please!?!?
One thing to help alleviate the winter doldrums is: Our Green Bay Packers are on their way to the
Superbowl. My condolences to any Bears fans we may have. NOT!
Dates to remember:
Monday, February 7th will be our next regular meeting. There will be a board meeting
immediately after the regular meeting.
Monday, February 21st is the date for our second meeting of the month.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
February 12th - Marv Waldschmidt and Bob Draeger
March 12th - Robert Nelson and Wayne Visetin
Call Lion Vern Hanke (715-258-7180) if a substitute is needed.
The Waupaca Lions have two new members;
Tom Olmsted and Larry Gordon. Lion Tom was installed at our last meeting.
Due to confusion in scheduling, Lion Larry did not make it to our last meeting for installation,
but will be at our February 7th meeting.
If you have not yet had the chance to introduce yourself to our new Lions,
be sure to do so and welcome them to the Lions.
It’s that time of year again. Roses, roses, roses. Time to get out and sell again. If you did not
get your order forms, please contact Lion Cas. I’m sure he will have more at the Feb. 7th meeting
Our membership is on the rise. Excellent news! If you have someone you think would make a
good Lion, please invite them to one of our meetings or functions. We also have a letter of
invitation ( skillfully crafted by Lion George) we could send out to them.
Lions Darrel Dunbar and Dave Johnson have both been absent for a while due to health
issues. Guys, take care of yourselves and get back on your feet. You are needed here.
Lion Dale
Below is a letter written by Governor elect Sue Doell to the Lions in 27-B2 District
To: Lions in 27-B2
In July, I will be inducted as your 2011-12 District Governor. I want to kick my year of
service in high gear, in advance of the International Convention I will attend in Seattle. In order
to do that, I must begin building my cabinet. Most Cabinet members are asked to serve by the
District Governor. I expect there are people both willing and able to serve on the Cabinet, who
would liked to be asked, but I don’t know who they are. I am looking to you to help me identify
these people!
The Cabinet meets five times a year - generally in August, in conjunction with the District
Convention in November, most likely again in January, March and at the State Convention.
Attendance is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged.
Cabinet positions that may be available (I’m still confirming some at this writing) include:
Chaplain - Children’s Vision Screening Coordinator - Curling - District Diabetes Chair - District
Elections - District Eye Bank Director - District Hearing Conservation - District Song Leader -
District & State Bowling - Leo Chair - Lion Tamer - Peace Poster Contest - Mission to Mexico
Chair - Youth Exchange. If you have any interest in learning about any of these opportunities,
please contact me!
We have a huge need for Zone and Region Chairs. A Zone Chair is the point-person
between the District Governor and the local clubs in a specific area. There are generally four to
eight clubs in a zone. The club leadership in the zone should meet three times a year - those
meeting set up by the Zone Chair. Zone Chairs are also asked to visit each club in their zone
once a year. The Region Chair provides leadership to the Zones and generally sets up the officer
training for that region. These are great “get your feet wet” opportunities for Lions wanting to
serve beyond the club level. To serve as a Zone Chair you must have served as a Club President.
To serve as a Region Chair, you must have served as a Zone Chair. We are seriously looking for
Besides the Cabinet, we still have a need to fill the 1st Vice District Governor (the
Governor to follow me) and the 2nd Vice District Governor (next Governor in line). You might
be tempted to step up knowing that the International Conventions for the next two Governors
are Korea and Germany, respectively. In order to serve as a District Governor, you must have
served as a Club President and Zone Chair.
If you might be interested in getting more information about any of the positions
mentioned, please give me a call or send me an email. My goal is to grow our district, having
greater leadership “to serve” at every level!
Thanks for considering another level of Lions service!!
Sue Doell
27-B2 District Governor Elect
January 2011 Newsletter:
The start of a new year!
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and the new year brings us
good fortune.
As a holiday present from Lion Treasurer Brian to all of us,
you will find your yearly statement enclosed.
Dates to remember:
Monday, January 3rd will be our next regular meeting.
There will be a board meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
January 7th - 9th is the state bonspiel held in Centerville. Good luck to our curlers!
Monday, January 17th is the date for our second meeting of the month.
Our First Annual Lions Blood Drive has been cancelled.
Nobody signed up for an appointment time.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
January 8th - Dave Nellis and Paul Hagen
February 12th - Mike Waldschmidt and Wayne Visentin Lions Bowling Tournament
Contact Lion Denny for more information.
