

The Waiuku Lions Station is the clubhouse and headquarters of the Lions Club of Waiuku

The Waiuku Lions Station is the clubhouse and headquarters of the Lions club of Waiuku.

The Lions Club of Waiuku is your local branch of the largest volunteer service organisation in the world. Lions Clubs International, with almost 1.4million members in over 200 countries across the globe. Wherever there is a need, you will find a Lion.

The Lions Club of Waiuku was Chartered on 2nd April 1966 after being formed on 11th November 1965. The Lions motto is “We Serve” and Waiuku lions have served their community in a myriad of ways over the past almost 60 years. Look around Waiuku and you will 

see evidence of some of Waiuku Lion’s Club service to the community. These include: the town centre clock, the Lions lake, and the Sandspit BBQ shelter.







The less visible service is every bit as important. Waiuku Lions Club has raised funds through Projects to support individuals and groups in a myriad of ways. Examples of these are: beds and TVs for the local hospital, contributing to the development of the local skate park, security doors on pensioner bungalows, funds for Waiuku Family Support and Surf Life-Saving, as well as helping send young people on educational and personal development journeys around the world. To find out how we raise our funds, please visit our Club Projects page.

If you are interested in joining the Waiuku Lions Club, #Waiukulions

you can find an application form to download here.

For more information please go to our "Contact Us" page where you will find details of local Club officers, or you can come along to one of our meetings and see what we get up to for yourself!





For more about Lions Clubs, go to


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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