
Welcome to the online home of the Vallejo Executive Lions Club!  

If you are looking for assistance with your cause, please visit the Application for Assistance link on the left. For more information about the Vallejo Executive Lions, please read on! The Executive Lions undertake a variety of projects and activities. These include:

RECRUITING: We are always looking for new members to join our club. 

LEOS: We mentor high school students. We currently have students from Vallejo High School participating in the Leos program. The goal of the Leos is “to provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community.”

FUNDRAISING: Currently we have two major fundraising activities – a Crab Feed and a Golf Tournament. They require a significant amount of our volunteer time and effort. We also explore new and innovative fundraising techniques.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: With the funds we make through our fundraisers, we offer assistance to local non-profits and needy individuals. We focus on eye care, recreational, and educational services for the elderly and youth.

EYEGLASSES COLLECTION: We collect old eyeglasses, cell phones, and small electronics. You may drop these items off at several local locations. The Vallejo Senior Center at 333 Amador St. is one location. For a complete list of locations go to

SCHOLARSHIPS: The Executive Lions provide scholarships to local high school students. Last year we provided five $1,000 scholarships to students from the Leos program.

SENIOR EYE SCREENING: We conduct free eye screenings for senior citizens, typically at senior center complexes. Lions volunteer their time to assist with the screenings.

CHILDREN EYE SCREENING: Local Lions Clubs have access to, and are trained to operate, PediVision eye screening devices. The PediVision cameras have been used in several schools throughout the Bay Area. The devices are able to detect potential eye sight problems. Lions volunteer their time to go to the schools and operate the devices.

LIONS IN SIGHT: Lions In Sight has been designated as the Recycling Center ( for eye glasses) for the Western United States. “Old” eye glasses are collected at this location and sorted. The eye glasses are then provided to children and the poor in undeveloped countries.

The Lions In Sight Warehouse is located at 1404 Lemon Street in Vallejo, CA. The warehouse is staffed by Lions volunteers.

LIONS INTERNATIONAL: We are club within Lions International. For information on other Lions Clubs and activities go to



Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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