Our Stuff....
has been moved from the Legacy Seed warehouse to Triple Q mini storage in King.
Thanks to Lions Denny Daniels, Andy Wendt, Brian Godfrey, and Don Anderson
for their labor and use of their trucks.
Lion Dale
December 2010 Newsletter:
Dates to remember:
Monday, December 6th is our annual Christmas Party at Simpson’s.
Cocktails 5:30 - 6:30 and our meal will be served at 6:30.
If you have not had an opportunity to sign up for the X-mas party and wish to attend,
call me before December 2nd to be included.
Work phone is 258-3832 or evenings call 258-7833.
If you have something you can donate for the silent auction,
please bring it along.
Monday, January 3rd will be out next regular meeting.
We will be having a board meeting immediately after the regular meeting.
Tuesday, January 4th is the first Waupaca Lions blood drive held in cooperation with the Community Blood Center.
Hours of the drive are from 3:00 - 6:00 PM.
The bloodmobile will be parked in Team Outfitters parking lot.
We had about 14 Lions express interest in donating blood
when the Community Blood Center was at our meeting last spring.
I will have a sign up sheet at the X-mas party so anyone interested can make an appointment.
This is not limited to just Lions. Family, friends, etc. are all welcome.
Please invite anyone you think interested.
January 7th - 9th is the state bonspiel held in Centerville.
Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule:
December 11th - Arnie and Deb Abel
January 8th - Dave Nellis and Paul Hagen
Lions Bowling Tournament
It’s time to think about getting our bowling team together for the state tourney which will be held
in Shawano this year. Lion Denny has the sign up sheet.
Our monthly newsletters can be sent via e-mail to anyone who would prefer receiving it that
way. Sending newsletters via e-mail saves time, paper, envelopes, and postage. Also, if you do
not archive your newsletters it is less paper for you to have to recycle. This is 100% voluntary.
If you wish to get your newsletters via e-mail please send me an e-mail and let me know. My
email address is;
Adopt a Highway Pick-up
In 2011 our Waupaca Lions Club will again provide volunteers for the Wisconsin Adopt-a-
Highway program. This will be the tenth year in which we have provided this community
service. The program requires three pick-up dates between April and October per year. Trash
bags and green safety vests are provided by the state. The Club is also recognized on the state
provided signs at the beginning and end of the 2 miles of Highway 49 North of Ware Road.
Lions who volunteered to do this Highway Pick-up in 2010 are:
Arnie and Deb Abel, Don Andersen, Cas Borszowski, Bob Draeger, Stu Duchow, Darrel Dunbar,
Vern Hanke, Phil Kirk, Todd Mallasch, Art O’Keefe, Bob Penny, Charles Posnanski, Dave and
Joan Pogrant, and Don Westley.
Our Stuff....
has been moved from the Legacy Seed warehouse to Triple Q mini storage in King. Lion Bruce
Ceranski was more than generous in allowing us to keep our tables, chairs, float, etc. in his
building the past couple of year. Thanks Bruce! His warehouse is now in the process of being
sold which is why we had to find a new home for “our stuff”.
1st Annual Big Buck Contest.......
is over and those who entered need to get their antler measurements to me before the start of our
Christmas Party. We will pay the winner that night. (And I suppose we will have to listen to
your account of just how big this deer was, how the ground trembled with each step the behemoth
took, and I imagine the rack on this Boone and Crocket record buster blotted out the sun too.
Me???? Only deer I saw was on Thursday when I walked out my back door. Had a
deer about 40 yds broadside and stupid. All it did was stand there and look at me and the only
weapon at my disposal was a dead turkey carcass I was putting in the garbage)
Please remember to save your deer hides for the Lions Camp.
Lion Dale
November 2010 Newsletter:
Dates to remember:
November 1st - Meeting at Simpson’s. There will be a board meeting following the regular
November 15th - Meeting at Simpson’s
November 5th and 6th are the dates for the 27-B2 district convention. As of Oct. 15th,
preregistration has ended, however you can register on site the day(s) of the convention. The
convention is being held at The Meadows Convention & Conference Center in Green Bay.
December 6th, Monday is our annual Christmas Party at Simpson’s. Cocktails 5:30 - 6:30 and
our meal will be served at 6:30. I have a sign-up sheet that will be passed at the next 2 meetings.
