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Trinity Beach is located 20 km north of Cairns in the tropical north of Australia, in the State of Queensland.

Booking in for Dinner Meetings

 Visitors, please call Lion Shirley on 0400 743 550 to let us know you are coming so we can give you the welcome you deserve.

 Members, please remember that Lion Shirley advises Murraya of our numbers on Monday morning.  Unless you let her know that you can’t come, a meal will be booked in your name and the club will be billed for all meals booked.
 As we agreed earlier this year, Lion Treasurer Jan will bill those members who don't submit an apology, and don’t turn up at the dinner meeting, for the cost of the meal that was ordered for them.  In very exceptional circumstances, the board may decide to waive the charge, but that has to be the exception, not the rule. We can't afford to do otherwise.


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