
Udora Leaskdale Lions 


TO CREATE and foster a spirt of understanding among the peoples of the world 
TO PROMOTE the principles of good government and good citizenship
TO TAKE an active interest in civic .cultural , social,and moral welfare of the community 
TO UNITE the clubs in the bonds of friendship ,good fellowship and mutal understanding 
TO PROVIDE a forum for the open dicussion of all matters of puplic interest ,provided that partisan politics and sectarian religion not be debated by club members
TO ENCOURAGE service minded people to serve their community without  personal financial reward . To encourage efficiency and to promote high ethical standards in commerce .industry, professions . puplic works and private endeavers.
LIONS AREmembers of the world,s largest and most active sevice club organization
LIONS AREpeople who have decided to give something back to their commuities 
LIONS AREpeople who cherish the freindship of their own ckub but who also feel a close kinship with fellow lions in more than 140 countries and areas throughout the world .
LIONS AREpatriotic , giving allegiance to their country while recognizing that all peoples must one day learn to live at peace
LIONS AREdecitated to maintaing thr highest ethical and moral standards in their club and in their personal lives 


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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