If you cannot attend either of these meeting and wish to go to the Christmas Party, give me a call
at 258-7833. Leave a message if I’m not there.
January 4th, Tuesday will be our first blood drive for The Community Blood Center. The blood
drive will be held at The Village Plaza Mall (Team Outfitters parking lot) hours will be from 3:00
- 6:00 PM. We had 13 Lions show interest on a sign up sheet a few months ago. If everyone
that signed up, along with their spouse, and maybe a few more of us donated we could reach 30
units of blood.
November means deer hunting and donating your deer hides to the Lions Camp. Since this
project started 1991 the Wisconsin Lions Clubs have raised over $275,000 for the camp. Lion
Dick Helbach is the contact for donating hides in the Waupaca area. You can drop your hides off
at his house or contact him at 258-3366.
And speaking of deer hunting. Is there any interest in a 1st Annual Waupaca Lions Club big buck
contest? Five dollar (???) entry fee, largest rack wins (as measured at widest point of rack,
outside dimensions) Deer must be harvested during the 9 day gun hunt. Winner splits pot with
the Waupaca Lions Club. Our Nov. 15th meeting would be the last opportunity to sign up. All
entries submitted would be on “your honor” system. Think about it and we will discuss at the
next meeting.
Lions Club Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
November 13 Jerry Lyons & Dave Nellis
December 1 Deb & Arnie Abel
January 8 TBA
Call Lion Vern Hanke (715-258-7180) if a substitute is needed.
The confusion over our Piggly Wiggly Piggy Bank is over. We now have our own box to deposit
our receipts in. The box is located (as you are walking out of the store) on the left bank of boxes,
3 rows up, and 2 rows from the left. If you see the County Line Trailblazers sticker, our box is
just to the left of theirs. Piggly Wiggly will donate 1% of the receipt totals to our Lions Club.
Thanks to Lion Don Anderson getting this going for us.
While digging around in the bottom of the “Official Lions Club Presidential Attache Case”, I saw
an oversize manella envelope postmarked from 4 decades ago. It was sent by the County Post
and postage was a dime. The address was written as “Roy Wendt Waupaca, Wis” No zip, no
street address. Apparently he got it! (Try that now!) One of the items in the envelope was the
picture below. It is a photo taken of the members of the 1937-38 Waupaca Lions Club. The
backdrop is the Delevan Hotel which was on the corner of Main and Union.
Is this the last time a membership picture has been taken??? Next June at the fly in breakfast,
when we have most everyone together we should do this. Lion Todd, will you remember to bring
your camera?
Whew, this was going to be a short newsletter. Got it wrong again.
Lion Dale
October 2010 Newsletter:
Dates to remember for the month:
October 4th meeting at Simpsons. Our guest speaker for the evening will be John Mastalir. Lion John will give us a presentation on what’s new with the Wisconsin Lions Foundation. He will also give us the latest information on the 27 B2 convention scheduled next month.
There will be a board meeting immediately following the regular meeting.
October 18th will be a special meeting for us.
District Governor Dave Polashek will be our guest for the evening. I urge all of you to make plans to attend this meeting so everyone will benefit from our District Governors message.
To save DG Dave another trip to our area the Weyauwega / Fremont Lions will also be with us for joint meeting that night.
In order to show proper courtesy and respect for our governor.
Here is an excerpt from the Lions protocol manual;
All members should rise when the Governor is introduced to speak. This shows proper honor to the office and proper recognition for his efforts in your behalf. At the conclusion of the talk, all members should applaud the Governor with a standing ovation.
For many year Lions Club Member have faithfully served as volunteers helping the Waupaca Recycling Center city workers. Every second Saturday of the month two Lions are scheduled for duty for which our club receives $25.00. This is a community service and adds $300.00 per year to our Lions Club treasury
and lets the community see the Waupaca Lions “at work” in Waupaca.
Lions Club Recycling Center Volunteer Schedule
October 9
Art O’Keefe & Mike Waldschmidt
November 13
Jerry Lyons & Dave Nellis
December 11
Deb & Arnie Abel
Call Lion Vern Hanke (715-258-7180) if a substitute is needed.
The annual fall workday at the camp in Rosholt is scheduled for October 23 rd. If you can spare a Saturday to help out with the dock removal, raking, and generally putting the camp to bed for the winter,
call Dale Schroeder at 877-463-6953 or e-mail him at for more information.
