
  A successful Lions Club is good team. Everyone plays a role. Members do their part not to receive praise and glory but to achieve a common Goal. Being a Lion is so fulfilling precisely because we serve alongside people we know and like and share similar values with.

 – Wayne A.Madden Immediate International President



Welcome to the Lions Club of Thudiyalur (98246) Home Page on E-Clubhouse.

Lions Club of Thudiyalur is one of oldest and service oriented clubs in District 324 B5.

The Club was chartered on 5th January 2007 and has been proud to represent the Lions Clubs International within our community each and every day.

 Around 40 dedicated members serving our organization and community; we strive to make a difference in everything we do.  Club members come from all walks of life, self employed people, retired people,  Engineers, Auditors, Advocates, Real Estate Owners, Business Professionals, Financial Experts etc.,

The satisfaction of knowing that we can make a difference is why our International motto is:  We Serve.



Very few clubs in our District possess own Place and building, ours is one among them.

Our Club Hall has been constructed in about 30 Cents and has a Seating capacity of 100 persons. Apart from conducting our Regular and Board meetings, the Hall serves the poor and downtrodden also

For more about Lions Clubs, go to Lions Clubs International


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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