
Please Visit the Warren Lions Club


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Warren Lions Club was chartered in the year 1947, and was instrumental in establishing Bradley County Medical Center, as it is now known.  Times and priorities change, but Warren Lions Club’s primary focus – vision correction and blindness prevention – remains constant.

Warren Lions Club’s newest addition in its arsenal against blindness is a preventative tool called a Photoscreener® vision screening camera.  With this device, Lions are able to perform vision screenings on the preschool children of Bradley and surrounding counties to aid in early detection of serious eye disorders.  Many of these disorders, if detected early (preschool), can be corrected.

The funds raised by Lions events will benefit all Lions community services, and are critical to ensuring funds availability for Photoscreener® film and other supplies, as well as providing corrective eyewear and/or optometry exams for those with a valid financial need.

Warren Lions Club is always looking for new members willing to volunteer in the Lions worthy cause.  Membership is by invitation only.  If you or someone you know is interested in Lionism, please contact any member for an invitation to be our guest at a regular meeting.  We meet at the LumberJack Café on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month at noon.   


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