You must register for this workday before October 14th.
Adopt-A-Highway Pick Up
The third and final pickup for 2010 will be at 4:00 P.M. on Monday October 18th prior to our club meeting. For more info contact Lion Vern Hanke at 715-258-7180.
We have a new Lion in our midst.
Steve Klismet was installed as our latest Lion during the September 27th meeting.
Lion Steve has been the manager of the Waupaca Mobil Travel Center for many years.
And speaking of membership:
Last May at the Lions State Convention it was mentioned that in the previous year, the Lions membership in 27 B2 had decreased by 116 members. This was considered good news when compared to previous years.
In order to boost membership, I would like to challenge everyone to bring at least one prospective member to a meeting this year.
A positive gain of 2-4 members this year is a realistic goal for our club.
Sometime in the month of November we will be scheduling a blood drive.
This will be in cooperation with the Community Blood Center.
More info will be available by our next newsletter.
The 27 B2 District Convention is scheduled for November 5th and 6th
at The Meadows Convention & Conference Center in Green Bay.
There is a registration form in the latest Wisconsin Lion.
Lion Dale
September 2010 Newsletter:
September dates to remember:
Due to the Labor Day holiday our regular monthly meetings will be held on Monday Sept. 13th
and Monday Sept. 27.
There will be a board meeting on the 13th.
Sometimes the news in our small publication is not news we wish to hear. It is with great sadness
that we have lost one of our own. In case you had not heard, Lion Bob Niemuth passed late
last July. According to our membership directory, Bob had been a Lion since 1977 and was a
Melvin Jones fellow. He and his contributions to Lionism will be greatly missed.
August has been a busy month for us with multiple community service projects and the steak fry
at the Lions Camp in Rosholt.
August 7th was the Foundry Picnic. For the first time in years the foundry had a change of
venue, the picnic was moved to Swan Park. With this move the foundry expanded their activities
(kickball tournament, dunk tank, etc.) which increased our responsibilities, resulting in our being
spread quite thin. In order to meet these expanded chores next year, we will be needing participation
from more of our members. Also, be prepared to be asked to take on the cooking responsibilities
(as of now, just a possibility) at next years picnic.
Lions working at the picnic were: Pohlcat and his friend Mr. Smith, Tom Schneekloth, Mike
Tenant, Cas Borszowski, Andy Wendt, Dave and Joan Pogrant plus their Grandson, Denny Daniels,
Stu Duchow, Todd Mallasch, Mike Waldtschmidt, and Chuck Krueger. The Lioness’s were
there also. Thanks to all that helped. My apologies to anyone I may have missed, I was in a scoring
tower all afternoon for the kickball tourney and may have omitted someone.
Waupaca Lions Club
P.O. Box 171 - Waupaca, WI 54981
September 2010 Newsletter
Monday,August 9th was the annual steak fry at the Lions Camp. There was a very good turnout
from the Waupaca Club. I believe we had approximately 60 (including spouses) from Waupaca
in attendance. Thanks go out to Lions Dave Johnson and Don Anderson for making that night
August 13th and 14th was our “Candy for Camp” days. Once again Lion John Edlebeck organized
this event. As soon as information about man hours and who worked these 2 days become
available, I will get it in the next newsletter.
August 20th and 21st brought us the Waupaca Triathlon. Our commitment for this weekend is to
aid in traffic control and parking cars at South Park. Lions Dave and Joan Pogrant were the driving
force for this 2 day event.
Lions working shifts at South Park were: Mike Waldschmidt, Wayne Visentin, Don Gillis, Tom
Schneekloth, Bob Draeger, Dave and Joan Pogrant, Art O’Keefe, Dick Helbach, Lee Pohlman,
Darrel Dunbar, Arnie and Deb Abel, Vern Hanke, Wayne Much, Stu Duchow, Andy Wendt, Cas
Borszowski, Phil Kirk, and Dave Neelis. According to Lion Dave everything went smooth and
the weekend was a success. A total of 86 man/hrs were tallied. Thanks to all that helped.
On Friday evening of the Triathlon, we also had a few Lions helping the Lioness’s with the potato
bake-salad toss-melon munching food line. Lions Denny, Vern, Darrel, and Myself spent the
evening helping stock the beverage tanks and cutting water melons and gutting cantaloupe for
the athletes and spectators.
