Here are some of the things our club has done recently:
- Dengue prevention walk and sticker campagn
- Assisted local residents with 200 eyeglasses eye exams
- Presented School Stationaries, bags to local low income school students at Thanamalwila area.
- Distributed fruit plants, seeds among the local residents to promote plantation in the area.
- Donated $MONEY to Heart patient
- Donated Wheel chair to a patient
- Offer a Buddha statue to a local temple
- Organized a seminar to assist local School children with grade 5 scholarship supplementary,
If you (or your friends or family members) would like to become involved in an upcoming project, or join our Lions Club, you can contact us in one of these three ways:
01.Call us at +94773103380
02.Email one of our and request more information
03.Send a letter to; Secretary, Lions Club,Siddhajeewa Ayurvidic Medical Centre
March 2016
Beach Cleaning Environmental Activity as a Centennial Service Challenge campaign project.
2015 December 12, Walk and sticker campagn organized by Lions Club Thanamalwila,
To serve our comunity to prevent degue fever and awarenes campagin.We thanks all the lions and the comunity peoples to participate this great activiy.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.