Lions Clubs International
Lions Club Of Tiruchirapalli
Karumandapam - Club No:064344
Date of Web Host Creation : August 12th 2013
Webmaster - Lion R.RAVINDRAN
Lions Club of Tiruchirapalli Karumandapam, one of the Service oriented Club in Trichy, affiliated to Lions Clubs International. It was inaugurated on 30.05.2001. Over a period, the membership has grown to 30 active members. The members meet very often at various forums and promote healthy debate and discuss on many issues which paves the way for vital service activities.
The strength of the members is unity in diversity since all the members belong to various categories and various walks of life.
The contribution of the members is voluntary. Some contribute their free time, some by financial support and others with their talent and experience. These are the real assets of our club. It also grooms the members to develop leadership skills. The time, fund and team management gained through experience in Lionism helps the members to take up more responsibilities in various service activities of the club.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.