Saturday, August 28th was the Rod and Custom show held at South Park. Lots of cool cars there
again this year. One of the many winners at this years show was our very own Lion Rex, his car
won best in class. Congrats!
Our effort for the show is cooking burgers and brats. The Lions holding onto the business end of
spatulas and tongs (cooking) were Lions Don Westley, Cas, Jim DaWalt, Mike Tenant, Polcat,
Dan Losby, Wayne Much, Brian Godfrey, and Rex Evchuk. Special thanks to Jim DaWalt, Mike
Tenant, and Polcat. They loaded and hauled the tables, cookers, and other equipment to and from
the park.
If you buy groceries from Gary’s Piggly Wiggly you might know of the “Piggly Wiggly Piggy
Bank” program. By depositing your Piggly Wiggly cash register receipt in one of the many
boxes dedicated to local charitable organizations, Piggly Wiggly will donate 1% of the receipts to
that group. Lion Don Anderson has started a piggy bank account for us. However, there are not
enough boxes for the amount of groups signed up for this program. The receipts for the Lions
Club should be turned in to the service desk and whoever is working there will put our receipts
into an envelope for us. Next time you do your shopping at “The Pig”, please turn your receipts
in. Every little bit helps our efforts
August 2010 Newsletter:
Attention Board of Directors; There will NOT be a board meeting at Simpson’s on August 2nd. The business we could not conduct at the steak fry meeting will now wait until the September board meeting.
Our annual steak fry was July 12th at South Park. Once again the weather was perfect, the beverages cold and a good time was had by all. Thanks go out to Lions Dave & Joan Pogrant, Cas, Pohlcat, and Stu who arrived early to help set things up. This year, Lions Deb and Arnie Abel took over organizing the evening and did a great job. My apologies to anyone I may have omitted.
Well the very busy month of August is upon us. During the next four weeks we have a steak fry and four fund raisers. Everyone's help is needed, please do what you can to assist with these projects.
The August dates to remember are:
Saturday, August 7th. Foundry picnic at Swan Park.
We need 14-16 people to work the bingo tent, keep beverages stocked, drive tractors, and handout the gifts to the foundry employees. The picnic starts at 12:00. We need to be there about 1/2 hr. before this time to get bingo prizes organized, etc. If you can help, please call Lion Dick Helbach @ 258-3366. Remember, the picnic is at Swan Park. NOT at the Conservation Club as in previous years.
Monday, August 9th: Annual Lions Camp steak fry in Rosholt with Weyauwega/Fremont and Manawa Lions. If you plan to attend be sure to call Lion Dave Johnson @ 258-7440 to sign up before August 6th. Be sure to bring your own plates, silverware, seasonings, napkins, etc. All food and beverages are provided at the camp. Wagon ride tours of the camp will start around 4:30 and the meal around 6:00. If you have not had the opportunity to see our Lions Camp, you should take advantage of this evening and come to Rosholt.
Friday and Saturday August 13th & 14th: Candy for Camp. Lion John Edlebeck will be calling you to set up times and business locations for this fund raiser.
Friday and Saturday, August 20th and 21st- Waupaca Triathlon at South Park. Lions Dave and Joan Pogrant are organizing our duties at this event. If you have any questions, call Dave @ 256-4096. Dave will be contacting you about a week before the Triathlon with your work schedule.
Saturday, August 28th- Waupaca Rod and Classic Show at South Park. Six to eight people are needed to cook burgers, brats, and hot dogs. Help will also be needed to haul tables and other necessary equipment to and from South Park.
A new twist at this years show is the possibility of the Lions cooking breakfast, too. I had a conversation with Stu Mcintyre from the snowmobile club and it was agreed to look into this. The tentative plans are to cook sausage patties and eggs (scrambled or with egg rings) to be served on an English muffin or Biscuit. Nothing will be finalized until after the snowmobile club has their meeting in late July.
I will send the September newsletter out early enough to let everyone know what time we get started for the Rod and Classic Show.
Please call Cas Borzowski @ 256-0451 or Mike Tenant @ 258-9891 to let us know you will be there to help.
Due to the Labor Day holiday our September meetings are tentatively scheduled for the 13th and 27th. More on this in the next newsletter.
