Vereeniging Lions Club
- South Africa
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We are proud to inform you that with effect from Saturday 09 September, there will be a Lions book stall at River Square on the second Saturday of the month, run on our behalf by Val Harris. So raid your shelves folks! Let a Lion know if you need boxes or bags picked up.
All proceeds as usual to Lions projects.
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Remember, Remember
The Fifth of November
Contact any Vereeniging Lions Club member for bookings or contact Teresa 082 306 0464
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Here is what we have been busy with:
August 2017:
Monthly meeting and we had a visitor attend. Although we had a lot to get through at the meeting, we still made time for fellowship
Monthly donation of washing powder to childrens home
Monthly donation of toilet paper to childrens home
Operation Brightsight - 4 people taken to our local optometrist for eye testing. Specs to be supplied by Operation Brightsight
Donations of soft toys to Cupcakes for cancer
Diabetes screening at local mall, tested over 90 people on the day
Leeuhof Bingo in association with IAHV at Leeuhof Community Centre for the disadvantaged. Prizes consisted of warm blanets and food hampers
Monthly Bingo at Caddy Corner in Three Rivers (Berg Street)
Chicago visit - 2 members of the club, whilst in Chicago, visited with Lion Gary Mitchel of the West Coast Lions
Donations of knitted beanies and teddies to Alpha Trauma Centre
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Vaal Highland Festival and Gathering
31st March - 01st April 2017
The Vaal Highland Festival event has become one of the largest events in the Vaal area. This year, 2017, the event is being organised by a committee comprising the following non profit Organisations, namely;
-Lions Club
-Rotary Club
-Round Table
-St Luke’s Church
The aim of this event is to raise funds for various charities in the Vaal and all proceeds from the event will be given to a number of charities nominated by the committee. We have also a number of churches, schools, charity organisations and private companies giving their support to this project.
One specific change to the running of this event has been the incorporation of company and private business stands for those who wish to advertise their products to the Vaal community, as well as private individuals who can display their skills in arts and crafts and product innovations. The Committee has also approved the event to be run over two days with the Friday being dedicated to a Festival of Singers from South Africa, and the Saturday being the Scottish Pipers and Dancers as the main attraction.
The event will take place over two days. The venue is the Dick Fourie Stadium in Vereeniging.
The events highlighted for this year are:
Friday 31 March: 14:00 – 22:00 Special stage event of South African singers.
Saturday 01 April; 09:00 to 16:30 Scottish Pipe Bands, Scottish Dancing, Medieval Sword Fighting 17:00 to 22:00 South African singers
The Pipe Bands that we staged last year were a great success and we are expecting a much larger contingent of Pipe Bands and Scottish Dancers this year.
Vereeniging Lions will have a spot at the Highland Festival, as usual, selling TASTING boerewors rolls as well as bacon rolls.
Hope to see you all there.
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Our Legacy project for the year is:
Our Legacy project for this year is "Supporting the Conservation of Bees"
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DG Bernd Gerhard attended our meeting with his wife Shirley, 13 December 2016
Above: DG Bernd and LP Suzanne exchanging banners.
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13 December 2016, DG Bernd Gerhard inducted a new member to our club.
Mervyn Gabriel
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A "Lions Helper" shirt was given to our young group.
Thank you to the young ladies and gentleman for all your hard work.
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The Vereeniging Lions Club consists of 10 members and operates in Three Rivers and surrounding areas, South Africa. Our main focus is sight conservation, caring for children with special needs, and looking after the needs of those in need in our community.
We would love to increase our membership with members of the public that would like to "Serve" in our Community... come and join us at some of our Projects to share the exhilaration of making a difference in the lives of others - you can send us an email to
Here is a little bit of what we do:
For over 30 years we have run our annual River Day, when we take around 70 less fortunate children to the Riviera Aquatic Club, where they have a full day of fun in the sun, with breakfast, swimming, boat rides, a jumping castle, hamburgers, ice lollies, juice and of course a goodie bag to take home. This is a day eagerly anticipated by the children who attend, and the fun they had is a topic of discussion for weeks! This time they had lots of fun dancing with the ladies from Boots and Hats: and some of the more daring even went on a jetski!
In conjunction with IAHV (International Association for Human Rights) we had a very successful Health Day at Leeuhof, when 92 people were screened for diabetes, and over 60 folk had vision screening, some of whom were given reading glasses there and then, courtesy of Clicks Three Rivers.
We had the privilege to having the SPOT machine in our club for a few days. This machine was imported specially for the use of the clubs of District 410B, this is a vision screening machine which can detect eye problems such as myopia, astigmatism, etc within 30 seconds!
Over 1800 Children and staff from various schools and children's homes were tested where 10% were given a letter informing them of the need for further examination and help in seeing properly.
The schools and homes that were tested with the SPOT machine were;
Laerskool Handhawer
Laerskool Unitaspark
Laerskool Totius
Milton Primary School
Pinedine Primary School
Sedibeng Children's Haven
Doulos Centre
A special mention needs to be made to Lions Louis van Rensburg from Potchefstroom Lions Club, tester extraordinaire.
We have run 5 very successful Diabetes Awareness and Testing Days at River Square, testing over 500 people, some of whom were in need of further treatment. Pathcare supply all the testing materials and we are very grateful for this.
We also assisted the SANBS with blood collection on some of those days.
The community of Leeuhof have also been assisted: we have run bingo afternoons for residents, with tea, sandwiches and food parcel prizes. We held a Street Store morning, where folk were able to come along and choose from a wide array of clothes and shoes: all free!
We have taken Sukasambe Home under our wing this year. This is a local home which provides 24/7 care for 23 cerebral palsied children, some of whom are wheelchair bound or bedridden. This year the club has arranged for the repair of their washing machines, and sliding doors too. New curtain rails have been supplied, and donated curtains hung. In addition we have delivered every month enough toilet rolls and washing powder to cater for their needs. The Easter Bunny visited too, bringing much joy! And each child and helper received a cosy blanket for the colder months. A TV and DVDs were also donated, as were several sets of bedlinen. Mealiemeal and oats were also supplied. Each child will receive a hamper of groceries on 09 December, to take home for Christmas, as well as a knitted Minion! And each helper will receive a comfort pack. The club was the recipient of a certificate of appreciation from the home for our help.
We have also assisted Sedibeng Children’s Haven in different ways - toilet rolls, washing powder, children’s games and sports equipment - even two pairs of hair clippers, which were received thankfully!
We are Gift Wrapping this December, we will be outside Dischem at River Walk from 16th to 24th December, with lots of pretty paper, ribbons and bows, to make your Christmas shopping easier. Come and see us!
At our Multiple District Convention in Ballito, our club was privileged and proud to receive these District-wide awards:
The Roger Skudder “WE SERVE” award
The Josh Schutz DIABETES award
A Three Diamond Centennial award
Visit our Facebook Page: Vereeniging Lions to see what we are doing.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.