Wake Forest Lions Club is affiliated with Lions Clubs International, a global service club with over 1.4 million members worldwide. Wake Forest Lions Club was chartered on September 3, 2008, and our members are a diverse group of active service- minded men & women who are working to improve our community through monetary support and service projects. We are your friends, neighbors, and community leaders ready to help our community. In concert with many Lions Clubs in North Carolina, we support numerous projects including Camp Dogwood for the Blind, the Annual VIP (Visually Impaired Person) Fishing Tournament, Brighter Visions, and the Boys & Girls Club at Lake Waccamaw.
Interested in learning more about us and joining our club? Please call Lion Glenda Grant at grgrant28@gmail.com or Lion Glenn Day at glennday@nc.rr.com.
Wake Forest Forest Fest 2025 is almost here! The date is Saturday April 26!. Wake Forest Lions Club has been invited to host a table this year and we will be making bird feeders from egg cartons and soda bottles to give away to attendees. Attendees will also recieve information on local backyard birds and kids will recieve a free pair of sunglasses. Come by to see us & get to know more about us!
Wake Forest Lions Club members volunteer to help pack weekend food bags for Northeast Backpack Buddy program. These food bags are are delivered to area schools weekly and are distributed food insecure students to take home for the weekend. Heritage High School Leo Club also assists us.
Wake Forest Lions holds biannual food drives at Wake Forest Walmart for Tri Area Ministry Food Pantry
Wake Forest Lions Club participated in the LCI Peace Poster Contest. We had 2 students enter posters in the District 31S contest
Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser at the American Legion in Wake Forest
Wake Forest Lions Club hosts their annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser in the Fall Lots of good fun and fellowship.
September is Color Blindness Awareness Month!
Color Vision deficiency or color blindness is a vision disorder that usualy affects men. Each year Wake Forest Lions Club partners with Enchorma to provide FREE color vision glasses to 2 qualifiying individuals! .
Be sure to check out Wake Forest Lions Club this September at Good Neighbor Day at Joyner Park!
Wake Forest Lions Club members provide the funds for the food to be served at Wake Forest Community Table and help serve the meals as one of our service projects.
Wake Forest Lions Club provides free Childhood Vision Screening to area Preschools. We use the PlusOptix portable vision screener which is programed to detect vision probems in children.
Wake Forest Lions Club filled 45 valentine Bags fo rthe NC Boys & Girls Home of Lake Wacamaw, NC.
Every year for the past 3 years, the Wake Forest Lions Club has participated in the Triangle Vision Walk. In 2020 and 2021, the walks were virtual so we all walked on our own to raise money for the Foundation Fighting Blindness Triangle Vision walk. Beginning in 2022, the Walk was held at Pullen Park in Raleigh. Above is a photo of our booth and our team. Since we started participating in the Vision Walk, our team has raised over $1500 for FFB.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.