Lion Dale
A reminder: I have started sending our monthly newsletters via e-mail to anyone who would prefer receiving it that way. Sending newsletters via e-mail saves time, paper, envelopes, and postage. Also, if you do not archive your newsletters it is less paper for you to have to recycle. This is 100% voluntary. If you wish to get your newsletters via e-mail please send me an e-mail and let me know. My address is;
Last month I gave our Lions Club web address as; Lion Todd told me a much easier address to remember and type which will get you to our web site is:
Since I have a little room left on this page, here’s a partial news story. Today, 7/20/10 I received a phone call from Pam Mohr at Lions International. Seems we are going to have a national, (oops, correction) a world wide celebrity on our hands This Lion will be having his/her picture published the Lion magazine. Some questions come to mind with this news. Will this Lion let stardom go to his/her head? Is it proper and appropriate to levy a quarter fine because of their newly found fame ??? A dollar??? In honor of having his/her picture published in the Lion Magazine, I would like to take this opportunity to be the first to congratulate Lion....?
July 2010 Newsletter:
July brings us the start of another year in Lionism. New officers, new directors, and new challenges as the year progresses. As this years president I hope to be able to meet these challenges and with the help of everyone I’m confident we as a group will.
Lion news;
We have survived another fly-in breakfast and a much deserved “Thank You” to everyone that was there. By my unofficial count we had approximately 47 Lions there working in the trenches. A very good turnout and to my knowledge no major problems arose, unless you want to count the terror stricken paralyzing panic that set in when the pancake machines wouldn’t light. Lions Don, Todd, Pohlcat, and Tom found the parts, got the them installed and the pancake machines were up and running. Whew!
Lion Brian has forwarded preliminary numbers to me from the fly-in. Our meal ticket sales were down approximately $600.00 from the previous years. However, in previous years we have been reinvesting some of our proceeds (about $700.00-$800.00 per year) into tables for the fly-in breakfast. There are no plans to purchase more tables, we have all we need, so this will help the bottom line. Brian says it will take a while to get all the bills in to finalize the financial report from the fly-in. Look for that report sometime in September.
Raffle ticket sales went very well this year. Our net for this years raffle is $1600.00, making it the best Fathers Day raffle we have had in the past 5 years. Good job selling those tickets.
During last week of May I had the pleasure to talk to Lion Carl Borchardt. Lion Carl told me he had put in a rough winter due to a couple of heart attacks and he is also on dialysis. Carl is working hard at rehabbing and is optimistic he will see all of us soon. Please keep Carl in your thoughts and we hope to see him soon.
Lions dates to remember;
July 12- Annual South Park steak fry. Starts around 5:00 and the charcoal will be ready to cook steaks around 6:00. To sign up for the steak fry call Lions Deb or Arnie Abel @ 258-2232 before July 8th. Be sure to bring your own plates, silverware, seasonings, napkins, etc. All food
and beverages are provided at the park. There will be a short board meeting prior to eating.
This will be the first time in years that Lion Don Westley will not be involved with organizing this event. Don decided it was time to hang up his ‘tater turnin’ gloves and let someone else take over. Thank you Don for the many years of organizing this event for us.
August 9th. Annual Lions Camp steak fry with Weyauwega and Manawa Lions. To sign up call Lion Dave Johnson @ 258-7440 on or before August 2nd . Be sure to bring your own plates, silverware, seasonings, napkins, etc. All food and beverages are provided at the camp. Tractor pulled wagon ride tours of the camp are available starting around 4:30.
Other August dates to remember are:
Early August is the Foundry picnic. People are needed to work the bingo tent, keep beverages stocked, drive tractors, etc. More info will be available next newsletter.
August 13th & 14th- Are the dates for our “Candy for Camp” sale. Please see enclosed flier.
August 21st- Waupaca Triathlon. Lions Dave and Joan Pogrant are organizing this. If you can help and did not have a chance to sign up for this, please call either of them @ 256-4096.
August 28th- Waupaca Rod and Classic Show. More info will be available next newsletter.
And finally, I am going to start sending our monthly newsletters via e-mail to anyone who would prefer receiving it that way. Lion Todd and I have talked about this and it is easy enough to do. Sending newsletters via e-mail saves time, paper, envelopes, and postage. Also, if you do not archive your newsletters it is less paper for you to have to recycle. This is 100% voluntary. If you wish to get your newsletters via e-mail please send me an e-mail and let me know. My address is; If you wish to continue receiving newsletters from the USPS, do nothing.
Starting this month our newsletters will now be archived on our web site making them available for reference. If you have not seen our web site, it can be seen at;
Lion Dale